
Nano Diary (7) Atlantic Shark Fishing

author:Flowing red sand

At 8 a.m. on May 1, Swakopmund was white under the thick fog, the desert road was hidden in the fog, and a large cloud of fog fell on the windshield of the car, with visibility only more than ten meters away.

The guide was waiting for us at a gas station on the side of a highway, three Europeans, two in their fifties and sixties, and one in his twenties. Their cars were lined with fishing rods four or five meters long. Seeing that we had arrived, he drove toward the sea.

Nano Diary (7) Atlantic Shark Fishing

The road stretched out in the desert, and when it got off the road, the car drove up to a beach field. The sea is on the left, although it is not seen, but the sound of the roaring waves is touching. Finally I saw the sea, only to see a vast expanse, the water and the sky were connected, and the rows of two or three meters high waves came from a distance and slammed into the beach. Our car is driving on the beach three or four meters near the sea, and for people in inland cities in life, it is indeed a bit of a heart-pounding, in case the car gets stuck in it, it will be over.

Cars were driving on such wet beaches, and the sand that looked flat with the sea had an astonishing hardness, and our 4WD car pressed on it without doing anything. I just gave a snack. There were already three, three, two-by-two anglers on the beach, and their cars were parked on the beach a few meters away from the sea.

The guide car finally stopped at a beach back to the bay, which is the fishing spot. Can you catch fish in this kind of weather, such waves? My heart was full of doubts.

Nano Diary (7) Atlantic Shark Fishing

Sea rod with spinning wheels

Nano Diary (7) Atlantic Shark Fishing

The guide is preparing

This stretch of beach is a bit gentle, at least fifty or sixty meters away from the beach to the sea, and it is necessary to throw the bait into the depths of the distant sea to have an effect.

The guide is preparing. The three of them had a clear division of labor, tying hooks, loading baits, and cutting small fish into small pieces and hanging them on hooks. I took a fishing rod and tried to throw it. This sea pole is long, thick and hard. Although I am also a fisherman, I am not unfamiliar with throwing rods. Retract the wire, open the cup, pull open the rack, flick, bang, the lead drop only throws to the pole tip.

When fishing in China, as long as the thread cup of the spinning wheel is opened, the fishing line is only buckled with the right hand food, and when the pole is thrown, the hand can be released. This is not the case for sea fishing, which first has to press the line on a positioning device, then press the switch, and at the same time press the index finger of the left hand and release it when thrown.

The little handsome guide saw that I had not succeeded several times, so he came over to guide me. The index finger of the left hand pressed the switch, lunged, turned, raised the rod, and finally threw the bait out, but how far it was thrown, I don't know.

After the bait is thrown into the sea, place the pole in the seat of the belt, with the left hand guarding the front and the right hand holding the back. Collapse the fishing line. After a while, I felt the rod tip moving, there were fish biting the bait, and the movement was a little big, and I excitedly raised the rod and emptied it.

The bearded guide came over, speaking English in his mouth, and lifted his arm away, indicating that his index finger was pointing downwards. They were all anglers, and I understood what he meant. The rod should be more moving, and bend downwards very largely before raising the pole.

OK, put on a new bait and throw it again, the lead fell with the fishing line, and flew out a long way. Sinking to the bottom, collapsing the line, I felt the pole shaking, and there were fish biting the hook. Heart pounding. Hold your breath and hold steady. The rod was bent down, and when I lifted the rod hard, I felt a little heavy and fished. The line came up, haha, a white, like a freshwater perch.

There were fish to eat.

The tall man in the guide took out a ruler and placed the fish on it to compare, and I looked at it, and he was measuring the length of the fish. The length of the fish was two fingers long from the reticle, and he smiled and shook his head, with "NO N0" in his mouth and spread his hands. While holding the fish, he walked to the sea and threw the fish back into the sea.

I looked at the ruler, which had several species of fish painted on it and marked it in English. People in my company told me that the Namibian government has strict rules on fishing, and there are rules on what kind of fish can be caught and how big the fish can be caught. However, in such a large sea area, there are many people fishing, and people in government departments can't manage it, a small fish, no one knows if it can be released.

Later, the three poles were loaded with several fish, but they did not meet the regulations and were released.

Nano Diary (7) Atlantic Shark Fishing

Mermaid fight

It was more than 11 o'clock, and the sun gently revealed its face and disappeared. The guide said that if you want to change the fishing spot, there may be sharks over there.

Packing up our things, we continued along the sand by the sea. The further north you go, the bigger the waves get. In the end, a beach was selected and the pole was re-erected. But there are a lot of reefs along the beach, and the fish hooks must be thrown over the reefs or they will hang on them. After the bearded guide loaded the bait, he walked barefoot to the edge of the beach, waited for the waves to recede, and when the next wave rushed over, he quickly lunged, raised the pole, and the bait was thrown out at least 100 meters.

He handed me the pole and gestured with his hand again, and I nodded. Take the pole, protect the pole with your left hand, hold the lower side with your right hand, and stare at the end of the pole with both eyes. For a moment the rod was moving, there were fish biting the bait, and I didn't move. The frequency of fish bites is accelerating and intensifying. Suddenly, I felt my hands shake and the rod sink down. I thrust my rod hard, and suddenly I shook it, as if I had hooked something. The whole pole was bent into a bow, and one stumbled and almost fell.

Medium and big fish.

The rod was stretched into a bow, and the fishing line whistled. I grasped the rod hard, and the fish quickly closed the line without moving, and several times I was almost pulled into the sea by the fish. Two hands hold the rod, and the person falls backwards to maintain balance. By this time I was panting like a cow, afraid that if I didn't get stuck, people and rods would be dragged into the sea.

Mermaids fight, fight is persistence.

My left hand was tied to the rod, and my right hand was clutching the handle of the rod. The fish moved, I didn't move, the fish didn't move, I quickly closed the line, at this time people all gathered around and exclaimed: "It's a big shark!" ”

The shark had been slowly dragged to shore, and the guide white handsome man had rushed over and pounced into the sea, clutching the shark with both hands.

The beach was jubilant.

Such a beautiful shark, white belly, the skin on the back is a little thick, like touching the back of a calf, the two rows of sharp teeth in the mouth look terrible. For the first time in my life, I was a little nervous about such a big guy up close, and I carefully held its double fins and tried to lift it up, but the tail was still dragged on the sand, so heavy, at least 30 kilograms.

Such a big fish can be taken away, right? Just as I was imagining a delicious meal, the guide, the little white handsome man, holding the shark, carefully came to the beach and gently put it into the sea. The shark's body twisted and quickly followed the waves!

Nano Diary (7) Atlantic Shark Fishing