
May 9, 2022 Zodiac Horoscope Broadcast, Good Luck Old Yellow Calendar

Daily Motto: To achieve your set goals, you must be able to withstand loneliness and go it alone.

Gregorian calendar: Sunday, May 8, 2022

Lunar calendar: Lunar calendar 2022 April (small) the eighth day of the first month

LiXia(May 5) Xiaoman(May 21)

Stem Branch: 壬寅 乙巳 辛酉 戊子

Gold book gold Covered with lights Pomegranate wood Thunderbolt fire

Genus: Tiger

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Lucky Zodiac Sign: Tiger Horse Sheep Pig

Unfavorable Zodiac Sign: Chicken Day Rushing Rabbit (乙卯)

On this day, the unitary and the rabbit are in opposition, that is, the chicken and the rabbit are in opposition, and the ground branch is the rabbit, according to the old yellow calendar, it is not very beneficial for people who belong to the rabbit, and it is not appropriate to do important things. This day is not very favorable for people who belong to the rabbit (B) genus. The gods are in the East, so be careful when you act in the East.

Increase the luck of the suggestion: today with the chicken self-punishment, with the rabbit collision, with the dog harm, with the snake, the sheep triad, with the dragon six.

Luck suggests: Zodiac chickens should make friends with cattle and sheep, because cows and sheep will be peach blossom nobles in the relationship of chickens.

Suitable: Marriage Certificate Burial Breaking Ground Praying for Blessings Sacrifice Marrying And Praying for Illness

Taboo: opening into the house, starting work, opening the market

Lunar Calendar Festival: Wash Buddha Release Festival, Birthday of the Bull King, Moon Jumping Festival, Solar Calendar Festival: World Red Cross Day

On that day, Dali belonged to rabbits, snakes, tigers, and horses.

Unfavorable dragons, chickens Pepsi do not use.

Shipping color: red, green auspicious.

Peng Zu Bai Jie: Xin Bu He Sauce Master Does Not Taste Unitary No Banquet Guests Are Drunk and Crazy

This day is dry and spicy, and the brewing industry should not brew sauce products, otherwise the owner will not be blessed to taste. Do not go to the banquet or go to the banquet, the guests are easy to borrow wine to cause trouble.

Chong: Chong Rabbit (乙卯) 寛東

Star: Zhang Yuelu

Julius Day: 2459713.5

Zodiac: Suzaku (Sopranos Day)

Ji Shen: Si Ming Yi Hou Yang De Remove God Xiang Ri Will Not Ming Dog

Fierce God: Heavenly Thief Robbery Five Voids Five Departures

Yang Guishen: Northeast

Yin Gui Shen: Due South

Fortuna: True East

Hi God: Southwest

Blessed God: Northwest

Fetal God: Southeast outside the kitchen stove door

Moon Order: Otomi

Month name: Meng Xia

Phenology: Grasshopper chirping

Moon Phase: Winding moon

Koda: Goushi Kota

Water Control: Eight Dragons Control Water

Gold: Seven days to get gold

Split: Two people split the cake

Liu Yao: Daan

In the morning, the fierce "first to win" means the first to win, so on this day, people do everything to speed up.

The Twelve Gods: Fixed

On this day, it is advisable to drink and agree, avoid medical treatment, litigation and selection of teachers. Yan drink is to fix a certain relationship and reach a certain consensus, the agreement is an agreement for both parties, so "fixed" day is appropriate to drink, agreement; medical treatment, litigation and teacher need to be adapted, the practice of sticking to the rules is doomed to fail and end, so "fixed" day to avoid medical treatment, ...

Twenty-Eight Stars: Oriental House Day Rabbit - Auspicious Day Star

Fang Xing made a pastoral advance, money and cattle and horses all over the hills, and even recruited a farm house outside, glorious and rich Fu Lu Kang, buried if on this day, high-ranking officials entered the worship of the king, married Chang'e to the Moon Hall, and held their sons to the court for three years.

Nine Stars of the Book of Hetuluo: Seven Reds - Xianchi Star (Jin) - Fierce God

I will be a salty pond, it is not appropriate, it is unfavorable to go in and out, and there will be disasters in each other. Born to the southeast, the day after tomorrow to the west

Gambling wastes land and wealth, disasters arise to seek a way to get rich, use false alarm to retreat, and repeatedly blow against the wind. The House of the Broken Army is called Su Xuan

Mother Earth Sutra: Poetry: Too old to be a year, high and low are abundant. Spring and summer are sweet, and autumn and winter are everywhere. Silkworm mulberry ripe Wudi, Gumai Yi Jiangdong. Mulberry leaves are not expensive, but silk is half abundant. Looking at the three autumns, the grains of rice are heavy. Although the people were happy, the six animals were slaughtered.

Bu Yue: The head of the tiger is worth the age, and it is in the field seedlings. The mulberry leaves are expensive, and the silkworm lady is free from sorrow. The rice is more fruitful, and the cultivator does not have to worry.

Gengzi 4, Xin Ugly 5, 壬寅6, 癸卯7,

Jia Chen 8, Yi Mi 9, C Wu 1, Ding Wei 2,

PengShen 3, Hexa unitary 4, Gengzhi 5, Xinhai 6.

The day is at the end of the day, the time of the day, the time of the sea.

Unfavorable sub-time, tatsu time, unitary time fierce.

The rest of the time.

Today's Gua Xiang: Smaller than Gua Xiang

Elephant: Pedestrians pass by the canoe bridge, and look at it with trepidation in their hearts, Shuangli Baobao can pass, and slow travel must be uneasy. This gua is a superposition of different gua (lower gun shang zhen). Gen is the mountain, the earthquake is the thunder, the thunder over the mountain, must not be afraid. Yang is large, yin is small, and the four yins outside the gua are more than the middle two yangs, so it is called "small over", and the small ones are crossed.

Career: Act cautiously and carefully, do not take risks, especially not to drill camps. But as long as you adhere to the proper behavior, you can bravely move forward, work hard, and broaden your horizons. However, we must grasp the scale and do not be ambitious, so as not to invite disasters. Adaptability is key.

Doing business: Do not have a good grasp of the market situation, you can first test it, and then converge on the behavior. Failure to do so can lead to danger. There should be no large-scale action, and there is no need to be timid. Steady and steady, gradual development.

Seeking Fame: We should follow the principle of Zhongzheng and the principle of step by step, and seek steady progress. Do not pursue a false name, but also have to take into account the actual situation to climb a high position.

Going out: [Out]: Carefully consider and make full preparations after going out, otherwise it is unfavorable.

Marriage: You should understand each other for a long time, and you should not act hastily.

Decision-making: Actions must be measured and stopped. At the peak of the time, we should prevent overdoing our work, and we should immediately restrain ourselves. Excessive will not be enough, but will invite disaster. All actions must be adapted to the strain, not stubborn.

Daily Proverbs: Excessive attention to others and the desire to be noticed by others, are quite tired, the habit of being alone is a good thing, and then found that later you want to rely on and want to contact less and less people, people also become calm and calm, not so tired.