
After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

author:History is a bit cold

NATO has started to do something about China! On March 24, 1999, NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana announced that it had officially launched an air strike against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Ironically, this air strike was not allowed by the United Nations, and just because the United States wanted to dismember the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the NATO secretary-general obeyed the order with dignity.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

Javier Solana

The war lasted from March 24 to June 10, 1999, during which NATO carried out more than 38,000 indiscriminate bombings against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

As a direct result, more than 1 million people in the Frying Yugoslavia were displaced, 2,500 adults and children died, and what is even more heinous is that the mainland embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has not been spared!

On May 7, 1999, Belgrade time, NATO suddenly fired five precision-guided missiles at the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which not only caused the Chinese Embassy to fall into ruins, but also caused 3 people in the mainland embassy to die on the spot, and more than 20 people were seriously injured!

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The Embassy of the Mainland in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after the bombing

So, why did NATO launch air strikes against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia? Why was the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia bombed? What is the Explanation for this illegal action by the United States? What is the attitude of the members of the United Nations toward the operation of the United States?

From the division of the Korean Peninsula to the Cuban Missile Crisis, from interference in Vietnam's internal affairs to intervention in the Middle East, and finally to the collapse of the Soviet Union, there are dozens of countries in the world that have suffered nato's black hands.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

The fundamental reason why NATO, led by the United States, frequently launches wars against other countries is that these countries are too powerful and have affected the status of the United States as world hegemon!

These countries are gradually becoming stronger, and they are trying to find a path suitable for their own development with their own efforts, which is absolutely unacceptable to the United States.

As the largest country in the Balkan Peninsula, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has always been a thorn in nato's eye and a thorn in the flesh, and NATO will stop at nothing to crush Yugoslavia in order to be able to smoothly penetrate its own forces into the Balkan Peninsula.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

Balkan location

Thus, this terrible indiscriminate bombing officially began, Montenegro and Kosovo were forcibly separated from Serbian bodies, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were also seduced and chose independence, and the powerful Yugoslavia was divided into 7 countries.

Among them, Kosovo's sovereignty was also handed over by NATO to the terrorist Albanians, which greatly hurt the national sentiments of the Slavic people.

The reason why NATO has a "special love" for the Balkan Peninsula and even dismembered Yugoslavia at all costs is mainly directly related to the strategic position of the Balkan Peninsula.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side


First, the Balkans are bordered by the Aegean and Adriatic Seas to the west, the Russian-controlled Black Sea to the east, and Only Turkey to the east.

To the north, there is the Danube River and many tributaries, which have the advantage of natural water transportation, while maintaining a smooth link with the European continent, in addition to rich natural resources such as forests, coal and copper mines, and oil.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side


If NATO can control the Balkans, it will not only be able to create a direct passage to the Middle East, but also establish a strategic maritime route to the African continent and, more importantly, curb Russia's maritime rights in the Black Sea.

Therefore, the smashing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is the first step for NATO to open up the Balkan Passage, which is the strategic policy of the United States and the unchangeable fate of Yugoslavia.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

Region of the former Yugoslavia

However, it is obvious that the FRY was bombed for strategic reasons, but why did NATO attack the mainland embassy in the FRATS?

The embassy was attacked innocently for a variety of reasons

China's sovereignty has been provoked as never before. In the early morning of May 8, 1999, NATO dispatched the most advanced B-2 bombers in the United States and dropped five JDMA missiles on the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The Embassy of the Mainland in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after the bombing

The explosion directly caused the death of Shao Yunhuan, a reporter from the mainland's Xinhua News Agency, Xu Xinghu and Zhu Ying, reporters of Guangming Daily, on the spot, and dozens of injuries.

This incident seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, and the post-70s and post-80s youths, who were the main construction force of Chinese society at that time, took to the streets to protest.

At that time, the entrance of the US Embassy in China in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other places in China will be crowded with angry Chinese people, who will hold up banners and shout slogans and shout slogans for US imperialism to "pay for blood debts and blood debts."

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

In the face of NATO's provocative acts, the mainland immediately held a press conference to condemn and strongly demanded that NATO and the United States give full reasons and apologize. However, in the face of the anger of the entire Chinese people, NATO gave a heinous answer: NATO's strike is reasonable and legitimate!

The United States bombed the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for no reason, and instead of giving sufficient reasons, it also falsely claimed that the action was reasonable and legal; this move was undoubtedly a declaration of war on China, and seeing that international public opinion was gradually showing a boiling trend, the United States finally tried to use "accidental bombing" to rush things!

