
Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

author:Ten o'clock reading book flagship store

I've seen a sentence like this:

"People who wait for others to give happiness are often not very happy."

When I was young, I didn't want to believe it; when I became an adult, I finally understood the truth.

The happiness given by others can only be added to the icing on the cake, and the happiness created by oneself is the least likely to be lost.

No one can be your eternal haven, except yourself.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but to spell these 4 things.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

Halfway through life, we have already experienced a lot.

Those painful partings, those warm joys, let us understand one thing:

The only person who can really take responsibility for your life is yourself.

Only when a woman is financially independent and no longer dependent on the mercy and charity of anyone can she truly live herself.

In the hit drama "Dressage", there is an impressive working woman, she is the senior editor Zhao Xin.

Compared with other high-energy players in the play, she is just one of the most ordinary white-collar workers in the company.

Senior leaders are in turmoil and the company is riddled with internal contradictions.

While working hard, Zhao Xin used his off-duty time to explore new content areas, created his own public account, and earned the first bucket of gold in his life;

Faced with the middle-aged pressure of "old on the top and small on the bottom", she bravely ended a bad marriage and became a single mother;

When a self-interested colleague used despicable means to become the new editor-in-chief, Zhao Xin, who had been promoted, resolutely chose to resign and restart her entrepreneurial life.

In the face of the pressure of life and the bottleneck of the workplace, Zhao Xin has always been humble and obedient to his heart.

All this is because she has a confidence that will never be shaken, that is, the ability to make money.

Because of her financial independence, she has the courage to choose, the ability to give up, and the courage to forge ahead;

Rely on herself to make money, let her win respect, control life, and at any time, she can rely on herself to rewrite her destiny.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

Romain Roland once said:

Whether it is an adult or a child, they will feel that self-support is a kind of happiness, but also a manifestation of their own independent personality.

Indeed, only economic independence in life can meet better landscapes.

When people reach middle age, many people and things will change.

Only when women are financially independent can they get rid of the shackles of the world, have more choices, and create their own lives.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

The French writer Montaigne said:

"Health is the fairest and most precious gift nature can give us."

Having a healthy body is a woman's greatest capital in the second half of her life.

With health, we can accompany our children, work with our loved ones, and take care of our parents;

With health, you can embrace your dreams, try your best, and achieve something.

Liu Nan, a famous female entrepreneur, is busy at work and stressful, and always uses food to alleviate anxiety.

Unbridled diet, coupled with the irregularity of her daily routine, made her body frequently glow red.

She once described herself in the early days of entrepreneurship:

"I only care about data every day, I care about performance, and I never care about myself."

It wasn't until one day, when her husband dragged her to the hospital, that she realized the seriousness of the problem.

It was also from that day that she began to improve her diet, change her schedule, exercise regularly, and she began to pay attention to herself.

Having not been shopping for a long time, she deliberately went to the mall to pick out one of her favorite clothes, bought from 4XL and put it in the closet to motivate herself.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

After 8 months, Liu Nan, who successfully lost weight, not only surprised everyone, but also enjoyed himself.

She said:

"I lost weight not to meet the expectations of others, but to regain a healthy body, a confident mindset, and in the form of empowerment, to make me a better person and make me love myself more."

In the face of health, nothing is worth fighting with our lives.

Being born as a human being really requires struggle.

But success must pay the price of health, that is the saddest thing.

As Haruki Murakami said:

"The body is the temple of everyone, and whatever is enshrined in it should be kept strong, beautiful and clean.

A good body should be a belief that can help us examine ourselves more soberly. ”

You know, the most expensive wealth of a woman in the second half of her life is not a bank deposit, not a luxury watch car, but a healthy body.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

Zhang Ailing said: "When the years pass and the face grows old, only the inner cultivation and temperament are left with the life. ”

No matter how beautiful the appearance, the breathtaking beauty can only be maintained in youth.

Only temperament and connotation are the charm that accompanies a lifetime.

Xiao Xue, former editor-in-chief of ELLE China, once shared such a small story:

"When I was 30 years old, I went to Paris Fashion Week for the first time to see the show, and I always liked to stare at the French sisters in their 50s on the street.

Their hairstyles are casual, the makeup is natural, and the clothes seem to be affordable brands, how can they be so temperamental?

Later, after working in the fashion circle for a long time, I learned that my hair was to be taken care of, my makeup was to be taken seriously, and my daily dressing matching was to be prepared one night in advance.

Where in the world is there effortless elegance? ”

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

Indeed it is.

The gray face of life cannot be avoided by anyone.

However, if we can still insist on pampering ourselves and cherishing ourselves in difficult and even embarrassing situations, life will better give back to us and spoil us.

Elegant temperament is not innate, but needs to cherish themselves from the inside out, and requires unremitting self-discipline learning.

Over time, the soul emits a fragrance, and life is rich and beautiful.

A beautiful woman who may be criticized for having no soul;

A beautiful woman who may be disrespected due to insufficient aura;

But a woman with an elegant temperament will never be underestimated.

The true beauty of a woman is the temperament of the undefeated years, and it is calm and confident from the inside out.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

A woman, who wants to live a decent and down-to-earth life, must not only be financially independent, but also be independent in personality.

Many women are used to relying on others in their lives and relying on their husbands in marriage.

However, over time, this dependence will make you lose control of life and gradually feel confused about the future.

To think independently, to act alone, to strive to be a woman who is strong inside.

Since singing at the Strawberry Music Festival, Maggie Cheung has completely torn apart the "goddess" label on her body.

She doesn't play hyaluronic acid, but she insists on rock and roll; she is not afraid to spread gossip, and she is crazy for love again and again.

She can have such a hot and vivid vitality because she has an independent soul.

She has never been trapped by the disturbances of the outside world, and people must complete those unfinished dreams and complete the puzzle of life in middle age.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

What determines a woman's value is never the success or failure of marriage, the evaluation of the outside world;

What determines a woman's worth is whether you can eventually become that unique self.

Whether it is for work or feelings, try to rely on your own strength to solve some difficulties, to pursue some meaning, to get something.

In this way, you will live a more exciting life, and your life will be more tenacious and beautiful.

Smart women, in the second half of their lives, do not spell men, but spell these 4 things

Chen Daoming once wrote such a sentence:

Shaohua is fleeting, momentary fanghua, and the skin phase gives you a few years of brilliance at best;

But beyond that, what you need is the power to bring you grace and tranquility throughout your life.

Smart women, the second half of their lives do not fight men.

The fight is the ability to make money, a healthy body, an elegant temperament, and an independent posture.

Such women, who can ignore the cruelty of the years, always have a vigorous vitality, they are not shocked, gentle and strong.

Such a woman may not be rich, but she must be independent and confident; not necessarily beautiful, but necessarily elegant and decent; not necessarily perfect, but always radiant.

Career, life, marriage, may never be as perfect as imagined.

But at the very least, we have a chance to be better people, better selves.

May you and I both become richer women and have a more surging life.

Act well in the drama of life and become the best heroine in your life.

Author | Into small bad

Image | Visual China