
The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

On May 2, British time, at the beginning of the week, in the court of Ferfax in Virginia, the Hollywood star couple "Pirates of the Caribbean" Johnny Depp and "Queen of the Sea" Amber Hield's marriage lawsuit continued, and after the two days off, their respective teams continued to carry out severe charges against each other's employers.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

Travis McGivern, the bodyguard who testified on behalf of the man, recounted the details of a move he had seen in the courtroom, and in the dispute he remembered that the woman had moved, and the man had torn all her clothes while Hield was not at home.

McGivern said he was at the scene trying to "tear the two apart."

Amber Hield and Johnny Depp quarreled fiercely.

McGivern even saw her throw a punch straight into the face of Depp, the actor who "ate in the face."

Before this punch, McGifern affirmatively told the jury members that Ms. Hield had spat at Depp and threw a can of Red Bull drink at him.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

Although it is now May 2022, it is still March 2015 to talk about the unbearable married life of Depp and Hield.

According to the man's allegations, the woman Amber Hilde, who played the great beauty of the sea queen in the movie "Aquaman", is really an unreasonable tigress.

In her Los Angeles home, in a penthouse apartment, she punched her then-husband, Johnny Depp, in the mouth.

According to the bodyguard Travis McGivern, during the unsightly fight, Ms. Hield not only beat Depp, but also had insulting movements.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

McGivern said he couldn't remember what had caused the couple to "go to war," but neither of them really wanted to show weakness and take a half step back.

According to him, Hilde shouted at Depp: "You're finished, you're a goddamn bastard." ”

He added: "Mr Depp had done his best (to fight back) at that time. ”

Of course, the bodyguard clarified that he was referring to the best effort to fight back with words, not some blow to Ms. Hilde's body.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

McGievern recalls that after the quarrel, Ms. Hilde left the house with anger, and Depp, who remained where she was, apparently couldn't bear it, and took matters into her own hands to "tidy up" Hield's wardrobe and destroy all her clothes and shoes.

McGivern saw the consequences of this, and when Hilde returned, he was very "excited" to see his belongings shattered into pieces scattered throughout the apartment.

World War II broke out.

Because McGiffern saw the two start pushing and shoving each other.

When the atmosphere became intense, McGivern was about to move, and he walked between Depp and Hield, using his body to try to block the fire that spewed out each other.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

Speaking late and quickly, from the afterglow of the corner of his eye, McGivern saw a clenched fist and a powerful arm cross his right shoulder.

He also heard the sound of a powerful air breaking in his ears, and the next second, he saw a fist hit Depp's left cheek, which made the male star who often appeared in smoky makeup in "Pirates of the Caribbean" really "blue in the eyes".

Mr. Bodyguard insisted that Depp leave the scene as soon as possible, immediately.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

McGeefern's heart was very uncomfortable, because his job was to ensure the personal safety of his customers, and he felt that he was derelict in his duties.

Because even if he was present, he let "Depp get hit by a Red Bull drink and get punched again," McGiffern was too upset.

Of course, McGievern honestly told jurors that Depp and Hield were in frequent fights.

Quarrels were commonplace, and Mr. Bodyguard, who was in the midst of a storm, was sprayed by verbal attacks from both sides.

Faced with the "bitter water" of Mr. Bodyguard, Hilde also admitted, and did not admit it.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

The Queen of the Sea admits that she did beat Depp in an argument, but that happened after Depp pushed his sister Whitney Hilde.

However, bodyguard McGifern testified that Depp, who was 58 years old, did not push Hilde's sister.

The current situation is favorable to the man, and Hield seems to be a little anxious.

Last weekend, "Queen of the Sea" fired the PR team because of the increasing negative news she received, which made her more and more worried.

Hilde switched to another consultancy, Shane Communications.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

Now, in addition to Hilde's testimony, there is audio evidence of her admission to abusing Depp in her family life, in which she laughs at Depp, tells how she beat him, and most importantly, she boldly says that no one will believe that depp will be a victim of abuse by his wife.

Although Depp lamented that the lawsuit was open, he had already lost.

However, the negative effect was clearly also given to Hilde's side.

In a recent petition, more than 3 million people have signed to demand that Hield be removed from the Aquaman 2 movie.

The bodyguard confided in the details of the sea and Depp, and the woman used the man to tear up the clothes, and no one showed weakness

Moreover, this wish has worked, and in "Aquaman 2", hilde's scene has been cut to less than ten minutes.

Actor James Franco and Tesla CEO Elon Musk are probably relieved that neither of them will have to testify in court again.

In the face of depp's allegations, Hilde's side is expected to begin defending it today.

The lose-lose lawsuit continues.