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

However, there are countless loopholes in the "accidental bombing" of the United States:

First of all, before NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Chinese Embassy issued a series of opinions expressing opposition to the Us and NATO acts, which to a certain extent stimulated the nerves of the United States and caused the United States to hold a grudge.

This time the bombing of the Chinese embassy, the United States not only wants to knock China, but also wants to show its strength in the world.

Second, on March 27, 1999, the Yugoslav army used Chinese radar to shoot down an American F-117 stealth fighter, when China and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia reached a cooperation to share the technology and fragments of this fighter.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

F-117 stealth fighter

It is also reported that the fighter was hidden in the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, because the satellite positioning system carried by the fighter exposed its location, and in order to prevent China from obtaining advanced technology from us fighters, it could only order the destruction of the entire embassy.

Finally, there is a more intuitive reason, that is, the dispute between NATO led by the United States and the "Warsaw Pact" led by China.

The "Warsaw Pact" was not an organization, but a natural affinity for the "socialist" countries.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The Embassy of the Mainland in Yugoslavia after the bombing

The United States is the country in the world that hates socialism, and they cannot handle the socialist system of China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and other countries, and Yugoslavia is the largest socialist country in the Balkans.

Therefore, the US air raids on Yugoslavia and the bombing of the Chinese embassy were both offensives against "socialism."

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

This kind of "ism" struggle makes the United States extremely motivated, especially the pleasure of smashing Yugoslavia, prompting them to "teach" China a lesson by the way.

Based on all the above, all the socialist countries in this world have suffered different degrees of harm from the United States, the most serious of which is Yugoslavia, which has been directly dismembered into 7, and only Serbia is still insisting on not colluding with NATO.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

The United States is doomed to admit the crimes committed, and For this blood debt, China is doomed to endure in vain. In order to get back the argument, the Chinese representative and the United States launched a fierce verbal contest at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by Russia.

China and the United Nations clashed, and Russia supported it at a critical moment

After all, the United States lost to China and Russia! On the evening of May 7, 1999, after NATO had finished bombing the mainland's embassy in Yugoslavia, Qin Huasun, The Chinese ambassador to the United Nations, immediately convened Chinese representatives to consult on the adverse effects of the matter.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

Qin Huasun

After overnight discussions by The Chinese representatives, everyone agreed that the blatant bombing of the mainland embassy by the United States has violated the Vienna Convention and must be handed over to the United Nations.

In the early morning of May 8, 1999, the United Nations conference of 15 member states and dozens of observers officially opened, and the verbal game between China and the United States soon reached a fever pitch.

"The Sanctity of the Chinese Embassy, the Blatant circumvention of the United Nations bombing of the Yugoslav and Chinese Embassies by the United States is an illegal act, and the United States and NATO must apologize and make compensation for this."
After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

Deputy Qin Huasun's rhetoric was fierce, and his sentences poked at the soft underbelly of the United States, so that the US representatives could not find any excuse to cover up in the UN General Assembly, and could only repeat the statement as an "accident."

Judging from the Draft Articles on State Responsibility formulated in 1979 alone, "accidental bombing" cannot be an excuse for the United States to evade responsibility!

NATO's missile attack on the Chinese Embassy is entirely an "improper act" under international law, and the responsibility should be borne entirely by the United States and NATO. The BOMBING OF THE CHINESE EMBASSY BY THE UNITED STATES IS A TOTAL CRIMINAL ACT!

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

At the United Nations General Assembly, representatives of various countries expressed their opinions one after another, accusing the United States of aggression, and the representative of Yugoslavia even more bluntly said: "The behavior of the United States is a crime."

As an influential representative of Russia, he also expressed solidarity with China: NATO's acts of aggression have seriously violated the Charter of the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the norms of international law.

The representative of Russia also said that the US aggression has seriously undermined the international order, and hopes that the UN Security Council will immediately investigate this matter and demand that NATO unconditionally stop bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

General Assembly

After 5 days of consultations, and finally with the support of Russia and Namibia and other countries, the Security Council finally resisted the pressure of the United States and Britain to make a "normal" statement...

By the end of 1999, under the pressure of the United Nations and the public opinion of justice, the United States, from the secretary of state to the president of the country, publicly apologized to the victims of the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese in front of the television, and also announced that it would compensate the Chinese Embassy and the families of the victims.

After NATO bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation at the United Nations, which was strongly supported by the Russian side

The image originates from the internet

Today, after 23 years, Chinese people have always remembered this blood debt owed by the United States and NATO to China, and in time, if the United States and NATO dare to violate China's sovereign interests again, China will never give them any chance to apologize!