
Blood Legends - Do you remember all those years of stealing with your brothers?

Today we talk about the playability of legends, that is, a brief introduction or how many people will choose this game

Blood Legends - Do you remember all those years of stealing with your brothers?

I remember when I didn't hear about legends at the beginning, when I was a security guard in a company, I had free time to rest every two hours, and sometimes I was bored and didn't know what to do, and sometimes I would hear passers-by talk about legends and the like, so I would sneak to the Internet café near the company to try this game.

Blood Legends - Do you remember all those years of stealing with your brothers?

I am usually more introverted and do not like to talk, but the whole Internet café is basically all playing legends, and it didn't take long for me to learn, because the level of hanging online time also rose quite quickly, and slowly I became more and more skilled, and more and more powerful

Blood Legends - Do you remember all those years of stealing with your brothers?

In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and now I think about the scene of sneaking to the Internet café to play the legend with my brothers at that time, I still sigh, if I want to say what the legend brought me, I feel that it is a good memory, this kind of memory is unforgettable, and I will still have the opportunity to recall the beauty and longing of that time in the future

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