
Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

author:Ball Manmu Bird

Good morning, this morning Huang Qian and Liverpool's curtain finally fell, Huang Potential Ceramic Stadium still did not complete the reversal, it is a pity, to take you to carefully analyze this game.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

Without nonsense, this article is mainly divided into two points, the first part is the summary of the first and second half, and the second part is a detailed explanation of the five goals.

1. Liverpool at the beginning was completely suppressed by Huang Qian

Watching the curtain of this game, you can feel that Liverpool throughout the first half is in a state of out-of-control midfield + full of mistakes.

This stems from Huang Qian's belief in lifting the coffin, directly up, in the second half of the loan to lend the physical strength to compete with Liverpool's midfield, resulting in Liverpool's midfield is basically in a state of loss of control.

Among them, Huang Qian targeted to fight with Keita and Thiago, two relatively thin players, and their mistakes were also the most.

In the first half, Huang Qian achieved what they wanted, that is, to score two goals to recover the aggregate score, but what to do in the second half?

You played this way in the first half with all your physical strength, what do you do with 45 minutes left? In the second half, Liverpool began to cooperate on their right side, directly penetrating Huang Qian's left side.

After Huang Qian lost the first goal, he needed to continue to press forward, but at this time there was no physical strength, the midfield confrontation confrontation was not enough, resulting in the interruption of the attack, and then was counterattacked by Liverpool, and when Liverpool counterattacked, Huang Qian did not have enough physical strength to make up for it, so he was directly put into three.

2. Specific analysis of the five goals:

Liverpool's first goal: wrong in and out, off the hill.

This ball is scored at the beginning, first look at the GIF, and then talk about it in detail.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

The ball went through a series of exquisite combinations, first with the left midfielder Cockran holding the ball forward to the right, and then he wanted to pass to the number 16 Dia inserted at the left end, but he was forced by the number 5 Konat to follow, so he had no choice but to hurry up and pass it.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*White is the player running line, red is the pass line

So the ball wasn't of high quality, but it was wrong in and out, and although Dia didn't top it, he then knocked the ball back to Parejo.

Everyone should pay attention to the fact that at this time, due to Dia's taking the ball, Liverpool's entire right side of the road has come to watch him, so Huang Qian's left-back Estu is unguarded.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

The white line is the player running line, and the red line is the passing line

So Parejo got the ball and could easily pass it to Estu, who took the ball and crossed it directly, while Capuel waited at the far end to prepare for the top.

The most important point came, the ball reached the right, so Alisson thought That Capué would shoot directly, so he prejudgedly fell straight to this side.

But Capué didn't attack directly because he saw that Alisson had come to save the right goal and he chose to cross to Dia on the left. And Dia was empty and then the ball went in. A good plan to move the tiger away from the mountain!

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*Red is the passing line

Liverpool conceded the second goal: Robertson + Alexander-Arnold two full-backs mistakenly connected

The old rule is to look at the GIF first.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

This ball still originated from Capué's front insertion, this time it was directly inserted into the right side, in fact, this ball is still wrong in and out, itself Capuel stopped the ball big, but did not expect that this "stop big" directly let him shake off Robertson's stare.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*Red is the player's running line

He didn't rush to turn around, but went all the way to the bottom line, then suddenly turned around, threw Robertson away, and then used his left foot to make an arc. The ball bypassed three defenders – Robertson, Van Dijk and Conat – what was right-back Arnold doing?

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*The white line is the player running line, and the red line is the passing line

He was waiting for the ball to reach him and then break the siege, although he deliberately turned his head to look at The Cockland behind him, but he felt that he would first stand in his position, crouch first and do the pit, no problem, so Arnold chose to wait for the ball to come, and then unblocked. Kirkland pressed Arnold directly, jumped high and headed the ball into the net.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*Red is the player's pass line

Liverpool's first goal: the ingenious combination of Fabinho and Salah

The goal was a very delicate fit, let's look at the GIF first.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

Then look at the illustration: Fabinho carries the ball all the way to the right, with Capué following behind.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*The white line is the player running position route

At this time, it is estimated that many people wonder why Estu did not grab it, and the two people with Capué grabbed the ball back and forth? Why did Esto stay behind the old man?

In fact, he is staring at Salah, if Esto grabs it, then Fabinho passes directly to Salah, and then Salah is in front of the big open space, and Huang Qian's entire left side is completely empty.

Fabinho noticed that Esto did not come up, and Capué behind him was about to catch him, and behind him, Salah withdrew to catch the ball, and Fabinho passed to him. This time, the ball was protected.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*The white line is the player running line and the red line is the passing line

At this time, Capue only needs to follow Fabinho, then the attack will be interrupted, at most Salah with the ball to the inside, to the middle of the road is actually not very realistic, because Torres can go up to the block, Cochrane can also withdraw from the block.

But Capué made a big mistake, he chose to rob Salah, so before Capue arrived, Salah passed directly to Fabinho. This time the connection was completed.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*The white line is the player running line and the red line is the passing line

It's also worth mentioning when Fabinho enters the penalty area, when Fabinho has three options:

1. Shoot directly at the small door on The left side of Lully

2. In front of the cross goal, Keita, the closest to Fabinho, shot

3. In front of the cross goal, Mane shot at the far end

Judging from the picture, Rulli has set up a posture, ready to go down to the ground to save the small goal, once Fabinho shoots the small goal, he will fall to the ground; at the same time, it also prevents Fabinho's cross in the middle, once the cross, Lully will exert his left leg, fall forward, and block the ball.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*The white line is a passing line

Fabinho knew this too, so he chose the fourth option, shooting Rulli's crotch, and by the time Lulli found out, it was too late, even though he had been holding his legs together.

Liverpool's second goal: Yellow dived after leaking

The goal was nothing to say, it was Díaz inserting a rib of Yellow Diving right-back Voyt and Albior, and it was also a very beautiful connection between Arnold and Díaz.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

*White is the player running line, red is the pass line

Liverpool's third goal: Huang Qian's Torres, Lully and Voith made consecutive mistakes

Let's take a look at the GIF directly:

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

A realistic forward pass from Torres was sent straight to Keita, who followed the trend and sent a long pass directly to Mane.

Then by this time Mane was already in a single-knife state, so the goalkeeper could only attack, and Lully came out.

But he didn't get the ball and Mane pulled to the left.

There is also a rescue solution at this time, that is, the No. 4 right-back Voyt can shovel the ball off.

Voith shoveled, and he had two possibilities for this shovel, one was to destroy the ball, that is, the defense was clean. The second is that he didn't break the ball and got Mane before touching the ball, that was a red card, because he was the last defender, and this attack was in the middle.

But he was the third kind, he touched the ball, but he didn't destroy the ball, and he also touched Mane, but Mane didn't fall.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

So Mane went it alone, everyone pay attention to the GIF, Mane did not rush to shoot after completely passing Voyth, because he was facing the goal from the side, so he kept looking up and observing, and has been adjusting his body, until finally his body is completely facing the goal to shoot, to ensure that the ball is shot steadily.

Capué made two mistakes in and out of the wrong way to tease Arnold, and Rulli's two mistakes made Huang Qian's previous achievements abandoned

The analysis of this game ends here, welcome to correct the mistakes! If you think it is well written, I hope that everyone will pay attention to Mu Bird, click to like and comment on the comments, and we will see you in the next issue!