
Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

author:AEIC Academic

Today, Xiaobian introduces you to a very first-class journal in all aspects - Particle and Fibre Toxicology (Journal of Particle and Fiber Toxicology), which is referred to as "PFT" in the next part of the article.

Professionalism? Class! The top journal of toxicology, ranking third in the field of toxicology for many years.

Price? Class! The submission hit rate is high, the average review cycle is moderate, and the Chinese is friendly.

Seeing this, in front of the screen, are you going to ask ," Why does this journal look so good that you and I have never heard of it?" "Because the field of toxicology is not as common as mathematical physics!" So let's first briefly understand the toxicology and its sub-domain nanotoxicology.

Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects (commonly known as toxicity) of substances (cosmetics, dust, etc.) that people may be exposed to in their work and life. Nanotoxicology, on the other hand, is the study of the environmental behavior (e.g., sedimentation, migration, etc.) of nanoscale substances (such as weather forecasting of atmospheric fine particles (PM2.5) and recently popular microplastics) and their toxic effects on humans and other organisms (e.g., whether an experimental mouse dies) and related mechanisms (e.g., how mice die).

What about PFT, the top toxicology journal? Please listen to the editor to expand!

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

01 Born prominent, low-key in a large family

Particle and Fibre Toxicology (PFT) is known as the "world's strongest scientific publisher" Springer Nature Publishing House's open source platform (BMC) nano, medical, toxicology journals, published in the United Kingdom, published in 2004, so far, has gone through 18 years.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

Isn't the "Nature" in the name of this publishing house a bit familiar? That's right! It's the "Nature" you want to post on the homepage of the school's official website! It and the PFT we introduce today can be said to be cousins or cousins.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

In addition to nature, the sun that everyone in the scientific community looks up to, Springer Nature has more than 3,000 other journals! Xiaobian suddenly understood the reason why PFT's reputation was not obvious:

Under the glare of the sun, who can see the same glowing diamonds?

Who would easily abandon the bright moon that can be seen when they look up and instead pursue the stars that need to be searched for to be discovered?

Springer Nature Publishing House Inner OS: There are thousands of journals under the name, if not, let's change it! This is probably the reason why the PFT from a large family was recommended by Metz Medicine to "strengthen brand management"!

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

02 Stubbornly rooted in the niche field, unique

It is not easy to get out of the house with prominent births and many strong relatives, but PFT has taken a different path and chosen a niche branch of toxicology in the niche field - nano toxicology.

The PFT website describes the purpose of the journal: to focus on understanding the physical and chemical properties of particles and fibers associated with exposure in the general environment and in the working environment, and the toxic effects of the resulting exposure on human health. The positioning and intention are very accurate, and the professional journal is published!

The effect of PFT specialization is very remarkable: the average five-year impact factor exceeds 9.4, occupying the top 3 of the journal ranking in the field of toxicology for many years, and the average citation of articles is 58+!

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?
Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

03 Blameless professionalism

As a professional journal with unique expertise, the professionalism of PFT is undoubted!

First of all, PFT has a large number of excellent and professional editorial board members. The two editors-in-chief are Fleming R Cassee of the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands and Aaron Erdely of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Research (NIOSH) in the United States ( in their personal capacity . Both of them have been deeply involved in the field of toxicology for many years and have written a lot of books.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

The journal's associate editors and editorial board members are located on all continents, and the different nationalities of the deputy editors in the screenshot show the inclusiveness of the journal. Among them, Professor Zhao Yuliang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the mainland, is one of the deputy editors of PFT.

Chen Chunying, a researcher at the National Center for Nanoscience, and Xiawei Wei, a researcher at Sichuan University, are both members of the PFT editorial board.

The above three are all very good senior leaders in domestic nano toxicology, and by analogy, the professionalism of PFT reviewers is beyond doubt.

Secondly, PFT has high requirements for the professionalism of the manuscript. "We are a highly regarded and highly cited forum for cutting-edge research, debate and exchange among toxicologists." We welcome high-quality manuscripts on the potential toxicological threat posed by particulate matter in a variety of scenarios, and do not encourage the submission of experimental papers that primarily involve omics data or single-dose studies. At this point, the pride of PFT has been "fully embodied"!

And the professionalism of PFT is not just talking about itself, it is recognized by the majority of contributors.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?
Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

04 Although there is an unbeatable price-performance ratio, it is slightly flawed

As the third top journal in the field of toxicology, PFT is friendly to Chinese with a 26.0% submission hit rate (32.35% of The Chinese people contribute), and has become the "king of cost performance" in the field of toxicology in the heart of the editor! Why is it said that the third does not say the first and the second? Please take a look at the following set of data (data from the metz medical website):

At the top of the list of toxicology journals, the Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, which mainly receives reviews (manuscripts), accounted for 2.56% of Chinese articles in 2022, compared with 0.00% in 2019.

2. The second place is IMMUNAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, with a submission hit rate of 5%, Chinese articles accounted for 4.58% in 2022, compared with 16.41% in 2019.

After reading the above data, do you think that the "average, third in the field" PFT is very kind?

Although the annual number of PFT publications is about 50, PFT also has obvious advantages compared with other common journals with large publications. PFT is geared towards medical, toxicological and environmental sciences. Taking environmental science as an example, in addition to PFT, we have selected 4 common environmental science journals, including Environmental Science & Technology (EST), Water Research (WR), as well as low-key Interpretation Pollution (EP) and popular Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN). We mainly compare the review speed and hit rate.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?
Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

We can see that compared with the above four journals, the PFT submission speed is acceptable, and it is obvious that it is WR that needs a long wait, and the hit rate is comparable to EST.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

But PFT is not flawless, Xiaobian collected feedback from netizens, and there are two main points that everyone complains about.

1. Long submission cycle. Probably everyone who waits for an article to be reposted, received, and published feels like the waiting day is like a year!

But in fact, Xiaobian feels that the submission cycle is quite reasonable, whether it is the following values given on the official website or the "1.83 months" of netizen feedback.

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?

2. Article processing is expensive. The article processing fee given by the PFT official website is 3490.00 US dollars, equivalent to 20,000 yuan+.

It may be that the PFT is "less published" and "slow and expensive", so it scares off many contributors. But spit on the spit, everyone really said "Respect" to the professionalism of PFT!

If you are in the nano and toxicology-related direction (screenshot of the specific research field of PFT is below), and you are very confident in your data, and you happen to be rich and idle, then come to The Partnership and Fibre Toxicology! Although niche, but professionally, it is really impeccable! Even if you don't have money and are in a hurry to graduate, it is recommended to look at PFT! The quality of the research above is really high! Maybe it can give you a little "New idea"!

Nature cousin, the top three journals in the field, super pro-Chinese, but why is it perennial?