
In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

author:Looking for history and the present

In mid-January 1994, Chen Yun, who was resting at home as usual, was suddenly awakened by a knock at the door.

With a sound coming in, the staff hurriedly walked over and said, "Elder Chen, excuse me, here is an urgent letter from you!" ”

Is there a crisis in the national economy? Chen Yun thought darkly.

So, he sat up straight and took the letter and read it carefully, watching his face become more and more solemn.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Who wrote this letter? It is not someone else, it is Lin Liheng, the daughter of Lin Biao, one of the ten marshals of China, this name may not be familiar to everyone, but her other name Is Lin Doudou or Lu Man, I believe many people have an impression.

After reading it, Chen Yun felt empathy and fell into contemplation.

In the letter, Lin Doudou used his words of guilt to hold back most of the Shiye soldiers who had been shamed by their father's mistakes, and explained that there were two things that needed Chen Yun's help.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yun immediately called his old subordinate Hong Xuezhi, hoping that he would come to Shanghai as soon as possible and discuss important matters. As for what happened, Chen Yun didn't mention it, but said that it was not clear on the phone.

After the two met for a greeting, before Hong Xuezhi could ask a question, Chen Yun handed him the letter and said solemnly:

This time to call you to Shanghai, there are two things that need to trouble you, I thought about it for a long time, or by you personally, I am at ease.

After Listening, Hong Xuezhi agreed after some thought, but also made a request:

The chief (Chen Yun) serves as the general counsel, and we do specific things.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

But unfortunately, before these two events officially began, Chen Yun died of illness.

So, what two things did Lin Doudou say in the letter? Why did Chen Yun and Hong Xuezhi have to do it themselves?

Before the text begins, interested friends may wish to move your patriotic little hands to like and pay attention to it.

A powerful force in the midst of war

Due to the special period of ten years, the development of new Chinese culture was slow, and various materials were also destroyed. With the reform and opening up, the mainland's economic and cultural level has been markedly improved, the country is full of vitality, and the situation is very stable.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

As a result, the five major field armies during the Liberation War also began to revise their history, namely, Yiye of Peng Laozong, Erye of Liu Bocheng, Sanye of Chen Yi, Siye of Lin Biao, and Huaye of Nie Rongzhen.

At the same time, the places where some major events occurred also began to build memorial halls for future generations to commemorate and carry forward the spirit of patriotism.

At that time, Ichino, Nino, Sanno, and Huaye all began to write the history of the war.

However, due to Lin Biao's reasons, the compilation of the war history of the Fourth Field Army has been delayed.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

This phenomenon has naturally attracted the attention of many people. It should be known that the Fourth Field Army came from the rain of bullets and bullets, fought countless major wars with great achievements, and established immortal merits for New China.

The soldiers of Shino deserve to be remembered by generations of chinese people.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, the Kuomintang government headed by Chiang Kai-shek, with the help of the United States, raised troops to the northeast in an attempt to occupy the northeast and attack the People's Liberation Army from north to south.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

In order to smash Chiang Kai-shek's conspiracy, the CPC Central Committee made the strategic decision of "developing to the north and defending to the south" and "developing our forces in the northeast and striving to control the northeast."

The Northeast Bureau, with Peng Zhen, Chen Yun, Cheng Zihua, Wu Xiuquan, and Lin Feng as members, was set up to use the strong industry in the northeast to improve its own weak material foundation, and at the same time to disrupt the Kuomintang's deployment.

Before Japan's surrender, Chairman Mao said: As long as we have northeast China, then the Chinese revolution will have a solid foundation.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

On September 15, 1945, Chen Yun, Peng Zhen and others rushed to the northeast to preside over the overall situation.

In order to facilitate communication with the Soviet Red Army, at the suggestion of Chairman Mao, Chen Yun and Peng Zhen were awarded the rank of lieutenant general. Not only that, Chen Yun and Peng Zhen were also alternate secretaries of the Secretariat of the Central Committee at that time, specifically responsible for handling the Northeast Issue.

In order to better manage the northeast, our party has successively transferred 110,000 troops and 20,000 cadres from various liberated areas to the northeast, including 4 members of the Politburo.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Such a large-scale force naturally has to have a unified establishment, a unified title.

With the efforts of Chen Yun, Peng Zhen, and others, the troops advancing into the northeast merged with the northeast people's anti-Japanese armed forces, and with the approval of the CPC Central Committee, they formed the Northeast People's Autonomous Army, with Lin Biao as commander-in-chief.

