
Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

author:Dr. Xin talks about health

As a common staple food, the same is a kind of rice belongs to the glutinous rice, black rice is a special variety formed by long-term cultivation of rice, black rice compared with the white rice we usually eat, higher nutritional value, low calories, belongs to the same source of medicinal food food, welcomed by many health care people. #爱乐养生 #

Black rice since ancient times has the reputation of "black pearl" and "the king of rice in the world", black rice has a long history of cultivation, is China's ancient and valuable rice varieties, dating back to more than 2,000 years of history, many people are very fond of drinking black rice porridge, eat black rice, especially weight loss people, because black rice has lower calories, casually eat a little more will not get fat.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

Such nutritious and well-concerned black rice, what benefits will it bring to the body by eating more? Let's take a look.


What benefits will eating black rice bring to the body?

1. Beauty and beauty

Love beauty is the nature of women, every woman hopes that they can look forever, compared to white rice, black rice nutritional value is higher, black rice outer anthocyanins can play a good antioxidant anti-aging effect.

Relevant data research found that the darker the color of black rice, the stronger the anti-aging ability, eat more black rice can enhance the body's antioxidant capacity, promote blood flow throughout the body, timely discharge the impurities in the blood vessels out of the body, maintain good health, reduce the residue of subcutaneous melanin, and achieve the effect of beauty and whitening of skin.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

2. Prevent constipation

Constipation has become a major problem that plagues many middle-aged and elderly people, long-term lack of exercise, frequent overeating, too little water and other undesirable reasons will induce constipation, if you let constipation continue to develop, if not suppressed, it will affect the health of the body.

People who often have constipation, diet can eat more coarse grains, which can improve the speed of gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, accelerate the excretion of feces, and effectively reduce the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Replenish energy

Black rice contains more carbohydrates and proteins, this substance can improve the body's metabolic capacity, eat more black rice, can provide energy for the body, maintain the normal operation of the body, and maintain good health.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

4. Assisted weight loss

Nowadays is an era of thin beauty, many people in the process of weight loss will have the problem of constipation, weight loss is the most feared is constipation, black rice is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, into the stomach, can add water for the intestines to enhance satiety, to a certain extent to improve gastrointestinal peristalsis function, laxative.

Black rice is extremely low in calories, eating more can also improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the burning and consumption of fat, and help you eat a good body.

5. Prevent atherosclerosis

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become the main killers that threaten human health, if you usually do not pay attention to it, you will be infected by the disease, moderate consumption of black rice, is conducive to maintaining cardiovascular health.

Black rice contains a large number of flavonoids, and its active substance is five times that of white rice, which has a great effect on preventing arteriosclerosis.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

6. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Black rice contains more selenium elements, is an indispensable trace element in the body, can promote the synthesis of proteins, improve the body's immunity, to a certain extent can play a role in anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect, effectively resist the spread and invasion of cancer cells.

Selenium element has a strong antioxidant activity, can resist the secretion of human oxygen free radicals, to achieve antioxidant and anti-aging effect, is a very good natural nutrition.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand


Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

Category 1: People with dyspepsia

Although black rice can play a laxative effect, for patients with indigestion, excessive intake of uncooked black rice will enrich the dietary fiber content in the body and increase the burden on the stomach and intestines.

For people with indigestion, regular consumption of black rice may lead to the occurrence of acute gastroenteritis, and for the sake of health, people with digestive problems are not recommended to eat black rice.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

Category 2: Patients with a cold and catching fire

Chinese medicine said: black rice is flat and sweet, not suitable for hot and dry people to eat, if it is in the cold fever stage, or the body on fire patients are best not to eat black rice, otherwise it will aggravate the accumulation of heat and fire in the body, easy to appear throat swelling and sore throat and mouth ulcers, increase the burden and pressure of the body.

Category 3: Patients with bleeding disorders

Black rice is a kind of sweet and flat ingredients, into the spleen and stomach two meridians, which is rich in minerals, such as zinc, iron, etc., but also contains a lot of protein, can play a role in activating blood stasis.

If a person has a bleeding disease problem, eating black rice at the time of the onset of the disease will cause the bleeding problem to worsen, which is not conducive to the recovery of the body.

Women should also avoid eating black rice during menstruation, which is easy to increase the amount of menstrual blood, which may cause problems such as anemia and loss of qi and blood.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

Category 4: People taking certain medications

With drugs have a strong antagonistic effect, there are more anthocyanins in black rice, this substance will release a large number of chemicals after combining with anti-inflammatory drugs, prone to nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort and other physical discomfort, increasing the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract.

Black rice contains a large number of heavy metal elements, when taking cyclolin drugs, it is best not to eat black rice flour, will be combined with metal ions, producing insoluble substances in water, is not conducive to body absorption, will also increase the burden and pressure of internal organs, resulting in reduced efficacy.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

Category 5: Patients with high ketones

Black rice contains a lot of copper, compared with other ingredients in the forefront, if high ketones patients eat more black rice in daily life, it will increase the level of copper in the body, causing certain harm to health. In order to ensure that the copper content in their own body can be in a stable state, patients with high ketones should do less in their daily lives.


Extension - Teach you a trick to make delicious black rice porridge with ease

1. Before making black rice porridge, you need to wash the black rice and soak the black rice in cold water for three hours.

2: Add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot, add the soaked black rice, and cook over low heat until the black rice is boiled and turn off the heat.

3, the black rice is filled with an appropriate amount of sugar to taste, so that a simple and delicious black rice porridge is made.

Why don't you eat black rice casually, the doctor suggests: these 5 types of people should not eat more, I hope you understand

Drinking more black rice porridge can relieve muscle fatigue and restore physical strength, the carbohydrates contained in black rice are sugar, which can be converted into more glucose after entering the body to supplement the glycogen in the muscles, which has a good effect on relieving muscle fatigue and restoring physical strength.

Black rice can also play a role in strengthening the spleen and kidneys, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine dietary therapy, black rice into the spleen and kidney meridian for spleen and stomach deficiency caused by indigestion, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and diarrhea, kidney deficiency caused by back pain, frequent urinary urgency, increase and other symptoms have a good therapeutic effect, like to drink friends can make a bowl for themselves.