
Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

author:Director of the Bureau of Exploration

Barbary Lion vs Bengal Tiger, one is once the king of all beasts in the animal kingdom, the other is the king of the hundred beasts that suppressed the Siberian tiger, if these two kings are one-on-one frontal hard anus, who will laugh to the end? In this issue, the Director of the Exploration Bureau will declassify it for you.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

In a previous article, the director analyzed the duel between the Barbary Lions and the Siberian Tigers, and the Barbary Lions won with a 55% probability. We all know that the Bengal tiger is the first largest tiger species stronger than the Siberian tiger, so what will happen when the Barbary lion meets the Bengal tiger?

1. Species introduction

The Barbary lion was once the largest subspecies of lion, mainly distributed in North African countries such as Morocco, Algeria and Egypt, and traveled throughout the Atlas Mountains, so it is also known as the "North African Lion" and "Atlas Lion". The prevailing view in the scientific community is that this majestic lion was extinct in the wild in the early 20th century, but there are still a few Barbary lions in captivity in some zoos, but after nearly a century of breeding, the blood has become less pure. I have to say, what a shame!

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

The Bengal tiger is the largest extant subspecies of tiger, mainly distributed in India, Bangladesh and Bhutan. Since ancient times, the Bengal tiger has been bred by the Indian royal family as a symbol of power, so it is also known as the "Royal Bengal Tiger". Due to the severe shrinking of the environmental environment of wild Siberian tigers, the wild Bengal tiger has now overstepping its position to become the largest tiger subspecies. However, even in ancient times, it was not as big as the Siberian tiger, but its combat effectiveness was recognized as the strongest tiger, far better than the Siberian tiger and the Caspian tiger. This is also why many large battlefields have chosen the Bengal tiger, and why KZT085 has become the spiritual pillar of many tiger blowing, but no Siberian tiger has achieved this achievement.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

2. Body size

The Barbary lion is generally considered to have been the largest subspecies of lion, but this wild lion has been extinct more than a hundred years ago, so now a lot of literature is human, there is little scientific basis, even the current Baidu Encyclopedia, is also plagiarized Google's Wikipedia. We all know the Westerners' set, which is really unconvincing. The Director personally believes that studying their remaining bones, compared with the bones of the descendants of barbaric lions in captivity or wild African lions, may be the most scientific and rigorous study. From these specimens we can see that wild Barbary lions weigh between 260-320 kg, have a length of 3.3 meters from head to tail, and have a shoulder height of 1.2 meters when standing. It has to be said that these scientific data are larger than the existing wild African lions. According to zoologists, the main reason is that the Barbary lion has more testosterone, which greatly increases the appetite and needs to eat more things, so the body size is naturally larger.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

Compared to barbaric lions, data on wild Bengal tigers are much easier to obtain, after all, they can be seen everywhere in India. By the 21st century, wild Bengal tigers had overtaken Siberian tigers as the largest tiger subspecies. Of course, the size of Bengal tigers varies from region to region, for example, the average weight of Bengal tigers living in Bangladesh is higher than that of those living in India. However, we can still look at the average data. According to measurements, the average weight of wild male Bengal tigers is 215 kg, the body length from head to tail is 3 meters, and the standing shoulder height is 1 meter. So it can be seen that the Bengal tiger is a smaller cat than the Barbary lion.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

3. Life habits

Why do we need to think about habitat? Because the habitat will indicate how these cats live, how they live and how they hunt, so that we can get more comparative information. Barbary lions roam mainly in the alpine mountains of North Africa, where there is relatively little prey, so this determines that their lifestyle is very different from that of African lions. According to studies, the barbary lion's lifestyle is closer to that of the Asiatic lion, with females forming small groups, while males usually live alone. They hunt barbary sheep, gazelles, wild boars and red deer, but this information is from legends and books, and there is no real film and television video.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

Then we look at the Bengal tigers. Most Bengal tigers live in northern India and prefer to roam deciduous and mangrove forests. There is a huge difference between a tiger and a lion in terms of lifestyle, and this creature hardly lives together except during the period of love and child-rearing. They have a strong sense of territory, regard everything within their territory as their own, even if humans step in, they will show their aggression, so there are many famous "man-eating tigers". These tigers are born without filial piety and conscience, and sometimes in order to compete for territory and food, children will not hesitate to kill or eat their parents. In normal times, Bengal tigers hunt alone and sneak out at night. Their favorite appetizers are small and medium-sized prey, including wild boar, elk, samba deer, and hares, but they are occasionally seen attacking buffalo, white-limbed bison, and elephants.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

