
Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

author:Say the origin
Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

Chairman Mao used 26 names (including pseudonyms) in his 83-year-old life experience. Each name has its own connotations, which greatly enriches the legendary life of this great man. Below, I will introduce you to the origin of several representative names of Chairman Mao.

(1) Mao Zedong: The name of the spectral order

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

In the early morning of December 26, 1893, a rich peasant in Shaoshanchong, Hunan Province, gave birth to a boy named Mao Zedong. This was given to his son by his father, Mao Yichang, in accordance with the rules set out in the Mao Family Tree. The "Mao Clan Genealogy" has a fixed genealogy, which is exactly a five-character poem: "Li Xianrong Dynasty Soldier, Wen Fang Fortune Ji Xiang." Zu En Yi Ze is far away, and the generations will always inherit Chang. ”

Mao Zedong's generation in the third sentence of the poem, calculated down to belong to the "Ze" generation, so it should be taken "Ze". As for "east", the ancients used the southeast and northwest to correspond to Bo Zhongshu Ji, taking it as the meaning of the boss. Although Mao Zedong ranked third, he was the eldest among the surviving brothers, so he used "East". In this way, Chairman Mao's proper name "Mao Zedong" was settled, and eventually became a familiar name for every Chinese.

(2) Stone and Stone Three Servants: Recognized the "Stone Ganniang" and prayed for the long luck

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

"Stone" and "Stone Three Men" are Mao Zedong's nicknames. His father, Mao Yichang, and his mother, Wen Qimei, had given birth to two boys before this, both of whom had unfortunately died prematurely, so they took good care of Mao Zedong and named him "Stone" in the hope that he would be as hard as a stone. In 1898, wen shi, a buddhist mother, led 5-year-old Mao Zedong to the Guanyin Stone in Shaoshan Mountain to burn incense and kneel down, recognized "Shi Ganniang", and prayed for his long life and wealth. Because Mao Zedong ranked third, his parents and villagers called him "Shi San" or "Shi San Lingzi".

(3) Moltke: Classmate Qiya number

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

When studying at the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, Mao Zedong often said to his classmates: "The eldest husband should be strange for the world, read strange books, make strange friends, do strange things, and be a strange man." Over time, his classmates gave him the nickname "Moltke". In fact, the prototype of the "Moltke" was Helmut Karl Bernhard von Moltke, chief of the general staff of the Imperial German Army. He was a brilliant military man who commanded the Prussian army in the defeat of the French at the Battle of Sedan and was instrumental in the unification of Germany.

Because they were all surnamed "Mao", his classmates gave him this semantic pun, indicating that Mao Zedong as a student had extraordinary ambitions, talents, and emerged.

(4) Twenty-eight painters: Signed by the notice of enlistment

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

In the second semester of 1915, Mao Zedong, who was studying at the First Normal School in Hunan Province, posted the "Notice of Recruiting Friends" in various schools in Changsha to find like-minded friends. The drop is "Twenty-Eight Painters", because the traditional characters of "Mao Zedong" have exactly 28 paintings. Two years later, he published a paper in New Youth entitled "Research on Sports", also signed as "Twenty-Eight Painters".

Of course, the name has another meaning. In April 1938, Mao Zedong explained to Tan Zheng in Yan'an: "These 28 paintings are not ordinary. If you look at the Communist Party and communism, the word 'communist' in the middle is twenty-eight! "I used the pen name of Twenty-Eight Painters in my previous articles. Others will think that Mao Zedong's three characters are 28 paintings, in fact, my pen name is a metaphor for common characters. Twenty-eight painters —a member of the Communist Party. ”

(5) Mao Runzhi: The teacher named him to help him aspire

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

"Mao Runzhi" is chairman Mao's most used name besides "Mao Zedong". Sometimes it is also written as "Runzhi", "Yongzi", "Yongzi", "Yongzhi" or simply "Run", which is mostly caused by similar pronunciation.

