
wary! The woman's eyes are itchy and dry, and the doctor checked to find this thing! Be aware of these symptoms

author:Beiqing Net
wary! The woman's eyes are itchy and dry, and the doctor checked to find this thing! Be aware of these symptoms

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In daily life, our eyes suffer too much occasional dry eyes, itchy eyes, redness estimated that not too many people care, but to remind everyone that if the following situations you are hit, you must pay attention to ▼ from time to time feel itchy eyes, dry eyes, eyes are still a little red; always uncontrollably rub the eyes with your hands; the eyes have white secretions, and it is easy to lose eyelashes when washing your face... If you are not scared, you may have some "strange" things in your eyes - mites Just recently, a woman in Shenzhen found out what happened to mites in her eyes?

A woman's eyes are red and itchy

The doctor found mites after examination

Xiao Jing (pseudonym) is a girl who loves beauty and usually likes to think about all kinds of beautiful makeup products. Lately, she has always felt that her eyes are red and itchy, and she can't help but rub them with her hands, and the white secretions in her eyes have also increased. Xiao Jing felt that she might have used her eyes excessively and her eyes were tired, so she went to the pharmacy to buy some anti-fatigue eye drops. The symptoms of itchy eyes did improve slightly when I first started taking the drug, but it did not last long, and Xiao Jing's symptoms of redness and itching slowly worsened, and even the phenomenon that eyelashes often fell out when washing her face. This frightened Xiaojing, and she quickly went to the hospital eye department for treatment. Upon closer examination, the doctor was surprised to find that she had mites in her eyes. Why do mites grow on the eyes? According to Xiao Jing's description, the doctor deduced that it should be due to Xiao Jing's oily skin, coupled with the fact that the makeup could not be removed after the makeup was usually done, resulting in mite infection. Cosmetics, especially oily eyeliners, mascara and other cosmetic products, applied to the eyelids and eyelashes for a long time, may clog sebaceous glands and eyelash follicles, creating a "comfortable" breeding environment for mites. It should be noted that after the eye is infected with mites, the following symptoms will occur, you can check yourself ▼ After the eye is infected with mites, there will be repeated episodes of eyelid margin redness, itchy eyes, dry eyes, burning sensation, foreign body sensation, photophobia, increased secretions and eyelid mass formation, and in severe cases, repeated eyelashes will fall out. When inflammation affects the cornea, there are symptoms of blurred vision or decreased vision. But symptoms such as red eyes and dry itching do not only occur if infected with mites, how to determine whether the symptoms are caused by mites or inflammation or other diseases? This requires a professional microscope in the hospital. If the doctor evaluates that the worm mite is infected, he will remove a few eyelashes from the upper and lower eyelids of the patient's eyes, place them under a microscope, and if infected with mites, they can be seen at the base of the eyelashes. If mite infection is confirmed, a standardized and adequate course of mite removal is required to completely remove it. Does the mite in the eye sound outrageous? But in fact, such a thing has been reported many times before


A man in Shenzhen has itchy eyes and eyelashes falling off the biological microscope to issue existing mites in squirming in 2019, Mr. Wang, who lives in Xili, Shenzhen, feels that his eyes are itchy and his eyelashes are missing, and the eye drops that have been dripped for a long time are not effective. When he went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor found that there were mites at the base of his eyelashes under the biological microscope. The final diagnosis is blepharitis caused by mites. When he saw the squirming insect body on the display, Mr. Wang was really shocked.


Post-90s girls with dry eyes and itchy eyelashes pull out the "culprit" mites In 2020, Xiaoli (pseudonym), a post-90s girl in Chengdu, often feels that her eyes are itchy and dry, and occasionally accompanied by painful symptoms. After going to the hospital for examination, the "culprit" - mites - was found on the 3 eyelashes randomly selected. It is reported that Xiaoli has a pet cat at home, and she likes to play close to the cat, and loves to rub her eyes, and the mites are not excluded from the infection of the pet cat. Imagine if a mite feels good in your eyes

What is the origin of the mite? What impact does it have on our daily lives? Let's move on

Mites are everywhere

Is a common allergen


The most common in the home: dust mites

Where it is easy to accumulate dust, there are dust mites, such as beds, quilts, pillows, hair dolls, cloth sofas, curtains, carpets, air conditioning filters... The number is more than one million. When we lie in bed, the sweat, secretions, dandruff that falls off, and the fibers in the fabric itself are all eaten by them.


