
What does your smile reveal about you?

author:Jessica's fashion everyday

There is no doubt that a sincere smile is a truly beautiful thing. However, although we laugh about eight times a day, research shows that: a) many people feel insecure about their teeth, and conversely, b) we are still not very good at taking care of our own teeth.

A survey conducted by OnePoll found that 57 percent of Americans feel so unsure about the appearance of their teeth that they cover their teeth when smiling or laughing. This anxiety about teeth doesn't happen only in the U.S., where Mintel reports that 30 percent of Britons are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their teeth, and 69 percent believe having significantly damaged teeth can affect their emotional health. Despite these concerns, it's clear that we're not doing enough to take care of our teeth. Nearly one in five people only go to the dentist after a problem has a problem (FYI: men are worse off than women in this regard), 29% admit to not seeing a dentist at all in the last six months, and only 63% actually brush their teeth twice a day.

Still, things are changing slowly but steadily, which is why the global cosmetic dentistry market is currently worth $18.79 billion and is expected to reach $32.73 billion by 2026. Dr. Rhona Eskander, cosmetic dentist and international lecturer, said: "The days of going to the dentist and blindly following the doctor's instructions are long over. Now that we are increasingly involved in every aspect of our lives and appearance, we are accustomed to mastering every decision that affects our health and beauty. ”

What does your smile reveal about you?

A shiny Instagram smile

When it comes to our teeth, that means our expectations are higher than ever; the current trend of teeth is super neat and surprisingly white — and perhaps, less shockingly — social media is fueling this trend. "People want their teeth to look like filters." "There are many Instagram and Snapchat filters that make noses smaller, lips fuller, teeth bigger and brighter," Eskander says. People are obsessed with seeing themselves like this, and they want to be like that in real life, even though it's actually impossible. It is for this reason that Instagram[2] announced in October that it would remove all augmented reality (AR) filters with plastic surgery effects. It remains to be seen whether this move will have any practical impact on how people , especially young, vulnerable adults — perceive themselves and what they desire to look like.

But what about the rest of us? Surely most people who are considering some kind of cosmetic dentistry just want to improve their existing appearance? After all, the Ross Geller-esque teeth we see on Instagram and reality shows aren't for the timid and discreet. "I think most people want to look more natural." Eskander says, "Whether it's facial filling or dental aesthetics, the future direction is fine-tuning, which is largely my own aesthetic; my work is minimally invasive." ”

The most popular beauty trends

"At the top of everyone's list is orthodontics." Eskander said: "People are still opting for fixed braces, especially the ones that can be installed behind the teeth. They are inconspicuous, but the disadvantage is that they are expensive and have the potential to cut the tongue. Eskander believes that invisalign — a transparent retainer that is easy to put on and take off — is the best example." By wearing Invisalign for 22 hours a day, you can straighten your teeth, it's that simple. Although Invisalign has been around for years, we continue to see many of its innovations. Invisalign has now ditched the complex molds in favor of iTero, a technology that scans teeth and immediately shows the effect at the end of treatment. In a digital world where we want everything to be done instantaneously, it's fantastic because it allows me to show patients what they can expect from the start.

Technology is constantly evolving. The kind of imaging technology we see in the Deepfake video (if you haven't seen the video of Bill Hader turning into Tom Cruise, then I suggest you take a look) is bound to revolutionize orthodontics. "Your smile is not static, so we need to make sure we think about what your smile will look like when you exercise, talk, and laugh before you start treatment." Eskander says. Digital Smile Design is a technology that uses your photos and videos to realistically display your new teeth and superimpose them on your face, perfectly "try before you buy" Invisalign will soon introduce the technology, which is thought to be a game-changer.

Note: Don't be induced into using a direct-to-consumer self-service orthodontic tool, your teeth need to be evaluated in real life by a real dentist before you can be confident that your gums and teeth are suitable for use with the orthosis. Eskander warns: "In rare cases, people actually have their teeth extracted because they have gum disease and are not suitable for this treatment. ”

Healthy teeth through dental techniques

Cosmetic teeth can't work wonders, so if your foundation is weak, you won't see the results you might expect. If you don't want to see caries, brush and floss at least twice a day without moving, but if caries does appear, new dental techniques prove to be an effective detection tool. "iTero can scan teeth and detect caries – no X-rays required. You can imagine how useful it would be if you were pregnant and couldn't get an X-ray. It was really amazing. Eskander said.

If you've ever tried to lie and fool a dental exam, you're sure to be surprised. The latest electric toothbrush isn't just content with cleaning, it can connect to apps on your phone so you can see at a glance what your brushing habits might be lacking. Toothbrushes such as Oral-B Genius X with Artificial Intelligence (£340) and Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected (£270) use motion sensors to analyze your brushing techniques and report feedback on areas for improvement. Eskander believes that dentists will soon be able to use this information as well. "Your dentist can collate your data through an app and then design a tailor-made brushing routine based on your needs.

What does your smile reveal about you?

Be wary of natural alternatives

Like most areas of the health and beauty industry, oral care is also feeling the impact of consumers seeking natural and organic products. However, unlike your daily skin care, the dental care you do at home is unlikely to benefit from natural products. For example, charcoal toothpaste should be avoided anyway.

"People are so obsessed with health that they adopt every epidemic." Eskander says. "Charcoal has advantages — for example, hospitals use it to neutralize the effects of poison — but it's useless in your daily dental care. At worst, it's too abrasive, stripping your enamel, damaging your teeth, and contaminating the white padding, and because it's black, you tend to scrub harder to brush it off. The best case scenario is that it does nothing and is a complete waste of money. ”

The future of teeth

The ideal of dentistry is teeth that can regenerate themselves. If this sounds like science fiction, you might be surprised to learn that the technology is gradually moving toward reality. Researchers at King's College London are looking at how stem cells in teeth can be mobilized to repair damaged or even regenerated tissue. They're still a long way from human trials, but perhaps in a decade or so, fillers, braces and crowns will be a thing of the past. It's definitely something to smile at.

What does your smile reveal about you?