
Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

author:Hiroshi Bunshi
Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

In the traditional view, people think of politics as the world of men. But throughout the ages, there have been prominent women in the Eastern and Western worlds who have broken this stereotypical prejudice. Caroline Bonaparte is one of them. She was the sister of Napoleon, Emperor of France, and the wife of Murat, King of Naples and Marshal of the French Empire, and she was sandwiched between the two sides, dancing in a unique way in European politics in the early 19th century.

First, under the shadow

Caroline was born on March 24, 1782, and her original name was Maria Annunziata. Although her mother, Letizia, had given birth to several children before, the birth made her suffer more. In order to facilitate the recovery of the lady, Caroline's father, Charles Bonaparte, took Letizia to the thermal baths for recuperation, during which time maria the younger was entrusted to the care of the nanny. At this time, Europe was at a changing crossroads, and the turbulent situation made little Maria mature early and share the family's labor. In 1793, the Bonaparte family was forced to leave Corsica for mainland France. During this period, Maria changed her name to Caroline in order to better integrate into France, because she felt that her original name was too Corsicanized.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?


When Caroline was under the age of 15, her older siblings had already started a family, and Caroline was living in the shadow of her older siblings, a life that bothered her and affected her future personality. Napoleon's campaign in Italy was a great success, and his siblings gained glory and attention. The young Caroline was radiant and attracted a lot of male attention. Napoleon's brilliant Murat was captivated by her charm, and he was inseparable from Caroline, and this unremitting pursuit also satisfied Caroline's self-esteem. Although Murat was not from an aristocratic family, his family was well-off and fierce, so Napoleon agreed to their marriage. In 1800, Murat married Caroline.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

Murat on the battlefield

Napoleon's political and military victories brought glory to his family and those around him, and Caroline naturally hoped that she and Murat could get a piece of Napoleon's victory. In 1801, when Caroline gave birth to a son named Napoleon-Ahir Murat, Murat was appointed Governor of Italy by Napoleon, thus climbing to the peak of power on the Italian peninsula. As the Governor's wife, Caroline became her husband's adviser, and her aristocratic temperament and decency earned her respect and affection.

The couple were very affectionate, and Caroline soon gave birth to a baby girl, whereby the Murats were given by Napoleon to the Palazzo Tyrusson in Paris. But despite this, Caroline was still dissatisfied with her brother. When Napoleon proclaimed the First French Empire in 1804, he was knighted to those around him. But Caroline was forgotten, and she was not crowned princess. Caroline was disappointed and angry with her brother. In the face of his sister's accusations, Napoleon said that honor was not inherently deserved for these people. Caroline was deeply shocked by her brother's reply, and Napoleon softened at the sight of her sister's lost look. The next day, Napoleon made Caroline her princess.

Ii. Queen of Naples

The title of Princess only temporarily eased tensions, and caroline and Murat never got their own kingdom when Napoleon was free to redraw the political map of Europe at will. Caroline remained dissatisfied with Napoleon, especially with her brother's bias towards the Boarne family (i.e., Empress Josephine and her daughter Ordance). In order to balance the Boarne family, Caroline most likely introduced a beautiful woman named Della Plani to Napoleon and became his mistress. Madame de la Plani even gave birth to a son for Napoleon, which made Napoleon realize that he was not infertile, thus laying the groundwork for the future divorce of Empress Josephine. Despite being inadvertent, Caroline undoubtedly influenced the future marriage between the French Empire and Austria.

After missing out on the Kingdom of Westphalia and the Kingdom of Spain, Murat and Caroline finally got a kingdom of their own. Napoleon offered Murat the opportunity to choose between the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Naples. Despite fears of poverty in Naples, Murat and Caroline chose Naples. Upon arrival in Naples, they received a warm welcome from the masses along the way, and they immediately forgot their economic worries after seeing the beautiful scenery of Naples.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

Murat – King of Naples

In the Kingdom of Naples, Caroline's power was deliberately strengthened, and she could serve as regent as long as Murat left the country; if Murat died, she could inherit the Neapolitan throne. This was rare in other countries controlled by Napoleon. Murat naturally did not forget that his ability to become king depended on his marriage to Caroline, and if he tried to deny the queen, he would lose his throne. Caroline was very concerned about the development of the arts and manufacturing industry, and even paid great attention to the education of girls. In addition, Caroline was also passionate about the archaeological excavations of Pompeii. She not only went to the field to follow the excavation of the site, but even funded the cause. Caroline is by no means an "unprofessional" queen, and she often appears at various dances, parties, ceremonies, and hearings, and faces all kinds of people with a kind attitude. Thanks to Caroline's efforts, the Kingdom of Naples developed a great deal.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?


