
Bonita Norris, who climbed Mount Everest at 22, shares 5 successful experiences

author:The getaway who doesn't like zz milk tea

When you see the sun rising from the top of the world, it's the most beautiful picture you can imagine.

Bonita Norris, who climbed Mount Everest at 22, shares 5 successful experiences

My first suggestion is to get started.

The difference between most successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people just give it a chance to get started, they just take the first step. A small step can also make a big difference. When I was in the Himalayas, there were many times when I felt like I couldn't take another step; I couldn't do anything anymore. And it is easy to be paralyzed by the arduousness of the challenge, and ignoring the step in front of you is what needs to be worried.

My next suggestion: materialize.

I would make a music playlist, and as soon as I turned on the music and closed my eyes, it would take me up to the mountain, and I could imagine myself climbing that mountain, just taking the time to really imagine what it meant to achieve it. I think most people give up because they can't see their dreams and they forget why they started.

Bonita Norris, who climbed Mount Everest at 22, shares 5 successful experiences

Spend more time getting up close to nature.

I always use running as a way to get fit. I would go for a run in the forest, and the things that made people very emotional, and the things that made me very angry, suddenly didn't really matter.

Don't let conceit get in your way.

Your conceit may be the biggest wall you'll have to climb. The most successful people in life are those who can face others honestly while being vulnerable. The more you build a wall around yourself, the more you have to pretend to be someone else. I don't think just climbing to the top is going to be a good person or a successful person. To me, success boils down to being someone who is compassionate to others, reaching out to that by engaging with yourself and respecting the circumstances around you. I don't believe you have to be ruthless to get the life you want.

Bonita Norris, who climbed Mount Everest at 22, shares 5 successful experiences

My last piece of advice is that you have to believe in something.

Whether it's yourself, or God, whether it's nature or the universe, but as long as there's that trust, there's going to be a result, and if it doesn't work out the way I want it to, then maybe I'll learn something from it. When you reach the top of the world, you'll appreciate the simple things that you don't want to have power, money, status, or material things. You want to have a great connection with your family because when you really think you're going to die, you're full of them. You want to feel the feeling of being on your feet for 24 hours and still climbing, and you think, "Wow, the human body is amazing."

I think these are the moments that make you feel the most successful, and ultimately, in some ways, these moments are the hardest to find in life.

Translation source: BBC IDEAS

Translator: A getaway who doesn't like ZZ milk tea