
One person, one side, 100% use rate of traditional Chinese medicine - interview with Han Jian, a member of the anti-epidemic expert group to smoke

author:Qilu one point

<b>Qilu Evening News Qilu One-point reporter Jiao Shouguang</b>

On August 1, Yantai had the first local confirmed case of new crown pneumonia of Delta mutant strain in Yantai. In accordance with the instructions of the Provincial Health Commission and the Provincial Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Han Jian, deputy chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other provincial respiratory expert teams rushed to Yantai at the first time to carry out rescue and treatment work. On the afternoon of the 6th, Han Jian introduced the treatment situation and the role played by traditional Chinese medicine to the Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point reporter by telephone.

"When I arrived in Yantai on August 1st, I was faced with a seriously ill patient." Han Jian introduced that due to the high virus load of the Delta mutation new coronavirus, it has a breakthrough infection, and its contagiousness and pathogenicity are extremely strong. The severely ill patient's condition progressed rapidly, oxygen and decline, respiratory function was impaired, there were problems with blood clotting, coupled with his own diabetes, hypertension and other underlying diseases, the situation is not optimistic.

The expert team gives full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and formulates a traditional Chinese medicine program according to the patient's symptoms and signs, test results and tongue images, one person and one party. For patients with severe diseases, from the perspective of "epidemic poison and closed lungs", clear heat and detoxification, help correct the root, and supplement it with blood circulation and stasis, and strive to truncate progress and avoid death.

"Oral Chinese medicine treatment, the next day there is an improvement." Han Jian said that after several days of intervention in traditional Chinese medicine, the indicators of patients are developing in a good direction. CT done on the 6th showed that the patient's lung shadow was reduced and the frosted glass shadow was also fading, indicating that the patient's condition was improving significantly.

For ordinary and mild patients, Han Jian introduced that on the basis of the anti-epidemic results of the provincial traditional Chinese medicine respiratory and critical care medical team "Huagai No. 1 Fang", according to the different conditions of patients, they are added or subtracted to alleviate symptoms and promote yin. For asymptomatic infected and close contacts, on the basis of the "Huagai No. 2 Party" of the Provincial Chinese Medicine Respiratory and Critical Care Medical Department, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Sachet is worn to intervene and prevent the onset of the disease.

At present, the body temperature of severe patients has returned to normal, the inflammatory indicators have improved significantly, the tongue image indicates that the wet turbidity has receded, the jin fluid has recovered, the heat image has decreased, and the follow-up treatment is continued. The body temperature of patients with fever gradually returns to normal after taking Traditional Chinese Medicine for 1 to 3 days. The use rate of traditional Chinese medicine among all confirmed patients, asymptomatic infected patients and close contacts is 100%.

It is understood that after receiving the epidemic information, the director of the Shandong Provincial Health Commission and the director of the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xi Yan, led a team to Yantai to supervise the fight against the epidemic; Director Zhuang and Inspector Jia Qingshun organized senior Chinese medicine experts with rich experience in fighting the epidemic in the province, including Chairman Wang Xinlu, President Gao Shuzhong, Professor Zhang Wei, Professor Kong Li and other more than ten experts to remotely guide them through video conferencing and other forms, and adjust the traditional Chinese medicine plan at any time according to the front-line information transmitted by Han Jian.

One person, one side, 100% use rate of traditional Chinese medicine - interview with Han Jian, a member of the anti-epidemic expert group to smoke

This is also the third time that Han Jian has participated in the frontline anti-epidemic work of the new crown, and after learning the news of the epidemic, he took the initiative to ask for help and overcame the difficulties of his wife's severe pregnancy reaction lying in bed and his child's high fever. Han Jian said that although the virus is strong, although the epidemic is severe, giving full play to the anti-epidemic advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, coupled with the full support of the rear and the enhancement of the awareness of the whole people's protection, he believes that in the end, it will usher in victory again.

At the same time, Han Jian reminded the general public that although the "Delta" is menacing, in view of the characteristics of early symptoms that are not obvious, the citizens should also be vigilant in their daily lives, do a good job of self-protection and health observation. First of all, the vaccine must be given, and the vaccine can provide basic immune protection and reduce the occurrence of severe illness and death. The personal protection method of "wearing a mask + washing hands frequently + keeping distance" is still effective. Try not to go to closed or crowded places. In addition, adequate sleep is also very important, this time try not to stay up late, maintain adequate sleep and rest is the key to improving immunity, avoid overwork and mental stress, balanced intake of nutrition.

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One person, one side, 100% use rate of traditional Chinese medicine - interview with Han Jian, a member of the anti-epidemic expert group to smoke