On November 14, 1945, the Northeast People's Autonomous Army was renamed the Northeast Democratic United Army. Three years later, after the baptism of war, this unit has developed into the Fourth Field Army of the People's Liberation Army with millions of male soldiers, and was one of the main forces during the Liberation War.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Siye, who had made great achievements in battle, was a strong force that had experienced hundreds of battles, and the three offensive battles of the New Kailing Campaign, the Three Lower Jiangnan, the Four Bao Linjiang, and the Northeast Summer, Autumn, and Winter had made the enemy feel frightened

He also launched the Liaoshen Campaign alone, liberating the entire territory of northeast China; and then cooperating with the North China Field Army to launch the Pingjin Campaign, which basically liberated the whole territory of North China.

After that, he fought in South China, liberated Hainan Island, and raced across 14 provinces and regions, planting red flags at the ends of the motherland, and even almost directly liberating Hong Kong.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

The vicissitudes of the sea, the true colors of heroes.

Siye is also a team of heroes, in the struggle of blood and fire, countless combat heroes generously died, sacrificing their lives for righteousness, such as Dong Cunrui and Ma Renxing.

It was again a mighty army, and from here came the Minister of Defence of the Republic, the Commander of the Air Force, the Commander of the Navy, and the Commander of several large military regions.

Among the more than 1,600 generals who founded the country, there were 519 people who originally belonged to Shino, accounting for one-third of the total, including 2 marshals and 3 generals.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Therefore, the history of the battle of the four fields is not only the personal history of Commander Lin Biao, but also the history of the struggle of all the soldiers in the four fields.

Received a letter from Lin Biao's daughter

Lin Biao's daughter Lin Liheng, who learned of this situation, thought of her father's comrade-in-arms, Chen Yun.

Although Chen Yun had retired at that time, he was an important member of the party's first-generation central leading collective with Chairman Mao as the core and the party's second-generation central leading collective with Deng Xiaoping as the core, and had an important say and influence on historical issues.

More importantly, Chen Yun is an old comrade of the Northeast Bureau, one of the founders and witnesses of Shino, who participated in the entire journey of Shino in The Northeast and has a deep affection for Shino.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

In mid-January 1994, Chen Yun, who was resting at home, suddenly received an urgent letter from Lin Liheng.

In the letter she said:

Because of his father Lin Biao, The History of The Battle of Shino has been shelved, and the Pingjin Battle Memorial Hall has not been built. Therefore, Uncle Chen needs your help in these two things.

The reason why these two major events were not completed was because of What Lin Biao had done, and no one was unclear about this.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

But at this time, 23 years have passed since Lin Biao's death, and 15 years of reform and opening up have been carried out, and it is unfair that Lin Biao's personal problems cannot be used to destroy Siye's great achievements.

As Lin Liheng said in his letter:

Lin Biao is Lin Biao, he cannot represent the vast number of four million soldiers, and he cannot ignore for a long time because of him that an important link in the history of our party and our army has been ignored.

After reading the letter, Chen Yun was also full of emotions and empathy.

If these two things could not be implemented, how could they be worthy of the efforts and sacrifices of the four million soldiers who threw their heads and spilled their blood?

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

After a little thought, Chen Yun immediately called Hong Xuezhi and asked him to hurry to Shanghai, as for what happened, he just said that he couldn't say clearly on the phone, and he would talk about it later.

After receiving the call, Hong Xuezhi did not say a word, went straight to the airport to Shanghai, and came to Chen Yun's home as fast as possible.

Do two big things

After the two of them met for a few words, before Hong Xuezhi could ask what was going on, Chen Yun took out Lin Liheng's letter and asked him to take a look.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

At the same time, Chen Yun also said directly:

This time I called you to Shanghai for two things on the letter. The first thing is mainly the problem of writing the history of the four fields. I thought about it for a long time, or it was up to you to lead the compilation, to distinguish Lin Biao and Siye, to seek truth from facts, and to seize the time.

In the face of Chen Yun's heavy trust, Hong Xuezhi looked embarrassed, and on the grounds that he was afraid of being incompetent, he asked Chen Yun to ask the old comrade Siye to lead and write well.

After years of comrade-in-arms, Chen Yun understood Hong Xuezhi's concerns, but still felt that no one else was more suitable to do this than Hong Xuezhi. So, he shook his head and said to him: This matter is so decided, you will report my opinion to the Central Military Commission when you go back, and let them make a decision.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Hong Xuezhi looked at Chen Yun, who had a firm look in his eyes, and no longer prevaricated, but just made a request: Elder Chen, you see that this is okay, you come to serve as the general counsel, and we will do specific things.

Chen Yun was very happy to see that Hong Xuezhi had relaxed his mouth and agreed to this request.

Then, Chen Yun said:

The second thing is to build the Pingjin Battle Memorial Hall, as for the address I suggest put it in Tianjin. There are two reasons for this. First, there are too many memorials in Beijing, and if they don't attract too much attention in Beijing, the significance is very small. Second, Beijing was peacefully liberated, and Tianjin was laid down by siye. What do you think?

