
Frequent stools are not formed, frequent farting, may be related to 4 reasons, need to pay attention to

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

For the body, eating and drinking Lasa is a normal physiological activity, and only by ensuring sufficient energy sources can we maintain the normal functioning of the body.

The energy needed by the human body is obtained through food, when food enters the body, it cannot be completely digested and absorbed by the intestine, such food will become food residue, excreted from the body through intestinal peristalsis, and complete the metabolism of the body.

Big is the barometer of physical health, usually can understand the condition of the body through the abnormal performance of stool, daily life often appears stool is not formed, farting increase and the following points are related, may wish to follow the doctor's steps to see it.

Frequent stools are not formed, frequent farting, may be related to 4 reasons, need to pay attention to

If there is a situation where the stool is not formed, the love of farting, etc., what are the usual causes?

1. Gastrointestinal disorders

Abnormal intestinal function is normal, sometimes we eat some unhealthy food, or because of the weather caused by gastrointestinal abnormalities, such as diarrhea, constipation, are common gastrointestinal dysfunction, this situation will appear stool out of shape and fart, we need to pay attention to.

2. Overeating habits

Now people do not pay attention to diet, often overeating, not fully chewing food, will make the burden on the stomach and intestines increase, and even make the absorption and digestion capacity of the stomach and intestines worse, food stays in the body for a long time, will be decomposed by intestinal bacteria, because "fermentation" will form gas inside the abdominal cavity, not only will there be constipation or loose stool, but also accompanied by an increase in the number of farts.

Frequent stools are not formed, frequent farting, may be related to 4 reasons, need to pay attention to

3, the impact of a certain type of food

Many people like to eat dietary fiber foods, such as purple potatoes or sweet potatoes, and after ingesting these foods, they are likely to have unstable stools or foul stools.

4. Chronic gastritis

Secreted factors such as stomach acid and enzymes can decompose food, making it easier for the intestine to absorb nutrients in food.

However, the stomach sometimes moves abnormally, resulting in food not being fully decomposed, and in the process of peristalsis, the stomach will produce gas accumulation, so it will be accompanied by abnormal farting, and stool is not formed.

Frequent stools are not formed, frequent farting, may be related to 4 reasons, need to pay attention to

How to improve stool inconsistency?

Eat foods containing fiber appropriately

Patients can drink a bowl of cornmeal porridge in the morning and evening, or eat a nest steamed with cornmeal, which can not only promote digestion, but also regulate the spleen and stomach, and slowly stool can return to normal.

Pay attention to eating habits

Some patients are due to eating spicy stimulating foods and raw cold food caused by loose stools, mostly in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, you can give patients appropriate supplementation of intestinal probiotics, improve the intestinal environment for conditioning.

Frequent stools are not formed, frequent farting, may be related to 4 reasons, need to pay attention to

Mental factors

Anxiety, nervousness and other factors can also lead to loose stools, patients should moderately relax their mood, avoid irritability, anxiety and other emotions, can also reduce symptoms.

Regulate your mood

In fact, the normal operation of the stomach and intestines and people's mood has a close relationship, if a person is often in a simple state of trying high pressure, it will make the stomach and intestines become very fragile, and will make the gastrointestinal work disordered, the stool is sparse, not formed Symptoms will slowly occur, if you want to make the stool no longer thin, not formed, you should adjust your mood well.

Frequent stools are not formed, frequent farting, may be related to 4 reasons, need to pay attention to

Drink plenty of warm water

When the body has discomfort, such as bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms, you can drink more warm water, add warmth to the stomach, help remove the cold in the body, you can also eat more food that can promote metabolism and help junk toxins out of the body, will be good for our health.