
Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

author:Beidou think tank environmental steward
Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

From the "Hegemonic Screen" network-wide Universal Studios to the recent hit "Fantastic Beasts 3", the magical world is always fascinating. However, in our nature, there are hidden "magical" forces everywhere, have you noticed?

  Natural magic · copy

  Hidden here is a group of natural inventors

  In today's rapid development of science and technology, the achievements of human invention and creation are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Among them, many of our inventions are inspired by animals.

  Dolphins are known to have sonar systems that can move forward in the dim waters on the ultrasonic waves they emit, detect the size, shape, and speed of objects in the water, and then construct a clear picture of the surroundings. At present, this technology has been applied by scientists to naval submarines, medicine and other fields.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  When the squid escapes, it sucks seawater into its body and then spews it out through a small hole, causing the body to move in the opposite direction. This method is consistent with the principle of the thrusters we use today's rocket launches.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  The owls' feathers are very soft and the effect is comparable to that of a muffler. This allows it to produce a frequency of sound waves less than 1000 hertz while flying, and almost no one can hear it without deliberately making a call. Today, humans are poised to apply this technology to airplanes to reduce the noise of airplanes when flying.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  There is a saying that this group of natural animal inventors, many of their inventions are breathtaking, we humans can have a correct attitude to learn with an open mind

  Natural magic · heal

  Liking itself is magic

  The study believes that green environments are associated with improvements in children's neuropsychological development and mental health. Being in a green environment for a long time has a positive impact on working memory. As if nature automatically emits a magic that delights and nourishes the body and mind.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  The Novel "A Man's Pilgrimage" by the British writer Rachel ▪ Joyce describes this healing power. In the book, harold, a retired elderly man, embarks on a long journey alone to visit a critically ill friend. He traveled 627 kilometres over 87 days, across England, experiencing physical pain, seeing intoxicating beauty, and finally finding meaning in life. Each of us is Harold and needs to discover a better version of ourselves in our walks.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  Beautiful scenery can make people get rid of their troubles, and those sand sculptures or cute animals can also give us another kind of energy.

  Natural magic · grow

  Super vitality and combat effectiveness

  The philosophy of life is playing out in nature every moment. You'll never imagine how much energy some creatures can explode in order to survive.

  Cement bricks seal the growth of plants, and in order to survive from the cement jungle created by humans, these roots must improvise. They are intricately rooted in cement bricks, as if to announce to the world the domineering and strong of life.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was leaked and abandoned by mankind ever since. More than thirty years have passed, and without human interference, nature has taken over the territory again. Nowadays, it has become a paradise for flora and fauna, where plants grow freely, covering the surrounding buildings, some wild animals everywhere, and the miracle of life is being staged.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  Nature is naturally chosen, and the fittest survive. However, some animals can repeatedly escape from the mouths of natural enemies by relying on their own cultivation defense mechanisms. There is an insect in the world called a cannon rifle, whenever danger comes, it will spray a liquid, the temperature is as high as 100 degrees Celsius, and the spray will instantly turn into gas. Even if other creatures swallow it in their mouths, they will burn their mouths and eventually spit it out sadly.

Three kinds of magic hidden in nature, have you discovered?

  The earth that has lived for 4.5 billion years has experienced various existential crises, but with the efforts of Mother Nature, it has survived one by one, so why not be a magical existence?

Source: Green Future Environmental Protection Platform