After listening to Chen Yun's analysis, Hong Xuezhi also agreed very much.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

At the same time, Hong Xuezhi also put forward a suggestion:

The memorial hall should not charge tickets, but should serve as a national education base, so that more people can understand the glorious deeds of that period, publicize patriotic ideas, and educate future generations not to forget history.

Before parting ways, Chen Yun also made a point of explaining to Hong Xuezhi: You should immediately write a report on these two things and report them to the Central Military Commission.

Why Hong Xuezhi

So, why did Chen Yun have to let Hong Xuezhi take charge of these two things?

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

First, Hong Xuezhi participated in almost all the major battles in the northeast and was the old man of Shiye.

As the first batch of cadres to rush to the northeast urgently, in September 1945, Hong Xuezhi and Huang Kecheng led their troops into the northeast and dredged the railway from Chengde to western Liaoning, ensuring that a large number of cadres and troops arrived in the northeast safely and in a timely manner.

After that, Hong Xuezhi was successively appointed deputy commander of the Western Liaoning Military Region and commander of the Heilongjiang Military Region, and led his troops to participate in the attack on Tongliao, the Battle of Zhongchang Road, and the Battle of Siping.

He then served as commander of the Sixth Column, one of the Five Tigers of the Four Wilds. During this period, he led his troops to participate in three offensive operations in the south of the Jiangsu And the northeast summer, autumn and winter, and led the six columns to participate in the Battle of Pingjin after The Four Fields entered the Pass.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

It can be said that Hong Xuezhi participated in the history of The Battle of Shino from beginning to end.

Second, Hong Xuezhi sought truth from facts, adhered to principles, waged a resolute struggle against the lin biao four-man counter-revolutionary clique during the special period, and always advocated the restoration of the historical honor of Siye.

Third, Hong Xuezhi is careful and cautious in his work. During the Revolutionary War, he served as the director of the political department in the army, also served as a principal, and engaged in compilation work.

Moreover, during the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Hong Xuezhi served as deputy commander and concurrently served as commander of the Logistics Command, kept the logistics work in order, and established a steel transportation line that could not be beaten continuously, could not be blown up, and could not be crossed.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Compiling the history of war is a complicated task that does not allow the slightest sloppiness, and requires both a full understanding of history and a serious and careful attitude.

Therefore, in all aspects, it is most appropriate for Admiral Hong Xuezhi to be responsible for these two things.

Compilation of the History of the Four Fields

In February 1995, the Central Military Commission issued a circular deciding to compile a history of the four field battles, with Hong Xuezhi specifically responsible for the leadership and Chen Yun as the general adviser.

On June 3 of the same year, the central authorities approved the establishment of a group for compiling the "War History of the Fourth Field Army," with Hong Xuezhi in full charge, Peng Zhen as the general adviser, 26 veteran generals such as Lü Zhengcao and Xiao Ke as advisers, and a group composed of the Academy of Military Sciences, the Shenyang Military Region, and the Guangzhou Military Region to undertake the task of compiling.

As soon as the news came out, the old people of The Four Wilds rushed to tell each other and sent various historical materials one after another, which provided great help for the compilation.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

However, what was extremely deplorable was that Chen Yun couldn't see all this.

On April 10, 1995, Chen Yun died of illness in Beijing. Not being able to see the compilation of the history of the Four Fields can be said to be a major regret for Chen Yun.

However, when he learned that the Central Military Commission had decided to compile a history of the Four Fields, Chen Yun wrote a special note to Send to Hong Xuezhi:

Not only the top, not only the book, only the truth, exchange, comparison, repetition.

These 15 big characters have been hanging in Hong Xuezhi's study, which is Chen Yun's request for compiling the history of the four field battles, seeking truth from facts and not cheating.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

At the same time, after Hong Xuezhi's travels from east to west, the Pingjin Memorial Hall received strong support from the Tianjin Municipal Government and officially laid the foundation stone on November 29.

In 1997, the Pingjin Battle Memorial Hall was officially opened, and Marshal Nie Rongzhen personally wrote down the name of the museum; in 1998, the "Battle History of the Fourth Field Army" was written.

In 1994, Chen Yun received an urgent letter from Lin Biao's daughter and called hong Xuezhi: You need to do two things

Today, we live in a peaceful environment, but the world is not at peace, just because we are very lucky to be born in China, to live in China.

And such a peaceful and powerful China was bought by countless ancestors who threw their heads and spilled their blood. Therefore, as sons and daughters of China, we must not forget history, remember it in our hearts, and contribute our own strength to the prosperity of the motherland.