
Pick the spinach and clean and cut into sections, clean the lean meat slices, cut it in half, put the garlic inside, boil the heat and dry the water, pour in the peanut oil to taste, put the meat in the oil and stir-fry until it changes color, put salt, sauce

author:Foodie gossip
{"info":{"title":{"content":"菠菜摘好清洗干净切段,瘦肉切片清洗干净,切一半,蒜放里面,开火烧干水份,倒入花生油适量,油热放肉合算煸炒至变色,放盐,酱","en":"Pick the spinach and clean and cut into sections, clean the lean meat slices, cut it in half, put the garlic inside, boil the heat and dry the water, pour in the peanut oil to taste, put the meat in the oil and stir-fry until it changes color, put salt, sauce"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}