
The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

author:Drama history

The occurrence of the "Anshi Rebellion" at the end of the Tang Dynasty had a great negative impact, and there would still be a problem of the division of feudal towns after the end of the tang dynasty, and it would develop more and more seriously. The local emissaries were already dissatisfied with their rights and joint rebellion, and Tang Dezong realized the seriousness of the problem, so he sent Li Xilie, the leader of Huaixi Town, to attack Li Na, but he did not expect that Li Xilie was a wolf ambitious man, and directly joined forces with Li Na to launch a rebellion.

The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

The rebels had been approaching ChenZhou, and in the face of the large army approaching the city, Xiangcheng County, Chenzhou, had instigated Lie Kan, knowing that Xiangcheng's forces could not compete with Li Xilie's army. So when Li Xilie was about to arrive in the city, Lieberthal wanted to take a step first, but his wife did not agree with Lieberthal' doing so.

Liekan's wife was named Yang Liewo, and she was as strong as her own name, she could not bear to flee undefeated, and scolded Liekan with a broken mouth, "You are the parents and officials of the people, and the traitor should desperately stick to it, even if the strength is not enough to show unfortunately, it is also loyal to the duty." You've all run away, so who's going to defend the city? ”

The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

Lieberthal was also justified: "The enemy army is fierce, and the tens of millions of troops in the other cities have not been able to hold it, so how can we hold it with hundreds of soldiers in Xiangcheng?" Yang Lie's wife looked back at Lieberthal firmly, "If we can't hold on, the resources in the county town will become the resources of the rebels, the people will become their soldiers, the country will have nothing, if we can definitely get help with the heavy bounty, the county town can hold out for at least two days, and when the rescuers sent by the imperial court come, why worry about the rebels not retreating?" ”

After Lie kan was scolded by his wife, he also made up his mind to summon the officials and the people to discuss how to retreat from the enemy, the officials and the people looked at each other, obviously there was no bottom in their hearts, and Yang Lie's wife calmly said to everyone, "The county order is a local parent official, but when the term of office arrives, you will leave, and you are all here, your family ancestors are here, and now that the county order has decided to stick to Xiangcheng, you have no reason to leave." ”

After listening to Yang Lienü's speech, everyone was full of emotion and decided to stay, but after all, they were still ordinary people, and it was inevitable that they would be afraid when they went to the battlefield, so Yang Lienu encouraged everyone to "no matter what means, as long as they hit the enemy and reward ten thousand dollars, the reward for killing the enemy is ten thousand dollars." ”

The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

Yang Lie's words were like laying a boost in the hearts of the people, picking up bricks and tiles to prepare for the enemy, the men were ready to meet the enemy, and the women were led by Yang Lie's wife to prepare food for the family, and everything was arranged very properly, and when the whole city was on alert, Li Xilie's rebels finally killed the city.

In the face of a considerable number of rebel troops, Yang Lienu did not panic, she said to the rebels under the city: "Now xiangcheng's fathers and elders are sticking here, resolutely will not be thieves, people who die here, none of them will be afraid of you, even if you get the city, it is not possible to show your military prestige, it is better to leave quickly, otherwise there is no benefit in vain loss." ”

As soon as these words came out, the rebels laughed, how could they be afraid of small towns? So the rebel siege operation began, but the people on the city wall were not vegetarians, picking up bricks and tiles and smashing them, the attack was so fierce that the rebels would find it difficult to develop for a while and a half, and could only attack the people on the city wall with random arrows.

The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

In this dense rain of arrows, Lie Kan's arm was unfortunately hit by an arrow, and Lie Kan once again had the heart to escape, how could Yang Lie's wife not see her husband's careful thinking? Immediately shouted angrily: "You are not on the city wall as the commander-in-chief, who is still willing to defend the city desperately?" Even if you want to die, you have to die on the walls, and it is better than dying at home! ”

Li Kan was also impressed by his wife's words, and returned to the city wall in pain, and the people saw that the county order insisted on staying on the front line even if he was wounded, and the attack on the rebels became more fierce. Encouraged by Yang Liewo, the military and the people were united in their hearts, and for a while the two sides were evenly matched, and the rebels could not take this small Xiangcheng for a long time.

The rebels saw that they could not capture this city for two days, and even wanted to launch a wave of large-scale attacks, but at this critical moment, a soldier of Xiangcheng shot down the commander of the rebel army with an arrow, and without the commander, the rebel army was like a scattered sand, and soon scattered and fled, this time Xiangcheng was not only defended, but no one died in this war.

The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

The news that Li Kan and Yang Lie's wife and wife were defending Xiangcheng also quickly spread into the ears of The Assassin Shi, who was shocked that they could hold Xiangcheng with so few people, and quickly reported the deeds of the two, Lie kan was moved to Taiping County, Dai prefecture for his meritorious service in defending the city, and when he was about to leave Xiangcheng, the people of the city brought food, wine and vegetables to send Li Kan and his wife.

Although the reward was only given to Lie Kan, Yang Lie's wife said without complaint: "Being able to help her husband but the enemy and protect the peace of the people is already the greatest satisfaction." Although Yang Lienu is a woman, she is wise and loyal, and she can be called a heroic master among women, no less than a man, and Yang Lienu is also worthy of her name of "martyr woman".

The rebels led thousands of people to attack the county seat, but they were repelled by hundreds of people in the city, only because of what the county commander's wife said

Yang Lienu, such a wise and courageous woman who is both loyal and courageous, has always been a minority, and now I think of Confucius's saying that "those who have benevolence must be brave" are just right to describe Yang Lienu. The dialogue between Yang Lie's wife and her husband Liekan Can see that Yang Lie's wife is a loyal person, and the encouragement to the people reflects her wisdom, and scolding Liekan for being injured and wanting to escape fully shows her great righteousness.