
Eckhart Tory: How to get rid of the negative mindset

Eckhart Tory: How to get rid of the negative mindset

All inner resistance is a negative experience in all its forms. All negative mindsets are resistance. In this way, the two words are almost synonymous.

Negative attitudes include irritability, impatience, anger, depression, resentment, and suicidal despair. Sometimes, resistance triggers an emotional pain body, in which case even a trivial matter can cause you to develop a strong negative mindset, such as anger, depression, or deep sadness.

Little believes that through a negative mindset you can manipulate reality and get what it wants. It believes that through negative attitudes, it can attract good situations or eliminate bad situations.

If your mind doesn't think that this unhappiness will help things, why should it create it?

Of course, the truth is that negative mentality doesn't do anything. Far from helping things, it is an obstacle; it does not eliminate disadvantages, but allows them to persist. The only "useful" of a negative mindset is to strengthen the ego, which is why I like it. Once you identify with a certain negative mindset of yours, you don't want to let go, and you resist positive change on an unconscious level because you unconsciously identify with being a depressed, angry, or uncivilized person. So, you will ignore, reject, or undermine the positive aspects of your life because it threatens your identity. This is a very common phenomenon, but it is also a pathological behavior.

Observe any animal or plant and let them teach you how to accept reality and surrender to the present.

Let them teach you how to attain ontological awareness, teach you to be yourself, and make you more real.

Let them teach you how to live, how to face death, and not to fear life or death.

The recurrence of negative emotions sometimes does contain important information, and the same is true of disease. But any change you make, whether it's related to your work, your love, or your surroundings, is superficial, unless your change happens on a conscious level. When you have a certain presence awareness, you no longer need a negative mindset to tell you what else you need in your life situation.

But as long as the negative mindset exists, use it as a signal to become more present.

Whenever you feel a negative mindset within you, whether it's caused by an external factor, a thought, or something you don't know, think of it as a prompt: "Be careful, here and now, be vigilant." ”

Even the slightest irritability has its meaning and requires awareness and observation, otherwise they will accumulate and become unobserved reactions.

Once you realize that you don't need this energy within yourself and know that this energy is meaningless, you are able to let go of it. Please make sure you've completely let go. If you can't let go of it, accept its presence and focus on that feeling.

Another way to get rid of the negative mindset is to make it disappear by imagining yourself as transparent and letting the external factors that trigger the reaction pass through you.

I suggest you start practicing small things first. For example, when you are sitting quietly at home, suddenly there is a car alarm on the street. Then anger arises. But what is the purpose of anger? There is no purpose. So why are you creating this anger? You're not doing it, but the mind is doing it. It is automatic and completely unconscious.

Why did the mind create it? Because the mind believes, resistance, that is, some form of negativity or unhappiness that you experience, may be able to eliminate this situation that you don't like. This, of course, is an illusion. The resistance created by the mind, in the above example, is your irritability or anger, which is even more annoying than the cause it was trying to solve!

See yourself as transparent, not as a solid flesh. Now, allow noise or anything that causes a negative reaction to cross you. In this way, they are no longer a solid wall for your heart.

As I said, start practicing with very small things like car sirens, dog barking, kids crying, traffic jams, etc. Don't build a strong wall of resistance within you, but always let the things you feel "shouldn't happen" to knock you on. Try to get them through you.

When someone says something rude or offensive to you, don't have a negative mindset or react unconsciously, like defensive, aggressive, or withdrawn, but let it pass through you. Don't resist, no one will be hurt. This is forgiveness. In this way, you will become incredibly strong.

You can still tell the person if you want to that his or her behavior is unacceptable. In this way, that person will no longer have the power to control your inner state, and you will have autonomy, no longer subject to others, and will not be controlled by your mind. Whether it's a car siren, rude people, a flood, an earthquake, or the loss of all your property, the mechanism of resistance is the same.

If you're still out there looking for it, can't get out of this pattern of searching, and think that maybe the next workshop will have an answer, maybe a new technique will help, then I'll tell you:

Don't look for tranquility. Don't look for any state outside of the present moment you are in, or you will create your inner conflict and unconscious resistance.

Forgive yourself for not being able to enter a state of tranquility. The moment you fully accept the fact that you are not at peace, your state of non-rest will transform into a state of peace.

Anything you fully accept will bring you into a state of tranquility. This is the miracle of surrender. When you accept things as they are, every moment is the best moment. This is called enlightenment.

Eckhart Tory: How to get rid of the negative mindset