
In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

author:Pillow Lever

In mid-March, the whole Chinese people were paying attention to the crash of the Plane of China Eastern Airlines, and after many days of search and rescue, it was finally confirmed that all the people on the plane in the accident were killed. The people have expressed their silence of mourning, and through this incident, they have begun to cherish the people in front of them and those around them even more.

In today's major Chinese airlines, the probability of aircraft crashes is an average of 200,000, and in some years it can be 1 in a million. Therefore, after a comprehensive inspection before take-off, the chance of an air crash is very small.

In the world, an air disaster in April 2010 created a great gap between Russia and Poland. During the air disaster, the Polish presidential plane failed to land smoothly and fell into the forest, igniting a raging fire, and the 88 members of the Polish delegation on the plane were killed.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

President Kachinki and his wife of Poland

The scene of the air crash

On April 10, 2010, when a Polish plane landed, its left wing hit a tree trunk, and the plane quickly lost its balance and crashed into the forest next to Smolensk Air Base in Russia.

The loud crashing sound, and the raging fire, foreshadowed something bad. The Russian side quickly dispatched the police stationed at Smolensk Air Base to carry out search and rescue work.

In less than half an hour, Russia's search and rescue efforts began rapidly and blocked the 500-meter radius around the scene of the air crash to prevent a secondary accident.

However, after twenty-four hours of hard work, the Russian search and rescue team did not find survivors, and finally after the golden search and rescue time, it was helpless to announce that the 96 people on the plane were unfortunately in distress.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

Search and rescuers are searching and rescuing

However, this plane is not an ordinary plane, it carries 88 polish government executives, including the Polish president and his wife, including Polish President Kaczynski, the president's wife, the deputy speaker, the chief of the general staff of the Polish army and other important senior officials of the country, which is equivalent to the main backbone of Poland on this plane.

The accident of this special plane, which was widely reported by the news media, attracted almost the attention of the whole world, and the accident was also known as the "Smolensk air accident".

The president was killed, and the Polish people were immersed in infinite grief. Conspiracy theories have also begun to take root quietly, and people have begun to speculate that the crash was not accidental, but that someone had deliberately done it. After all, the special opportunity of a Polish government official is likely to be a political murder.

The Polish media unreservedly published this speculation in local news reports, without any evidence, so that the Polish people pointed the finger at Russia, began to believe that it was not a real accident, but that russia shot down the plane with missiles and caused the plane to blow up and crash.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

President and wife of Poland

When public opinion prevailed, the Polish people forgot the rationality of all accusations to have evidence, and began to indignantly blame Russia for the accident, which made the already precarious diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Russia even worse.

In the face of the Polish plane crash, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev immediately set up an accident investigation team to investigate the real cause of the crash of the plane.

The Polish government also organized more than thirty people to travel to Smolensk, Russia, to assist the Russian investigation team in investigating the accident.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

Map of the scene of the air crash

"Katyn Massacre"

Why are there so many polish government executives on the plane? The president, the president's wife, the deputy speaker, etc., are flying to Russia on the same plane, for what reason?

In fact, they are to participate in the 70th anniversary of Russia's "Katyn Massacre", which is itself an event to alleviate the precarious relationship between the two countries, but it has backfired.

The Katyn Massacre dates back to the Second World War, when the world was plunged into fear of war.

On September 1, 1939, Poland and Germany engaged in diplomatic friction and were ensued in an unstoppable and fierce war.

At that time, Germany not only led in military equipment, but also the combat effectiveness of the army was invincible, and no one in the whole world could beat it. Poland was simply powerless in front of Germany, and in less than a few days, Germany adopted "lightning tactics" and occupied the western part of Poland.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

The Katyn Massacre

The former Soviet Union did not support Poland, but instead invaded the eastern part of Poland, so that Poland lost everything in a month's time, not only losing its own territory, but also a large number of officers and soldiers, politicians and other outstanding talents were captured. Poland, a defeated country, was subjected to various abuses by the former Soviet Union during this period.