However, court life was by no means easy for Caroline, and Murat could not accept the status of "Caroline's husband" alone, and he often suspected that his wife was secretly colluding with Napoleon. In response, Murat also began to secretly collude with Napoleon's ministers if Napoleon encountered an unexpected attempt to seize the throne of France. Sandwiched between her brother and her husband, Caroline is very distressed, and in the face of her husband's suspicion and snub, she does not blame him but blames her unjust brother. But Caroline must balance the relationship between the two to preserve her position, on the one hand, she maintains the brother-sister friendship between herself and her brother, and on the other hand, she also comforts her husband with obedience and forbearance. When the husband tried to disobey Napoleon's orders, Caroline would dissuade the husband from committing any fire. Although friction sometimes occurs, under Caroline's forbearance, the two sides can always reconcile and maintain a loving relationship.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

Murat, Caroline and their four children

However, the conflict between Murat and Napoleon intensified, and Murat was bent on freeing himself from French control. In 1811, Murat issued a decree compelling all employed aliens to change to Neapolitan nationality or be deported. This policy toward France was harshly rebuked by Napoleon, who not only refuted the decree, but also revoked Murat's command of the army, and even arrested Murat's loyal supporter in Paris, General Aimé, on trumped-up charges. Murat was so frightened by his actions that he did not dare to open the letters written to him by the emperor. After reading Napoleon's warning letter, Caroline persuaded Murat to reconsider her actions and take the opportunity to regain her dominance in the family. The anti-French conspiracy that broke out in Naples was also properly resolved under the mediation of Caroline, and Napoleon said that if Naples did not change its anti-French policy, it would be annexed. In desperation, Murat asked Caroline to go to Paris to defend herself. Despite the unhappiness between the couple, Caroline supported her husband.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

Napoleon (right) and Murat (left)

During Murat's expedition to Russia with Napoleon, Caroline ruled Naples as regent. At this time, the Naples treasury was empty, and it had to deal with the threat of the British navy. Strong pressure worsened Caroline's health, but she still managed her country conscientiously. But the real challenge has just arrived.

Third, the light is gone

The failure of the expedition to Russia devastated the French Empire, and the murats' throne was in jeopardy. In 1815, before Napoleon lost at the Battle of Waterloo, Murat had already suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Tolentino. Late at night on May 19 and 20, Murat returned to the palace to get some diamonds and left in a hurry. It was also the last time Caroline saw her husband. Caroline then made an agreement with the British, and she left Naples on a warship and was taken to Trieste. The news of Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo and Murat's execution at Pizzo shattered her last hopes. She assumed the pseudonym Countess Lipona to commemorate her former honorific status as Queen of Naples.

Napoleon suspected that he was infertile, and his sister sent a beautiful woman to solve it, what happened to this sister?

Execution of Murat

In 1817, Caroline moved to Austria, where she lived in Fösdev Castle. In 1830, she was allowed to return to Florence, Italy, where she purchased the Griffoni Palace and held a salon. The visitors were impressed by the charm and temperament of Caroline's speech and demeanor. In 1839, after six months of agony, the former Queen of Naples died.

Wen Shijun said

It is true that Caroline became queen of Naples thanks to the help of her brother Napoleon, but her efforts to reconcile her brother and husband and her role in state affairs cannot be ignored. Although Caroline's final ending was not satisfactory, thankfully, her children have achieved a happy life. The two daughters were happily married, and the two sons also achieved great success, one of whom joined the U.S. Army, married the granddaughter of George Washington, and served as the mayor of Tallahassee, Florida, while the other son was elected to the French Senate in 1848 and was awarded the title of Prince of Murat in 1853, and his descendants are now representatives of the Murat family. Throughout her life, Caroline was enough to be called an outstanding woman.


Pierre Blanda: The Napoleonic Dynasty: 300 Years of the Napoleonic Family, translated by Jiang Fan and Hu Shiyun, Beijing Yanshan Publishing House, 2019.

André Hilliard Antrice: Napoleon's First Cavalry: A Biography of Marshal Murat of France, translated by Cappé, Taiwan Straits Press, 2019.

(Author: Haoran Wenshi · Friends of ABC)

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