
What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

author:The third brother is talking

As we all know, the Nobel Prize is the world's most prestigious scientific prize, the Nobel Prize has five kinds of prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine, physiology and literature, and peace causes, but many people may not know that the Nobel Prize is held in addition to the Nobel Peace Prize, other awards are held in Sweden, Nobel is a personal name, he is from Sweden, why is the Nobel Prize mostly held in Sweden? It can only show that Sweden's economy and science and technology are too developed. So, what kind of country is Sweden? Moving on, we'll take a closer look at the real state of Sweden.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Sweden country overview

The Kingdom of Sweden is short for Sweden, and the word "Sweden" comes from the Swedish word for "kingdom of tranquility". Nicknames: "Forest Kingdom", "Lake Kingdom", "European Sawmill", "Nordic Snow Country", "Prohibition Kingdom".

Sweden is bordered by Norway to the west, Finland to the northeast, the Strait of Skaglak and the Strait of Cartgart to the southwest, the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia to the east, with a total land area of about 450,000 square kilometers, a coastline of 2181 kilometers, and about 15% of the land in the Arctic Circle, making it the largest country in Northern Europe.

As of the end of 2020, the total population of Sweden is 10.38 million. Stockholm is the capital and largest city of Sweden, is Sweden's political, economic, cultural, transportation center and main port, as well as the official palace of the Swedish national government, parliament and royal family, and is a world-famous international metropolis.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Economy of Sweden

With a GDP of $5.41 billion and a per capita GDP of $51,900 in 2020, Sweden is a highly developed capitalist country. The currency of Sweden is the Swedish krona, which is approximately equal to 0.6693 Chinese yuan.

Sweden remained neutral in both world wars, did not participate in the war, is a permanent neutral country, during these more than 100 years of steady economic growth, iron ore, forests and water power are Sweden's three major resources. As of 2014, Sweden has proven iron ore reserves of 3.65 billion tons, is europe's largest exporter of iron ore; Sweden is rich in forest resources, forestry plays an important role in the national economy, of which the export value of coniferous tree products ranks second in the world, pulp exports rank third in the world, and paper exports rank fourth in the world. At the same time, the government pays attention to environmental protection, and the annual harvesting volume does not exceed the natural growth rate, so that the forest coverage rate in Sweden remains stable for a long time; Sweden's hydropower resources are also very rich, and the hydraulic resources available in ordinary years are 20.14 million kilowatts, and 81% have been developed.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

In addition to retaining its traditional characteristics, Sweden's advantageous sectors have turned to the highly technologically intensive machinery industry and chemical industry, and vigorously developed emerging industries such as information, communications, biology, medicine, and environmental protection. Sweden's "Swedish model", with high income, high taxation and high welfare as the main content, has played a positive role in ensuring the country's economic development and resisting the impact of the crisis.

Ranked ninth in the World Economic Forum's 2018-2019 Global Competitiveness Rankings. Sweden joined the European Union in 1995 and will apply to join NATO by this summer.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Swedish technology

Sweden is an industrially developed capitalist country, while vigorously developing industry, smart Swedes also know the importance of science and technology, from the 1970s, Sweden implemented a new industrial adjustment strategy, further increase the intensity and investment in scientific research, and actively develop modern high-tech industries, become a modern welfare society.

Sweden today has its own aviation, nuclear, automotive, advanced military, and world-leading telecommunications and pharmaceutical research capabilities. Sweden is also a world leader in software development, microelectronics, telematics and photonics.

Sweden has a lot of internationally renowned brands and enterprises, according to the proportion of the population, Sweden is the world's largest number of multinational companies, such as Volvo Group, Volvo Cars, Scania Commercial Vehicles, Saab Cars and Weapons, Ericsson, Electrolux Appliances, Hasselblad Cameras, Königseg sports cars, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, etc., most of them are basically high-tech companies, it can be said that Swedish high-tech is very worth learning.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Swedish culture and customs

Swedish is the official language of Sweden, each region has its own dialect, English is compulsory in Swedish schools, and English and Swedish are the common business languages.

Swedes have high cultural quality, hospitality, simplicity and honesty, civilized conversation, rules of conduct, and punctuality, so they feel particularly cordial with Swedes and do not feel any sense of urgency.

Swedes generally maintain a certain distance when talking to guests, they are not used to getting too close, like to look directly at each other when talking, thinking that this is a sign of respect for each other; Swedes and foreign guests usually shake hands as a gift, and sometimes kiss; when sending flowers to Swedish friends, remember not to send chrysanthemums, they think that chrysanthemums are used for dead people.

