
Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

author:Popular science concept

Smoking is harmful to health, it's well known, but whenever we mention it, there are always some people who use life cases to refute it. For example, a centenarian said in an interview that the secret of his longevity is to smoke and drink, which also gives those people an excuse to continue smoking.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

In order to make huge profits, the British Tobacco Company even used objective experiments to prove that smoking was not harmful, so it found 48 dogs as experimental objects, and let them smoke 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years, and smoked tens of thousands of cigarettes in total in 3 years. So what happened?

Animal experiments by British Tobacco

Fast back in 1952, when the number of smokers around the world had reached a very high level, and whether smoking was harmful to health was doubtful in the eyes of countless smokers at the time, until the American Cancer Society published a survey conclusion - "smoking has a high probability of causing cancer" - let everyone realize that the harm of smoking may be far more serious than imagined.

Based on this, the business of some tobacco giants in the world has plummeted, and British Tobacco is one of them.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

In order to make business better, British Tobacco not only launched "improved tobacco", but also did a huge "marketing experiment" for the promotion of "improved tobacco" - let dogs conduct smoking experiments to prove that smoking is not harmful to health.

In this experiment, the subjects were 48 beagles, and in order to achieve the expected experimental effect, the experimenters let the dogs smoke 100 cigarettes a day to see if long-term smoking would cause harm to their health.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

After many long-term experiments, the British Tobacco Company announced a "good news" to the outside world, the long-term smoking dogs in the experiment did not have any discomfort in their bodies, but more lively than before, which also proved that "improved tobacco" has achieved great success...

Such experimental results, put in the present, may be everyone will put a big question mark, "improved tobacco" is really so magical?

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

Later facts did prove that "improved tobacco" and animal experiments were purely "lies" woven by British Tobacco. It wasn't until 1975 that this "lie" was punctured by a female journalist named Mary Bass...

After learning the results of the experiment, the female reporter thought that the British Tobacco experiment might be catty, so she disguised herself as a candidate and entered the tobacco company to conduct an in-depth investigation. After entering the tobacco company, the female reporter once gained the trust of her superiors with a good working attitude, and soon entered the laboratory to work.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

After coming to the laboratory, the female reporter was frightened by the scene in front of her, the physical health of the beagles was not only very bad, the experimenters in order to make them inhale a fixed amount of smoke every day, and even cut the throat tubes of the uncooperative beagles, directly connecting the smoke to their throats and forcing them to smoke.

When British Tobacco announced the results of the experiment, it would not let these beagles undergo the experiments come forward, but replaced them with healthy beagles to "fake". And such an experiment lasted for up to 3 years, and the beagle dog that received the experiment has been quietly changed several times in 3 years.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

In 1975, after the female reporter exposed the matter, it immediately attracted widespread attention from the society, and the British Tobacco Company was also boycotted by countless people.

At the same time, people's understanding of the harmful health of smoking has also been further deepened, there is no tobacco in the world that has been improved to harmlessness, if you do not want to be poisoned by tobacco, not smoking is the most correct choice.

How harmful is smoking?

The principle of cigarette combustion is actually the insufficient combustion of tobacco, we all know that the insufficient combustion of carbon will produce carbon monoxide, therefore, smoking into the lungs of the smoke, it also contains a certain degree of carbon monoxide. In addition to carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke also contains heavy metal elements such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, as well as formaldehyde, benzene and other carcinogens, which will accumulate in the human body and seriously endanger human health.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

Of course, these toxic substances are not the most terrible, the most terrible is actually the nicotine in cigarettes, nicotine is an alkaloid, when it enters the human body, it will bind to the acetylcholine receptors in the brain, and further change the level of neurotransmitters, making people dependent on the alkaloid of nicotine.

When the level of neurotransmitters tends to stabilize, once the intake of nicotine is suddenly stopped, the neurotransmitter level will be broken, at this moment, people will have a series of symptoms such as anxiety, until the re-intake of nicotine to alleviate the symptoms. That's why smoking is addictive.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

It is worth mentioning that the principle of smoking addiction is the same as that of drug addiction, which is the fundamental reason why smoking addiction is so difficult to quit, and it is also the most terrible place for smoking...

Write at the end

As of today, there are more than 300 million smokers on the mainland, and many even start smoking since the age of thirteen or fourteen, which Dachuan has witnessed with his own eyes. For most "old smoking guns", quitting smoking is indeed very difficult, but if it is possible, try to quit, after all, cigarettes are harmful to human health and have no benefit.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

Of course, in order to help smokers quit smoking, there are also a large number of cigarette substitutes on the market, the most typical of which is electronic cigarette products.

Here, Dachuan is not recommended to smoke e-cigarettes, although the quality inspection of qualified electronic cigarettes, indeed than cigarettes contain less harmful substances, but the smoke of electronic cigarettes also contains a large number of harmful substances, particles, long-term intake will also cause irreversible harm to human health.

Is smoking really harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for 3 years

Therefore, if you want to quit smoking, it is best not to use e-cigarettes instead, when you want to smoke, try to find something else to divert your attention, such as chewing gum, chewing beef jerky, etc., step by step can also completely quit smoking addiction...

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