
Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

author:TCM Doctor Ying

Life is an important wealth for people, and the meaning of life for dandelions is to be tenacious, especially this season, which is the season of mass propagation of dandelions, and the time when dandelion water grows at its most vigorous is also the time with the most nutritional value.

For dandelions, this wild vegetable, we can use it to cook soup to eat, you can also dry it after soaking water to drink, for our human body has many benefits, especially in this season the climate is relatively dry, drink more dandelion tea, can play a very good role in clearing heat and fire, can make our liver more healthy.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

Although dandelion is very conducive to the health of the human body, but at the same time it is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, so in the face of this wild vegetable, not everyone can drink, every day can drink to this day, may wish to follow my footsteps, let's discuss what kind of effect dandelion has?


Can dandelion tea be drunk every day?

Dandelions can not be drunk every day when drinking, because drinking too much will have a certain impact on our bodies, mainly because dandelions themselves are cold, if you eat too much, it will bring a certain burden to our gastrointestinal tract.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

Therefore, dandelion tea can be drunk about 4 times a week, and the amount of each consumption is preferably between 5 and 10 grams, which is the best amount to drink, when the body has a series of discomforts, be sure to stop drinking.


What are the functions and effects of dandelions that are worth drinking?

· Detoxify and detoxify

Dandelion is very suitable for use in a variety of heat detoxification and heat poison diseases, of which the effect of liver detoxification is very good, for the auxiliary some of the inflammation redness or swelling and pain caused by liver fever, as well as a variety of wound infections or suppuration of diseases, the auxiliary effect is also very good.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

· Beauty and beauty

Dandelion leaves contain a lot of protein, fat, trace elements and carbohydrates and vitamins, etc., often use dandelion soaking water, can be a good improvement of skin inflammation or eczema and other situations.

In addition to the dandelion leaves have certain benefits for the body, the flowers after taking the body is also a lot of benefits, women who used to often have brown spots can drink more, because the dandelion flowers can achieve the effect of removing spots.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

· Elimination of carbuncles

If the body has a high fever or bloated and toxic phenomenon is to wish you take more dandelion water in daily life, in addition to dandelion water for auxiliary milk has a good effect, postpartum women must take more, can play a very good role in lactation.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

In addition, dandelions can not only be taken internally, but also used externally, often with honeysuckle, can achieve a very good carbuncle dispersion purpose.

· Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial

Some of the nutrients contained in the leaves of dandelions have a certain inhibition purpose for typhoid bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus, so you can use dandelions to soak in water when you are fine, because this still has many benefits for the body.


Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

"Dandelion + Osmanthus"

Dandelion and clear fire diuretic anti-inflammatory sterilization, fresh breath, relieve pharyngitis gastritis and hepatitis, and osmanthus mild can not only neutralize the cold of dandelion, but also achieve cough and phlegm health, moisturize the lungs to relieve dry mouth, dry tongue, gastrointestinal discomfort, remove oral odor and moisturize the skin.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

"Dandelion + Rose"

And two grams of dandelion roots, one gram of rose petals, can be made into dandelion rose tea bags, take a pack of hot water to brew tea bags.

Dandelions and roses are a kind of medicinal and edible herbs, plant dandelions are slightly cold, and roses are mild, and the two can be combined to neutralize the cold and not dry, suitable for more people to eat.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

And roses have a very good effect on women, not only can promote the blood circulation of students, but also prevent dysmenorrhea during menstruation, and can also achieve the purpose of protecting the liver and warming the stomach.

"Dandelion + Goji Berries"

Dandelion originally has a very good detoxification effect, and for some diseases caused by liver fire, such as woody species with dry mouth and tongue, etc., have a better effect, if you smoke, you can use dandelion to help dissipate and summarize the meridians.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

At the same time, if you use dandelions with goji berries to drink together in your daily life, you can achieve a good effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, and have a certain alleviating effect on some symptoms caused by the decline in liver function, such as their own visual fatigue, liver fire and so on.

"Dandelion + cloves"

Lilac flowers contain a large number of clove oil substances, with sparkling water can achieve oral freshness, remove bad breath in the temperature of the suppressed, healthy spleen and wind effect, if you use dandelion and refrigerator together to soak water to drink, can inhibit the breeding of Helicobacter pylori, can also remove stomach heat, relieve stomach pain, can also achieve the removal of blood vessel wall garbage, to ensure that blood vessels are unimpeded.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better


How to make dandelion tea best?

1, first of all, we prepare an appropriate amount of dandelion leaves, and then wash it with water, and then soak it with salt water for about 10 minutes, because the environment where dandelions grow will appear in a lot of soil and dust, under the soaking of salt water, a large number of dirty things can be removed.

2, clean the dandelion, you can cut it into small pieces for later, and then prepare a casserole for stir-frying, put it into the casserole to see the low heat slowly aligned for stir-frying.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

3, when stir-frying dandelions, we must pay attention to the grasp of the heat, because the grasp of the heat is a very critical thing, must not use the fire, can not use the real fire, but use the small fire for slow stir-frying, and so on to be fried until soft can be fished out.

4, in addition to the grasp of the heat is very critical, the control of time is also very critical, must not fry the dandelion for too long, otherwise it will lead to a lot of nutrient loss.

If you don't control it well, you can also choose to use steaming instead of frying, and put the clean dandelion into the pot for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Dandelion's "golden partner", insisting on soaking water to drink, the liver becomes rosy, and sleep is better

5, after the frying of the dandelion, everyone should put it aside, and then put it aside for spreading and drying for about three days, and after the auto parts are completely dried, they can be sealed and stored in the bottle.

6, when the dandelion is preserved, we must remember to put the dandelion in a good place before drying, can not be placed in a humid place for preservation, and when you need to drink, just take the appropriate amount of dandelion poured into the cup, and then use boiling water to brew, you can drink directly.