
Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

author:The world is in full voice

In her time, Teacher Qin Yi was the top of the film industry, and she was praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as "the most beautiful woman in China". If there had been social media at that time, she would have been permanently searched, and it was the kind with "explosion", but the piles were all the pain in her heart: being abused by her husband in the first marriage; the second husband was drunk and cheating, and the object was her own sister; she was suffering from cancer; the mother and daughter were out of harmony; the son suffered from mental illness, and the white-haired people sent the black-haired people... If her life experience is compiled into a TV series, the audience is afraid that they will feel that the screenwriter is sadistic for the sake of abuse, which is too unreal.

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

Even so, Teacher Qin Yi is always elegant and decent in front of real life and the camera, until his twilight years. Worthy of the old saying: "Life kisses me bitterly, but I return it with a song."

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

Teacher Qin Yi's second-married husband is also a famous movie star - Jin Yan. Born in South Korea, he moved his family to northeastern China for refuge and became a Chinese citizen. The young man was also very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately he became a scum later.

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance
Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

The family was also briefly happy. The daughter was born to Qin Yi's teacher and her first husband, and after marrying Jin, she changed her surname to Jin. Unfortunately, as an adult, her daughter became more and more estranged from her mother. According to Teacher Qin Yi's recollection, her daughter fell in love with a man with a family and a pair of children in the countryside and insisted on marrying him. Qin Yi advised her daughter to think clearly, but her daughter did not listen and married herself despite her mother's objections. Since then, the two have gradually broken off contact. Fortunately, teacher Qin Yi in his twilight years finally reconciled with his daughter.

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

(Daughter is also very beautiful)

The son is also an eternal pain in the mother's heart. Jin Jie had autistic tendencies when he was a child, and was later diagnosed with mental illness and could not take care of himself. The elderly teacher Qin Yi also has to feed medicine, haircut and bathe her dozens-year-old son, and his hardships can be imagined.

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

(The son likes to draw, and Teacher Qin Yi takes him out to sketch)

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

(Son's mother)

Qin Yi: A hundred years of ups and downs, a lifetime of elegance

(Schwarzenek bought a watercolor painting by Mr. Kim for $25,000.) )

After the death of her son (at the age of 54), Teacher Qin Yi enthusiastically devoted herself to public welfare. She donated her entire savings of 200,000 yuan after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, and was still starring in public welfare films at the age of 97.

Teacher Qin Yi's life of a hundred years allows us to see that in the face of life's ups and downs, people actually have choices.

The picture originated from the Internet and was invaded and deleted.

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