
Plain but sober high-level copywriting

Plain but sober high-level copywriting

1, I once picked up a beam of light, and gave it back to the sun at sunset.

2, life is like this, everyone becomes their own missed scenery.

3, the sky will always be bright, no sun will be bright.

Plain but sober high-level copywriting

4, the definition of a girl is never young and beautiful, but brave, confident and beautiful.

5, remember not to be the enemy of their own ordinary, there is no need to make themselves not like themselves.

6, in this world, most of the people who can choose are illusions, the most false of which is to make people think that they have a choice.

Plain but sober high-level copywriting

7, you see the flower is so beautiful, but the flower does not know that its existence is very romantic, it blooms just for its own life.

8, the sea and sunset do not belong to anyone, but it is the romance that many people yearn for.

9, we are all small people, lose to lose, I never care what others think of me, a bowl of tea, after drinking their own climb.

Plain but sober high-level copywriting

10, I secretly touched you, but you scattered like a dandelion, and then there was your shadow everywhere.

11, all the seemingly effortless life, in fact, behind the very hard.

12, everyone is cynical, but they are all complicit.

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