
Why do young people suddenly fall in love with watching? Vipshop will solve the mystery with a piece of data

author:Digital diary

In recent years, the health consciousness of young people has awakened visibly. The punk health of the fire, the 0 fat and 0 calorie food fever, the recently exploded Liu Qihong... A large body of evidence shows that Gen Z has taken the "cost of revolution" seriously. However, these are still obvious, and in some of the more subtle places, the importance that young people attach to the body is also clearly rooted.

Why do young people suddenly fall in love with watching? Vipshop will solve the mystery with a piece of data

In this regard, watches are a good example. Speaking of watches, it is definitely a chronograph tool first, but in the past many people bought, timing is secondary, some people pay attention to decoration, some people use it for fun, some people buy it for collection, and some people take him as a gift... Now, monitoring health is the biggest reason to buy a watch.

As we all know, today's smart watches are not only used in a variety of scenarios, but also have anti-heavenly functions, especially the health monitoring that has become standard, heart rate monitoring, continuous blood oxygen saturation monitoring, pressure monitoring, breathing training... These important health parameters can be displayed. With such powerful features, more and more young people are buying smart watches.

Why do young people suddenly fall in love with watching? Vipshop will solve the mystery with a piece of data

According to the survey report released by Global Market Monitor, not only among many functions, the health detection function has received the first attention, and more than 70% of potential users will consider the integrity of the product health detection function, it can be said that the health detection function has become one of the most important factors affecting consumers to buy smart watches.

It's also more intuitive to look at sales data. Vipshop data shows that since the beginning of this year, the sales of smart watches on the platform have continued to grow year-on-year, and among them, the new products with health function upgrades have been outstanding. For example, on Vipshop's super big name day, a smart watch with blood pressure measurement technology, its sales have achieved a huge jump, an increase of more than 35 times compared with usual days.

Why do young people suddenly fall in love with watching? Vipshop will solve the mystery with a piece of data

In addition, it is worth mentioning that since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of smart health scales in Vipshop has also increased significantly year-on-year, and young people are increasingly favoring products related to health management.

There is no doubt that these data all show that the concept of great health and healthy lifestyles are more and more able to impress the hearts of young people than many consumers. And young people's health awareness awakens, health risk awareness strengthened, is also a good thing, now the pressure of life is not small, young people are gradually becoming the backbone of society and family, healthier body, more powerful physique, are necessary.