
"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

author:First cuisine

Tomorrow is summer, and we often say that diet and solar terms are inseparable. When the old man said "Lixia tasted three fresh", which three fresh did he mean?

Li Xia tasted three fresh

Lixia tasting three fresh is a Chinese folk food custom, which refers to the fact that on this day, people should eat "three fresh", indicating respect for the laws of nature, and there is also a reason for healthy diet.

Sanxian does not simply refer to 3 kinds of food, but refers to the 9 seasonal ingredients of "three fresh in the ground", "three fresh in the tree" and "three fresh in water".

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

The nutritional value of seasonal ingredients is the highest, so Lixia "tasting three fresh" is not only a custom, but also a balanced diet for body and mind. Replenish the nutrients your body needs most in the most appropriate season with the most suitable foods.

Ground three fresh

The three fresh ground are broad beans, amaranth, cucumbers, why Lixia eat these 3 things there is a certain truth!

1. Broad beans

Eat fava beans because, just listed to eat, fava beans are also called "sprouted beans", in order to please a "hair" good color head.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

【Fava bean knot soup】

1. Prepare a tomato and cut into small pieces. Peel a few shrimp and cut into small pieces to increase the umami taste. A handful of thorns, pluck the leaves off. Henan people have a mysterious fondness for jingcai, especially to make knotty soup, without which it is missing a soul.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

Prepare another bowl of broad beans and crush them with a knife, not too crushed. Leave some coarse particles inside, it will taste more delicious. Cut into a bowl, beat in two eggs, add salt, MONOSodium glutamate, thirteen spices, and a little less pepper.

Grab the flour, pour in the right amount of water, and mix it into a batter like this. Friends who do not have a good grasp of the dosage, it is best to add a small amount of water many times.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. Heat the oil in the pot and sauté the shallots and ginger until fragrant. Pour in the tomatoes and shrimp and stir-fry together, the tomatoes must be fully sautéed, sautéed out of the red juice. In this way, the soup is more appetizing and delicious, and then add the appropriate amount of water, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, chicken powder, thirteen spices, soy sauce, old soy sauce to adjust the background color, stir the spices.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. After the soup is boiling, we start to lay down broad bean balls. Grab a handful of filling, squeeze into balls at the mouth of the tiger and put them in the pot. Don't boil too much water and let the balls slowly set in the pan. Shake the pan frequently when laying down the balls to avoid the bottom of the paste.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

When all is done, turn to high heat and cook for a while. The balls are all floating up and basically cooked, drizzled with egg liquid, sprinkled with thorn leaves, and delicious.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. Amaranth

And seasonal vegetables red amaranth, after eating amaranth, take the vegetable pot and drink the red soup juice, and ask for the "red" luck as the head of the color head.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

【Amaranth with garlic paste】

1. Prepare a few millet peppers and cut into chili rings. A handful of fresh amaranth, cut off the roots and put it in the basin, add a spoonful of salt, soak it in water, soak in light salt water can effectively reduce the pesticide residue of amaranth. Place the garlic inside the garlic mortar and mash it into garlic paste for later.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. Boil water in the pot, put a spoonful of vegetable oil, prevent the loss of nutrients in the amaranth, retain the emerald green color, add the amaranth after the water boils, quickly blanch for 10 seconds and pour it out, rinse with water to cool down.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. Then dry the amaranth, cut into small pieces and put it in the basin, add 2 grams of salt (one spoon), 2 grams of chicken powder (one spoonful, 4 grams of white vinegar, 6 grams of sesame oil, chicken powder can be replaced by monosodium glutamate, do not like it can not be put.

Add the millet pepper ring and garlic paste, stir well with chopsticks, and then serve on a plate.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

Three, cucumbers

Finally, cucumbers have a lot of moisture, clear heat and relieve irritability, and are also very suitable for summer eating.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

【Cucumber stir-fried chicken】

1. First of all, we prepare a piece of clean chicken breast, first cut into thick slices, and then change the knife to a small cube.

After cutting, put it in the basin, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken essence, a little sugar to freshen, pepper 1 gram, cooking wine 5 grams to fishy scratch and mix evenly, beat the sauce into the chicken cubes.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. Beat another egg and stir well, grab a small handful of flour and let the diced chicken evenly wrap over the flour. Finally, add 10 g of vegetable oil, grab and mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. Prepare two cucumbers, break in half, remove the melon, and change the cucumber to a knife to dice for later.

Prepare the bowl ingredients, a piece of ginger, cut into ginger; a few garlic, pat and then cut into minced garlic into a basin, add 20 grams of tomato sauce, 10 grams of aged vinegar, 5 grams of cooking wine to remove fishy, sugar 15 grams, salt 2 grams, chicken essence 2 grams, stir well and set aside.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

4. Then burn the oil in the pot, pour in the chicken cubes after frying the qualitative bowl material and stir-fry the aroma, pour in the diced cucumbers, turn on the high heat and stir-fry until the cucumbers are broken, this step must be on high heat, if the fire is too small, the cucumbers are easy to produce water and affect the taste.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

Tree three fresh

Cherries, loquats, apricots, eat more fruit to cool off, seasonal fruits fresh and juicy water, of course, to taste one. And Li Xia eats cherries, but also can please a red hot good head. Loquat fruit moisturizes the lungs and relieves cough, which is a rare delicacy.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

