
#What is your best home cooking #My best home cooking is wood ear fried Huaishan, plus lilies, delicious and refreshing. The recipe is simple: Huaishan peels and washes, then slices. Blackwood


#What's your best home cooking#

My best home cooking is wood ear fried Huaishan, with lilies, delicious and refreshing.

This dish is simple:

Huaishan peeled and washed, then sliced.

Black fungus is first soaked in water and washed.

Fresh lilies are broken into slices and washed. Then put the oil under the pot and fry Huaishan first, stir-fry for a while, add the fungus, add the lilies, and finally add the celery, so that you can be on the pot. Well! The taste is good, please try it!

#What is your best home cooking #My best home cooking is wood ear fried Huaishan, plus lilies, delicious and refreshing. The recipe is simple: Huaishan peels and washes, then slices. Blackwood
#What is your best home cooking #My best home cooking is wood ear fried Huaishan, plus lilies, delicious and refreshing. The recipe is simple: Huaishan peels and washes, then slices. Blackwood
#What is your best home cooking #My best home cooking is wood ear fried Huaishan, plus lilies, delicious and refreshing. The recipe is simple: Huaishan peels and washes, then slices. Blackwood

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