4. Attack weapons

Weapons are a huge advantage for cats when fighting or hunting. When we got the report of the bones of the Barbary lion, it has been confirmed that the lion has 7.6 cm of canine teeth, 10.3 cm of claws, and a bite force of 1100 psi, which indicates that their jaw muscles are very strong. The Barbary lion has a larger skull, so the pressure should also be great. At the same time, the mane of the Barbary lion is larger than that of the average lion, and this thick layer of armor can withstand enemy bites and throat locks.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

The Bengal tiger is arguably the best big cat in its arsenal, with 7.8 cm long teeth, 10.5 cm claws and a bite force of 1050 psi. What's more, the tiger's hind leg muscles are very strong, able to support the entire body to stand and attack with its front paws. According to Tiger Blow, a Bengal tiger can slap 10 tons of force. The director couldn't help but think, 10 tons of force is not to smash the tank?

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

5. Fighting skills

Unlike African male lions, whose natural job is to fight and kill, barbary lions are not common in fighting. This is because most of these lions live alone, and they think not about how to kill their opponents every day, but how to fill their stomachs. Because once you are injured, tomorrow's dinner may not be settled. In North Africa, barbaric lions have no natural enemies, and the only ones who can affect them are atlas bears and barbary leopards. When hunting, barbaric lions rarely carry out ambushes, but instead rush directly to the prey from a long distance, and even if the prey escapes, they will circle the prey in the mountains until they dry up their opponents. It is speculated that the speed of the Barbary lion has reached 80 km/h and can maintain this speed for a long time.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

Bengal tigers are also solitary animals, and like the Barbary lions, they avoid strong opponents and move forward when they encounter weak chickens. Therefore, their prey is often relatively small, because these prey are relatively easier to kill. When hunting, Bengal tigers usually like to use their fur to hide, and then sneak close to their prey to deliver a fatal blow. If they catch their prey, they either bite off the vertebrae of their prey, or bite through the jugular veins or hold them down to suffocate their prey. Once the prey escapes, they rarely pursue, because their endurance is not good, and running for a long time will consume physical strength. According to measurements, the speed of the Bengal tiger is 50 km/h, and this speed can only be maintained for a short period of time.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

6. Muscles and bones

According to the bones of the Barbary lions, their muscle ratio is 60% and the bone density is 40%, while on the other hand, the Bengal tiger has a muscle density of 70% and a bone density of 30%. So, we can see that lions have greater bone density than tigers, and tiger muscle densities are greater than lions. This means that lions are more able to resist blows, while tigers are more powerful in punching. But this only shows that there is a little gap between the two, and this gap does not give anyone an overwhelming advantage over whom. That is, it has an impact on the outcome, but it is not the X factor.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

7. The Ultimate Battle

After the above analysis, we can know that the Barbary lion is larger than the Bengal tiger in terms of body size. In terms of life, both have a lot of similarities. As for weapons, the Bengal Tigers have some slight advantages because they can attack standing for long periods of time. The two kill differently, the Barbary lion prefers to attack head-on, while the Bengal tiger prefers to ambush and sneak attack, if the prey escapes, the Bengal tiger will not chase for a long time, while the Barbary lion will not die, because the Barbary lion is faster and has better endurance. In terms of killing techniques, The Bengal tiger prefers to lock the throat, while the Barbary lion prefers to bite the opponent's leg bone.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

In fact, in ancient times, there were many cases of barbaric lions and Bengal tiger duels, although there were 57 recorded in ancient Rome, of which barbary lions won 31 games, with a 54% win rate, but the director believed that the gap was not so large. Overall, lions are more like warriors, while tigers are more like killers; barbary lions are bigger and more powerful, while Bengal tigers are smaller and more agile. So, in the end, the director concluded that the Barbary Lions would have a 52% chance of beating the Bengal Tigers.

Bengal Tiger vs Barbary Lion, who is the real feline boss?

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