
"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....

author:Integrative medicine and Western medicine

If there are symptoms such as red eyes, dry throat, hot nasal cavity, dry mouth and bad breath, rotten corners of the mouth, nosebleeds, toothache, etc., Chinese medicine believes that it is "on fire".

No matter what organ is on fire, drink more water (even if you don't go on fire, drink more water!). ), add a little honey, honey nourishing yin is very good. Then soak your feet at night, rub your feet 100 times each, and tap the fountain point, which can play a role in the intersection of heart and kidneys, and the balance of yin and yang.

If you know that the organ is on fire, targeted treatment, of course, the effect will be better! The tongue is red, there is fire in the body, and different "fire" behaves differently on the tongue.

"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....

Red tip of the tongue: Heart fire

Summer heart, so summer heart fire will be strong!

If the tip of the tongue is red, accompanied by irritability, dry mouth, sores on the mouth and tongue, bad sleep and nightmares, hot hands and siblings, night sweats, hot yellowing of urine, dry stool and other symptoms, it may be heart fire.

Solution: Drink lotus heart tea, press and rub or moxibustion Daling acupuncture to lower the heart fire.

Red on both sides of the tongue: liver fire

When there is a liver fire, the tongue is also red, but it is mainly concentrated on both sides of the tongue, in addition to: irritability, insomnia, dizziness, red face, dry mouth, deafness and tinnitus, yellow tongue, chest pain, dry stool, itchy breast, and large amount of menstruation.

Solution: Drink chrysanthemum tea, press or moxibustion too flush acupuncture to lower liver fire.

"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....
"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....

Redness of the front half of the tongue: lung fire

Lung fire is manifested by boils on the face, dry nose and throat pain, cough chest pain, dry cough without sputum or yellow and sticky sputum, poor sleep, red front half of the tongue;

A good way to clear lung fever is to eat a few white radish raw; eating pears also has the effect of clearing lung heat and moisturizing the lungs. Also ventilate your abdomen; rub your abdomen once in the morning and once in the morning for 5 minutes.

Solution: Drink honeysuckle tea, knead or moxibustion big fish points to lower lung fire.

"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....
"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....

The whole tongue is red: stomach fire

Stomach fire is manifested as: irritable stomach pain, thirst and bad breath, toothache, swollen gums, bleeding teeth, etc., want to drink cold water, easy to be hungry, the whole tongue is relatively red, (sometimes the tongue is red and mossy, yellow covers the red) is the manifestation of stomach fire.

Solution: Drink Kuding tea, knead or moxibustion inner courtyard acupuncture to lower stomach fire.

"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....
"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....

Tongue red less moss: kidney fire

If the tongue is red and less lichen, waist is sore and the knee is soft, the hair is toothless, the mouth is dry, the tinnitus is not good, and sometimes the sleep is not good, etc., it may be insufficient kidney yin. If on this basis, the heat disturbs the mind, and there is upset, night sweats, and hot hands and feet, most of them are manifestations of yin and fire. In severe cases, the tongue is redder, there is no moss or less moss, and it may be a thin layer of yellow moss that indicates that there is heat coming out.

Solution: Drink honey chrysanthemum tea, press or moxibustion to illuminate the sea cave to lower the kidney fire.

"Chinese medicine science popularization" fire in the lungs: cough; fire in the liver: insomnia; fire in the stomach: bad breath; fire in the heart: mouth and tongue sores....

Most of the fire on our organs is caused by our own living habits, people have to drink 1500ml--1700ml of water a day, which is equivalent to more than 3 bottles of ordinary mineral water! Soon summer is coming, and it will be more drinkable.

There are also many Ai friends who say: After moxibustion, it is on fire...

In fact, it is not that the moxibustion is on fire, but that there is fire in your body, but the righteous qi of moxibustion stirs the virtual fire in your body, gives birth, insists on moxibustion, and eventually achieves the balance of yin and yang. In this case, soak your feet at night, and then rub or moxibustion Fountain Point, Tai Chong Point!

Content source: Meridian and acupuncture point WeChat public account

Editor: Journal of Integrative Medicine Nursing

Correspondents: Gong Xinyu Sun Lei Qin Shasha Wang Jingjing Dong Wei