Regarding the origin of "Runzhi", Mao Zedong explained it in a conversation with the famous writer Zhang Hexhui in 1945. Mao Zedong said: "For example, I used to use the name 'Runzhi' for me when I was in the First Division in Hunan, and Mr. Yang Huaizhong (later Mao Zedong's father-in-law) took it for me. Once, when I signed a letter to Mr. Yang as 'Mao Xueren', Mr. Yang asked me why? I said that I would study Liang Rengong (i.e., Liang Qichao), and Mr. Yang gave me a copy of the Complete Works of Hu Wenzhonggong for me to read. After I read it repeatedly, I felt that Hu Linyi was indeed worth learning, and the Word Hu was 'Runzhi', so I changed it to 'Xuerun'. Mr. Yang said to me, "Sima Changqing reveres Lin Xiang as if he had changed his name, and since you respect Hu Runzhi, simply change it to 'Runzhi'." In the future, the division commander and his friends called me 'Runzhi'. ”

(6) Mao Shishan: Pseudonym to evade the pursuit of reactionaries

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

"MaoShishan" is a pseudonym used by Mao Zedong when he was engaged in revolutionary activities in Hunan in 1922, mainly to avoid being tracked down by reactionaries. On closer examination, this name alludes to Mao Zedong's childhood name "Shi Sanlingzi".

Mao Zedong and Lin Boqu often corresponded by letter, and in a letter to Lin Boqu and others on September 28, 1923, he said: "This trustee brought Han to send it, because the inspection was extremely severe, please write Mao Shishan, do not write Mao Zedong." ”

(7) Yang Yinzhi: Retreat to western Fujian and judge the hour and size up the situation

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

On June 22, 1929, the Seventh Congress of the Fourth Red Army of the Communist Party of China was held, and Mao Zedong's views and principles of placing the army under the absolute leadership of the Party and establishing and consolidating rural revolutionary base areas were not understood and accepted by the majority of the delegates attending the meeting. The congress re-elected the former committee of the Fourth Red Army of the Communist Party of China, and Mao Zedong, the former secretary of the party committee designated by the central committee, was not re-elected, and the position was replaced by Chen Yi, 28. After the "Seventh National Congress", Mao Zedong was physically and mentally exhausted, and his pseudonym was Yang Yinzhi, and his wife He Zizhen, who was pseudonymized as He Ziying, went to the countryside of Fujian to "treat diseases and recuperate." "Introduction", its "introduction" is the harmonic sound of "hidden", which means to retreat to western Fujian and judge the situation.

(8) Yang Ziren: The heavy task of jointly encouraging the salvation of the Chinese nation

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

In August 1936, Mao Zedong wrote a letter to Yi Lirong, an old classmate of the Kuomintang District in Yan'an, signed "Yang Ziren", expressing his common encouragement to save the Chinese nation, and using the surname "Yang" to pin Mao Zedong's infinite affection for his ex-wife Yang Kaihui martyr.

In fact, "Zi Ren" was used by Mao Zedong in 1910. At that time, he left Shaoshan to go to Xiangxiang Dongshan Higher Primary School to study, and because he admired Liang Qichao (Ren Gong), a prominent figure in the period of the Restoration and Reform, he gave himself a new name "Mao Ziren", which means to take the world as his duty.

(9) Tasks: Breaking an old world and establishing a new China

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

After the chongqing negotiations broke down in 1945, newspapers often had an author signed "Shi Ren" who wrote articles on current politics, which was Mao Zedong's pen name. Because the Kuomintang government exposed the face of a fake truce and a real civil war, Mao Zedong no longer had any hope for the Kuomintang, and he named it "Shi Ren", expressing that the greatest cause and greatest task in life is to break an old world and build a new China.

(10) Li Desheng: Away from victory

Each of Chairman Mao's ten names has a wonderful origin

In the spring of 1947, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized 200,000 troops to invade Yan'an. In order to lure the enemy deeper and seek a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy in the movement, the Party Central Committee withdrew the CCP organs from Yan'an. Mao Zedong said: "We cannot stick to one city and one pool, and abandoning Yan'an today means liberating Nanjing and liberating all of China in the future." Under the strong offensive of Hu Zongnan, if you now defend Yan'an, you will lose Yan'an, and if you leave Yan'an temporarily, you will gain Yan'an. To this end, he assumed the pseudonym "Li Desheng", which is "away from victory", which means "leaving and seeking victory".

Sure enough, after peng Dehuai's northwest field army and Hu Zongnan's troops maneuvered around several times, they consumed a large amount of the other side's living forces. A year later, Hu Zongnan could only withdraw from Yan'an in ashes, and the holy land of revolution returned to the hands of the people's army.

References: ("The Story of Chinese Names", Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, Zhang Zhuangnian, Zhang Yingzhen)