
The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

author:Dream Cliffs is a beauty

After the failure of the Penghu Reform Law, it indicates that the precarious aerial tower of the Qing Dynasty is about to collapse, and it is not something that can be saved by a change of law. Moreover, Cixi, who was in the way, would definitely not let these law changers help Guangxu to snatch the imperial power from her.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

The variation failed

This change of law not only touched the imperial power in the hands of Empress Dowager Cixi, but also touched the interests of the old courtiers of the Qing Dynasty, and only the Guangxu Emperor, a powerless and powerless person, supported it, and it was already a sign of failure before it began.

Liang Qichao and Kang Youwei seem to have been working hard to eliminate the old feudal society and vigorously advocate new open ideas, but they both have the same characteristics, which is one of the reasons for the failure of their reform.

Although they seem to have fully accepted the new ideas coming from the West, they longed for democracy and freedom, hoping that the Qing government could break the traditional feudal system and usher in new reforms in all walks of life.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

In fact, the background and age of the two people's birth indicate that they are the product of a mixture of new ideas and the old feudal system, and they cannot completely abandon the influence of feudal society.

Therefore, Liang Qichao and Kang Youwei did not follow the Western monogamous system, but although they talked about advocating monogamy, they were actually implementing the laws of the Great Qing. Both changemakers had three wives and four concubines and countless children.

Liang Qichao has been entangled with countless women in his life, and the woman he really loves is He Huizhen, but because he has already married the original wife Li Huixian and the concubine Wang Guiquan, he ended this belated love.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

Liang Qichao's family is not rich, but he is very talented in reading, and he is willing to study hard, so he has a lot of knowledge. It was 1889, and the only way for poor readers to get ahead was to take the imperial examination officially organized by the Qing government.

17-year-old Liang Qichao participated in the township examination held in Guangdong, studied hard for ten years, ranked eighth in the list, and became a lifter. This also means that this young boy Lang has a bright future, only eight buckets high, and naturally attracts the attention of the local rich and large households.

Your daughter marries

Li Duandi, the chief examiner of the township examination, paid a lot of attention to this young talent, and he naturally did not just want to recruit Liang Qichao to his door, but the Li family had a big girl in the Li family, Li Huixian.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

Li Huixian is Li Duandi's cousin, four years older than Liang Qichao, and at this time Fang is twenty-one years old, which is the age to find a good match to marry.

Li Huixian was born in a high-gate household, and naturally has been a Miss Qianjin who has been carefully cultivated by the family since childhood, so the Li family is very concerned about the marriage of this young lady.

When Li Duandi wanted to mention this matter to Liang Qichao and wanted to match his cousin Xu to him, Liang Qichao naturally agreed to it. After all, Liang Qichao can marry Miss Li Family, first of all, he has climbed this family affair, in addition, he can rely on this family affair, with the Li family as the backing, and better enter the career.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

The fate of the parents, the words of the matchmaker. Li Huixian followed the family's arrangement and married Liang Qichao, and after becoming a relative, he followed Liang Qichao back to Chakeng Village, Xiongzi Township, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province.

Along with Li Huixian, there were two other maidens, one named Ah Hao and the other named Wang Laixi. The Liang family has been farming for generations, and their living conditions, food, clothing, shelter and transportation are extremely poor, and the difference between them and the Li family is 18,000 miles.

Li Huixian is virtuous and good, and does not dislike the poor liang family, on the contrary, she also appreciates her husband's talent. Therefore, Li Huixian did his filial piety, treated Liang Qichao's parents with great respect, and took care of the work inside and outside liang's family, but like a simple and industrious rural woman.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

Li Huixian has a good family and has the demeanor of the Liang family's mother, and it is precisely because of Li Huixian's virtuousness that Liang Qichao can study with peace of mind and achieve a career and ideal ambitions.

Working day and night for the Liang family, Li Huixian, who had a good wife and a good mother, had the same thing that made the Liang family dissatisfied. After Li Huixian and Liang Qichao got married, they never got pregnant and gave birth to heirs for the Liang family.

In the eyes of the Liang family, even if you marry a Miss Qianjin, work hard and complain, and be as good as a thousand to the Liang family, if you can't have children, you are also a sinner who is rebellious, not filial piety has three, no queen is greater.

Concubines are in charge

In fact, Liang Qichao spent most of the year outside busy with his ideal ambitions, and did not come back a few times, and all the livelihood of the Liang family was supported by Li Huixian's dowry.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

However, since ancient times, whenever a husband and wife cannot have children, they will generally be considered to be the reason for their wives, and Li Huixian cannot hide from being blamed. Liang Qichao did not argue for his wife, and he, a person who had received a new type of educational ideology, also bowed his head in front of feudal thought.

The Liang family asked Li Huixian to take a concubine for Liang Qichao and look for a candidate. Presumably, no woman was willing to give her husband to someone, but Li Huixian did not dare to be accused by the Liang family of not being able to have children, and could only swallow her anger and go around to recruit this concubine candidate.

Li Huixian had the most suitable candidates around him, that is, the two servants he brought with him when he got married. Because of his bad temperament, Ah Hao was kicked out of the Liang family's house. There was only one clever, diligent, well-behaved and sensible Wang Laixi.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

Wang Laixi was still young, and although she did not want to be a concubine of the Liang family, she had no way out, and reluctantly agreed. After Wang Laixi became a concubine, Li Huixian became pregnant and gave birth to her eldest son, Liang Sicheng.

However, raw rice is cooked maturely, and Wang Laixi has long become Liang Qichao's side room. Liang Qichao has always been in order to maintain his image as an advanced revolutionary, never recognizing the existence and identity of Wang Laixi, Wang Laixi has no name, and the six children she has born can only be called "Wang Auntie".

Li Huixian gave birth to a son and two daughters for Liang Qichao, Wang Laixi gave birth to four sons and two daughters, and the Liang family had more children, so it was very difficult to manage naturally.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

Moreover, after liang Qichao failed to change the law, he fled to Japan and did not return home for more than ten years. Later, I met He Huizhen and fell in love with He Huizhen.

This family is supported by Li Huixian and Wang Laixi, and Li Huixian is also under the pressure of this life, and his temper is getting more and more grumpy, fortunately, Wang Laixi has a gentle temperament.

When Li Huixian reprimanded her children, she always made peace from them, and told them some life principles that were superficial but very useful. After Li Huixian died of illness, Wang Laixi also took on the responsibility of raising nine children, who were very close to her.

The original match was born too little, and the mane successfully ascended to the throne, giving birth to a total of 4 sons and 2 daughters, and the son became a famous missile expert

The nine children she has raised are very prominent, six of her own children, of which Liang Siyong and Liang Sizhong became archaeologists, Liang Sili became missile experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and economists Liang Sida and Liang Siyi and Liang Sining.

Li Huixian's three children also achieved a career under her cultivation, the eldest son Liang Sicheng became a famous architect, and the two daughters Liang Sishun and Liang Sizhuang became poetry research experts and librarians respectively.

Wang Laixi used his simple kindness and hard work to make sure that he was a descendant of the Nine Liang Family.