The most common in the human body: demodex mites

Demodex mites parasitize in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin, and eat and drink Lasa all their lives on the face of people, and eat some dead skin and sebum in the hair follicles every day. People with acne also have a particularly high number of demodex mites on their skin: normal skin, an average of 0.7 per square centimeter, people with rosacea, an average of 10.8, and an average of 36 in the papule pustular phase. There are many more types of mites, and there are more than 50,000 known mites, second only to insects. Mites in a broad sense can be said to be everywhere, spreading on the ground, underground, in mountains, in water and inside and outside organisms, reproducing quickly and in large numbers. For example —

Leather mites, mostly parasitic in rodents, birds, poultry, pets and nests;

Chigger mites, which have more grass in the wild, may cause scrub worm disease;

Scabies mites, which parasitize the stratum corneum of the human epidermis, nibble on keratinous tissue for a living. After being infected with scabies mites, scabies will get;

Mealy mildew is commonly found in cereals, dried fruits, sugars, starches, and Chinese herbal medicines rich in sugars and starches.

A lot of times we don't feel it because they're too small. Under the microscope, mites look a bit like spiders, but much smaller, generally around 0.5 mm in length, and some less than 0.1 mm in length.

It should be noted that -

Mites are a common allergen

Rhinitis, asthma, dermatitis can all depend on it

The feces of the dust mite and its rotten limbs contain potent allergens and are a common "culprit" of many people's allergies.

When you make a bed at home, clean up, and dust up, you may inhale these allergens, causing mite asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and chronic urticaria.

However, dust mites are only inducers, and the real cause of these diseases is that some people's immune function is too "sensitive" and too much defense can cause inflammation. Demodex mites parasitizing in hair follicles are associated with symptoms such as facial papules, enlarged pores, and rosacea. What is particularly disgusting is that demodex mites have no fart eyes, never "shit", and only after death, they are once discharged on our skin, which may trigger an immune response in our body. Seeing this estimates that many people have begun to worry about what methods can be used to eliminate mites? Don't worry, I have sorted out the "death holes" of these 6 mites, let's learn the 6 "death holes" of mites 1 every one or two months, take the quilt and pillow to the sun below 25 ° C, which can kill the mites hidden on the surface and shallow layers. If the sunlight is not strong enough in winter, you can put a black plastic bag on small objects such as pillows to strengthen the heating effect. 2 When you are afraid of scalding the quilt and sheets, soak it in hot water above 60 ° C, and you can kill all the mites hidden in the depths. You can also iron it with an electric iron to remove mites and iron them flat. 3 afraid of frozen mites are still very afraid of cold, in the winter in the north, the quilt is dried and cold outdoors, you can freeze the mites to death. 4 Afraid of dry mites like a humid environment, in the south of the day, rainy days, the bed is warm and wet, they reproduce faster. Therefore, the use of a moisture absorber, air conditioning to keep the room dry, or the room to maintain ventilation (ventilation for more than 4 hours a day, except for rainy days), can inhibit the reproduction of mites. 5 Fear of vacuuming is necessary to clean up the dust at home regularly, you can use a strong vacuum cleaner (preferably with a vibrating mite head) to suck up live mites, dead mites and excrement on mattresses, sofas, carpets. 6 Afraid of too many gaps in seamlessly drillable carpets, curtains and fabrics, it will also accumulate a lot of debris and dust, providing an ideal habitat for mites. Therefore, the home can reduce fabrics, fabrics and other items that are easy to accumulate dust, so that mites lose their hiding place. For example, when buying mattresses, sofas, and pillows filled with artificial fibers, styrofoam or artificial sponges, mites cannot grow and reproduce in them because of their lack of nutrients and disinfection. Curtains can choose smooth, thin and easy to wash cotton fabrics, pure cotton fabrics are not easy to absorb dust, human body shedding dander and artificial staple fibers and other substances. General carpet, dust and water, it is best not to use. Air conditioning filter, to be regularly dusted. The above tips everyone has learned ~ take advantage of the fact that tomorrow and a day before the holiday, the lazy little partner will quickly wash the sheets, sofas and the like that have not been washed for a long time

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