Water three fresh

1. Snails

Every summer, when drinking beer and skewers, it is always indispensable to drink a pot of spicy snails, drink a sip of wine, a sip of snails, it is really a great joy in life.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

【Spicy snail】

1. We henan side, this slightly larger snail, only 3 pieces of more than a pound, do not know what the price of your side, anyway, I feel not expensive, I bought a few pounds, want to let it in the water spit a morning sediment, and so on at night to make a spicy snail, with beer to enjoy a bite.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. The snail has been placed in the water for a morning, and now we use a brush to brush the whole snail. Then cut off the sharp corner of the shell, this step must not be omitted, which is the key to the snail into the taste and good shelling.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. After all the treatment is done, wash it several times with clean water to fully remove sediment and impurities.

Then add water to the pot, blanch the snails in cold water, pour in cooking wine, ginger slices and green onion, boil on high heat and cook for another 2 minutes, fish out and ice with cold water.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

4. Prepare the spices for stir-fried snails: green onion, ginger, garlic, a handful of peppers, a handful of dried chili peppers, a few fragrant leaves, bean paste, spicy sauce, a small piece of hot pot base. Then cut some green and red peppers to add flavor and color.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

5. After these are ready, we start to fry the field snails. Heat the oil, pour in the spices you just prepared, turn on the low heat and slowly sauté to create a spicy flavor.

Pour in the water-controlled snail, stir-fry for 2 minutes and then add water to the pot, the height of the water should be higher than the snail, then pour in a little cooking wine, a little balsamic vinegar to wash the fishy taste, add soy sauce, old soy sauce, sugar to adjust the taste, after boiling on high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 10 minutes.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

After 6.10 minutes, pour in the green and red pepper grains, hook a little thin owe, turn the heat to collect the juice, and when the soup is thickened, it can come out of the pot.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. Yellow croaker

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

【Scorched yellow croaker】

1. The small yellow croaker we have cleaned, now give it a taste: add a little pepper, a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of chicken essence, pour a little cooking wine to fishy, catch and mix evenly, give the little yellow fish a taste. Add another 20 grams of starch and let the starch wrap evenly over the surface of the small yellow croaker.

Cut a little green onion, put it in a pot filled with ginger shreds, pat the garlic flat and cut into minced garlic, and put it together with the green onion and ginger. Then prepare the green and red peppers in half and cut into small pieces.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. Fry the small yellow croaker: the oil temperature is 60% hot, put the small yellow croaker into the pot one by one, first open the medium heat and fry for 2 minutes, fry the small yellow croaker for 2 minutes, fry the small yellow croaker thoroughly, fry the fish bones, fish out the oil control.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. Add a little oil to the pot, add a spoonful of watercress sauce, add green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry together. After sautéing the aroma, pour the right amount of water from the side of the pot, add a little old soy sauce to tone, and stir the color evenly.

Add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of chicken essence, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of oyster sauce and stir the seasonings. After the soup is boiled, a little water starch is added to thicken the soup. Then add the fried yellow croaker, pour a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, turn on the low heat and simmer for 3 minutes, let the small yellow croaker absorb the flavor of the soup.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

After 4.3 minutes, it is adjusted to a high heat to collect the juice, evenly wrapped in the surface of the small yellow croaker, you can get out of the pot, put the small yellow croaker on the plate, and pour the soup evenly. Sprinkle with green and red peppercorns and white sesame seeds and you're ready to eat.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. River shrimp

River shrimp are also listed before and after the summer, and the river meat is very tender and has high nutritional value.

【Fried river shrimp with leeks】

1. First of all, we prepare an appropriate amount of fresh river shrimp and a handful of leeks, and wash and cut the leeks into segments.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

2. River shrimp is relatively small, when washing must be more serious, the impurities inside are picked out, and then use running water to rinse several times, after fully washed, add pepper, chicken powder, cooking wine to fishy, salt seasoning, with chopsticks stir evenly marinated for 10 minutes.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

3. After pickling, sprinkle a small handful of starch wrapped into a running water paste, river shrimp seem to hang on the starch, as if hanging on the state of starch, too thick if it is easy to nourish the fresh flavor of shrimp.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

4. Burn wide oil in the pot, sprinkle the river shrimp into the pot when the oil temperature is 40% hot, stir with a spoon, break the sticky pieces, and fish out the river shrimp after setting.

Then raise the oil temperature to 50% heat, add the river shrimp and fry it again, spit out the oil and fry the shrimp at the same time, until the golden brown crisp is fished out to control the oil.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

6. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add leek segments, add salt, chicken powder, stir-fry quickly on high heat until it is broken, then pour in the fried river prawns and continue to turn well, sprinkle white sesame seeds before coming out of the pot, delicious and ready.

"Lixia tastes three fresh, healthy all year"! What does "three fresh" mean? Pick short and eat just right

As the old saying goes, "Lixia tastes three fresh", the ground is three fresh, the tree is three fresh, the water is three fresh, the old tradition should not be forgotten! Nourish the heart and spleen to cool off, it is the right season, don't miss it.

(First Food Editor: Happy)

"Li Xia tastes three fresh, not busy in labor"! Adapt to the season to cool off the heat, full of spirit to welcome the summer