
Can a malformed little tadpole become pregnant? How to improve the quality of small tadpoles?

author:Dr. Feng Qiang

A single ejaculation in a man can release about 200 million small tadpoles, and finally only one small tadpole kills out of the siege and enters the egg cells, forming a fertilized egg, and life begins.

High-quality small tadpoles are the basis for the origin of life and an important basic condition for having children. However, when many men have preconception checkups, they find themselves with a high rate of small tadpole deformities and worry about whether they can get pregnant.

According to the latest standards, the normal form of the fine tadpole needs to account for 4%. If it is lower than this value, it indicates a high rate of small tadpole deformities. There are many causes of small tadpole malformations, such as urinary tract infections, varicocele, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, radiation, work stress, drug effects, genetic factors, etc.

Can a malformed little tadpole become pregnant? How to improve the quality of small tadpoles?

Small tadpole deformity has a certain impact on pregnancy, but do not be intimidated by small tadpole deformity, as long as the male is not 100% of the small tadpole deformity, it is possible to have a normal pregnancy.

For the treatment of small tadpole deformities, it is recommended to take medication under the guidance of a doctor, including the cause of treatment and taking some drugs that help to rejuvenate sperm. In addition, in daily life, we should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, and do not take saunas. Do not wear tight clothes for long periods of time. Drink less of your drinks. Strengthen exercise, stay away from pollution, etc. If multiple pregnancy preparations fail, assisted reproductive technologies may be considered.

Can a malformed little tadpole become pregnant? How to improve the quality of small tadpoles?

Eat the right foods to improve the quality of the little tadpoles

1. Increase the intake of minerals.

Prostatitis. Semen contains high concentrations of zinc, and if zinc is deficient, it can lead to scarcity of small tadpoles and testicular atrophy, and the food with high zinc is mainly shellfish, such as oysters.

2. Increase the intake of vitamin C.

Can a malformed little tadpole become pregnant? How to improve the quality of small tadpoles?

Vitamins can provide raw materials for small tadpoles and promote the production of small tadpoles, of which vitamin E is most closely related to the reproductive system, which can prevent the aging of sexual organs, promote vas deferens regeneration, and enhance the vitality of small tadpoles. It is recommended to take vitamin E preparations because foods destroy vitamin E during processing.

3. Increase high-quality protein and arginine foods.

Foods containing oil protein include beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, fish, shrimp, soy products, etc. Arginine is an essential raw material for the production of small tadpoles. Arginine-rich foods include blackfish, eels, lean meats, tendons, etc.

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