Swedes love to travel, Sweden has become one of the most visited countries in the world, and sports activities are a hobby of Swedes.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

The national faith of Sweden

The Swedes are the largest ethnic group in Sweden, accounting for about 90% of the country, and the Northern Sami are the only minority, about 20,000 people. The Swedes are one of the Nordic peoples, belonging to the Nordic type of the Europa race, tall, fair-skinned, blonde and blue-eyed. The traditional national costume of the Swedes is that men wear short tops and vests on the upper body and tight trousers on the lower body. Girls generally do not wear hats, married women wear different styles of hats, of course, in formal ceremonial occasions, men are generally suits and shoes, plus a long coat; women are generally suit tops with short skirts or long skirts.

Christian Lutheranism is the state religion of Sweden. The King practises the state religion, and the law prohibits citizens who do not believe in the state religion from serving as prime minister. The Church of Sweden enjoys special privileges in the state, and the King is the supreme head of the Church and has the right to appoint archbishops and bishops on the list of three candidates recommended by the Synod.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Education in Sweden

Sweden implements a 9-year consistent system of free and compulsory education, there are 47 colleges and universities of various types in the country, 5 nursing colleges and universities, mainly Stockholm University, Uppsala University, Lund University, Royal Swedish Institute of Technology, etc. In 2011, the government's investment in science and education accounted for 6.7% of the gross domestic product.

The importance of solidarity and cooperation has been widely emphasized in Sweden, which has basic schools, high schools and universities. As we all know, the Nobel Prize was established by the Swedes, and those who won the prize should be said to be geniuses. But Swedish education aims to raise the standards of society as a whole, and they pay more attention to not leaving society behind, rather than cultivating individual geniuses.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Medical care in Sweden

Sweden's universal free health care system is one of the most advanced in the world, and its medical grading system is widely praised in the world for its unique advantages. Since the 1930s, high welfare has been the biggest guarantee and backing for the happy life of Swedes, citizens have equal access to national public health medical services, which is an important part of social welfare, and the government maintains the normal operation of various medical institutions through financial appropriations and pays citizens' medical expenses. Moreover, Sweden's medical services are very developed, and the country provides a high level of medical services compared to other industrialized countries. In addition, Sweden is one of the most developed countries in the world, and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden is one of the top medical schools in the world, and many Nobel laureates in medicine or physiology are from Sweden.

Due to the developed medical level in Sweden, the average life expectancy of the local people is also quite high, with the average life expectancy of men and women being 78.8 years and 83.5 years respectively, and the aging is more serious.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Transportation in Sweden

As a highly developed capitalist country, Sweden's domestic transportation is very convenient, as of 2011, the total length of Swedish roads is 216,000 kilometers, including national highways, The provincial road is 139,000 kilometers, Sweden is one of the countries with the best road traffic safety in the world; Sweden's railway network is very developed, throughout the country, Sweden's rail transport includes a network of 13,000 kilometers, ranking 20th in the world, Sweden's train cars are one of the cleanest in the world; Sweden has three major international airports, namely: Stockholm's Arlanda Airport, Gothenburg's Landwettle Airport and Malmö's Sturop Airport, all of which have perfect bus connections with the city.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Swedish diet

Swedes are predominantly Western-style, with bread and potatoes as their staple foods, among which they especially like brown bread. Swedes also like to eat Chinese food, especially interested in Cantonese cuisine with ham, Swedes are very fond of fresh, tender, caramelized dishes, but the taste is heavy, the saltiness of food and the sweetness of desserts are often higher, Swedes like to drink thick soup, dinner will be boiled with a pot of soup, coffee and black tea are the favorite drinks of the locals, Sweden is a country that bans alcohol, but occasionally drinks a little at dinner.

Swedes have a unique habit of eating, that is, to eat a fixed dish every day, and they also have a representative way of eating, that is, dozens of dishes are placed on a large table, divided according to their own preferences, and the cooking quality of the dishes is only medium, called "pirate seat".

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

Tourism in Sweden

In addition to the highly developed economy and science and technology in Sweden, Sweden's tourism resources are also quite rich, it has a beautiful environment, with 15 world cultural heritages, forest coverage rate of 54%, every year there are many tourists to Sweden to travel, of which Sweden's most famous tourist attractions are: Stockholm City Hall, Vaasa Shipwreck Museum, Stockholm Old Town Grand Square, Stockholm Palace, Nobel Museum, Stockholm Cathedral and so on. Such an economically developed and picturesque country is worth everyone's travel and study.

What kind of country is Sweden? Take you through the most authentic swedish situation

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