
How can a novice learn to pick up a marinade quickly? What are the basic steps?

author:Brine Three Kingdoms snacks

Invest in brine cooked food, open a brine shop is one of the most worthy of investment in the current small entrepreneurial market, brine cooked food red all over the country, sales throughout the country are very hot, very popular with consumers, now invest in opening a brine delicatessen also only need small investment, the profit margin generated in the later period is very large, and the operation process is simple, even if it is a novice can quickly get started. So, if a novice wants to learn the technique of brine-flavored cooked food, how can you get started quickly? What are the steps that must be understood? Today, the small editor of the Three Kingdoms of Halogen will take you to briefly understand what are the basic steps to learn the brine cooked food technology?

How can a novice learn to pick up a marinade quickly? What are the basic steps?

1. Selection of ingredients

The premise of making products is of course to have raw materials, so the first thing we have to learn is how to choose the right ingredients, such as duck neck, chicken feet, pig face, large intestines, offal and other ingredients, need to try to choose fresh, remember, prefer not to buy must not touch the semi-finished products, that is, the kind of ingredients after the merchant boils water, even if the price is cheap, do not buy, if you buy back, just deal with the odor of the ingredients themselves is a very headache, and even if you deal with its own odor problem, The taste and taste of the later brine finished products will also be greatly reduced, so do not try to buy semi-finished products conveniently and cheaply, otherwise it will be more than worth the loss!

2. Pickling of ingredients

After preparing fresh ingredients, we need to pre-process the ingredients, the ingredients are cleaned with cold water, the meat ingredients must be pickled before the pot, this step can achieve the effect of fishy into the bottom taste, so that our later brine flavor finished products are more delicious and delicious, of course, this operation process is also very simple, it can be said that it is a simple operation skill, but you do not underestimate this step, in the whole operation process this step is crucial, cooking wine, green onions, ginger, salt, etc. can be used as marinade accessories, If it is a large piece of meat, you need to use a toothpick to evenly prick out some small holes in the surface of the meat in advance, so that the ingredients can be better flavored, marinated for 3-4 hours in spring and autumn, marinated for 6 hours in autumn and winter, if the volume of the meat piece is particularly large, the time also needs to be doubled, which can be adjusted according to the actual situation!

How can a novice learn to pick up a marinade quickly? What are the basic steps?

3: Blanch the water after marinating

After the marinating of the ingredients, it is also necessary to blanch the water treatment, in the process of boiling the water, it is necessary to remove the floating foam on the surface in time, the main purpose of this step is to remove the bloody smell and impurities contained in the ingredients themselves. When operating this step, it should be noted that the ingredients must be boiled under cold water, so that the blood and impurities in the pores of meat ingredients can seep out faster, and once the skin of the meat encounters high temperatures, it will shrink rapidly, so that the dirty things in the pores can not be discharged.

4. The brine needs to be soaked

The brine package we prepared in advance, do not directly into the pot for brine, you need to soak in warm water for about half an hour in advance, which can reduce the bitterness, astringency and odor of the spice itself, and more importantly, clean up the impurities on the surface of the spice.

How can a novice learn to pick up a marinade quickly? What are the basic steps?

5. Lock in moisture

Freshly marinated meat brine, very delicious, soft rotten and fragrant, beautiful color, but before long, the marinated meat will slowly change color, the color is black and dark, losing moisture, to a certain extent, affecting the sale of brine, then, how should we deal with this situation? Here are two must-have tips:

(1) After the brine meat comes out of the pot, on the surface of the brine meat, brush a layer of color-retaining oil (here you can also use salad oil instead), which can isolate the contact between the air and the brine as much as possible, prevent oxidation from blackening, lock the water, and inhibit the evaporation of the water.

(2) Just out of the pot of brine, the heat is very large, the temperature is also very high, this time the water volatilization will be very fast, we can quickly put the brine into the refrigerator or freezer, placed for about ten minutes, let it cool down quickly, do not give the time for the water to volatilize, and so on after ten minutes, the moisture has been fully integrated into the meat, take it out and brush a layer of oil, can ensure that within a period of time, the brine meat will not be dry and hard, and can also keep the color red.

6. Preservation skills of marinated meat

After the brine is placed for one night, more or less will lose a certain color, this time involves the sale of the brine taste, if the day can be sold out, it is good to say, if the business is not very good for two or three consecutive days, then it will definitely cause certain economic losses, in this case, we need to have a corresponding response plan, we can first soak the brine with warm water for 10 minutes, and then boil the marinade with high heat, and then put the warm water soaked in the marinade into the boiling marinade, continue to maintain the high-fire brine, Wait for the pot to re-boil to fish out the brine, here need to pay attention to the fact that the time of re-brine should not be too long, to avoid the meat is too soft and rotten, the salty taste is too heavy, affecting the taste and taste of the brine itself!

How can a novice learn to pick up a marinade quickly? What are the basic steps?

Halogen entry is actually not difficult, we only need to first understand the theoretical knowledge to master firmly, and then slowly in practice to explore and summarize, we will be able to make a satisfactory brine taste, and as a novice most need to pay attention to, is to choose a reliable brine training institutions for learning, the production of brine is a very systematic process, the need for professional technical training and teacher Fu hand-in-hand teaching to let us better and faster mastery!