
Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

What kind of "background" does the prosecutor have?

And what kind of "bright color"?

In the performance of legal supervision duties in accordance with law

What kind of mental journey is it?

What are the highlight moments?

This set of comics

Give you the answer you want~

Recharge the mind for the spirit calcium

The Vitality Replenishment ability is increased

Every effort is a light that lights up happiness

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

The meaning of punching in every day

It's about embracing work

Confirmed the look

He is the loveliest successor of socialism

Life is more than the hardships of the present

And the power to support dreams

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

Raise a shield for justice

Procurator Blue escort

Arrive farther into the future

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

There is no road in vain in life

Every second is worth cherishing

Tribute to you whose dreams are constantly walking

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

All the time I tried to live

will all sparkle

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

It is a good time to cultivate the mountains and rivers and plant dreams

Plant an ingenuity

Harvest mid-levels ideal

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

The insistence of the sunrise galaxy

It is the ideal base color for dyeing

It's a day-to-day effort

Make everything beautiful like poetry

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

Countless nights of struggle

Just to have a lamp waiting to come home

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

The more knowledge you know

The easier it is to fight on the road

Man said| a new era prosecutor who is fighting for his dreams

Every one of you strives for your dreams

They are the brightest stars in the night sky

Seek the ultimate

Casting ingenuity

It is the value pursuit and unrepentant choice of prosecutors in the new era

Don't live up to the hard work

Salute to the ordinary you and me

(Source: Inner Mongolia Procuratorate)

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