Years later, germany dug up a large number of Polish people's bones in the Katyn Forest in Smolensk, and Germany began to hype the cruelty of Soviet Russia, while Soviet Russia remained in a state of "dead or alive". Germany and Russia began a war of words, and neither of them admitted that they had killed more than 20,000 Poles, leaving Poland unsure.

This matter was not recognized by the Soviet Union until the soviet government was about to disintegrate. This incident undoubtedly became a chasm that separated the relations between Poland and Russia.

In 2010, during the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev not only released the documents of the tragedy to the world, but also invited Polish President Kaczynski to russia to mourn the dead.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words


things do not turn out the way you want

On the morning of April 10, 2010, the Polish president boarded a plane to Russia, and senior Polish officials also carried the plane to Russia to mourn the dead. The Polish side attaches great importance to this matter, and the crew members of the aircraft are experienced captains and flight attendants, and safety is almost very guaranteed.

The take-off time of the plane itself was about 8:30, but due to the weather at the airport at the time of take-off, it was delayed again and again until about 9:30.

The fog of the day made the flight challenging, and the crew kept calling the traffic managers in the air of Poland, Belarus, and Russia to confirm the flight and the landing at the airport.

The manager of the tower of Russia's northern airport in Smolensk explained to the crew of the special plane that the airport had poor weather conditions, foggy conditions and no landing conditions. Also, it is recommended that the captain choose to land at the Airport of Minsk or Moscow in Belarus.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

Picture of the Polish presidential plane

The captain of the Polish plane thought that the crew had sufficient flight experience, and the president's time had been delayed a lot by the previous take-off, and he thought that the plane he was flying might get better when it landed, or that he could not see the runway and take "automatic re-flight" and stop at a nearby airport.

Russian flights have always been of the "brave" kind, so the airport tower crew did not stop the Polish captain from "taking a risk". However, the captain ignored the point that the northern airport of Smolensk is a military airfield and does not have a "blind landing system", that is, there is no option for instrument landing.

When they descended about 100 meters to find the runway, and then manually landed, it meant that the plane was likely to hit an obstacle near the airport, which eventually led to the destruction of the plane.

At about half past ten, the captain of the Polish plane, the crew and the senior government officials on the plane arrived over the northern airport of Rismolensk, and the captain began to slowly descend the plane according to the plan, and the crew also began to cooperate with the plane's descent and turned on the landing lights, but soon found that there was no airstrip below.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

Crash site

The aircraft cabin began to sound alarms, and the captain had to turn on the "auto-re-flight" mode as planned. However, it was still too late, the plane was out of control, and it fell into the forest near the airport at the fastest speed, combined with the gravity of the earth, in a few seconds.

The sound of huge explosions and raging fires announced the unexpected arrival of this special opportunity. At this moment, at the scene of the memorial service of the "Katyn Massacre", Polish journalists and people are anxiously waiting for the president of their country to lead the delegation.

Contrary to their wishes, they did not wait for the president, but instead heard the bad news of the crash and explosion of the president's plane. All the Polish people and journalists cried with headaches, and the Russian people at the scene did not know how to be good for a while, and the scene of the memorial event fell into a very embarrassing scene.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

Accident scene

War of Words

What was supposed to be a diplomatic détente between Poland and Russia became a salt on the wound. After entering the scene of the accident, the polish and Russian air disaster investigation teams conducted a very careful analysis of the wreckage of the aircraft and did not find any traces of explosives, negating the possibility that the aircraft was shot down by missiles or loaded with explosives.

Russian officials released preliminary findings that ruled out a Russian attack and offered views on the cause of the accident.

Russia believes that the special plane on which the Polish president is flying is old and developed by the former Soviet Union, and it has been more than two decades ago. The Polish side countered this view, saying that the plane returned to Russia at the end of last year for a maintenance, and the factory that repaired the aircraft failure also said that the aircraft did not have any technical failures.

The two countries shrugged it off, and no one wanted to be responsible for this serious air crash.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

However, it has to be admitted that the aircraft type belongs to the "death type". As of 2010, there was an air crash almost every year, which was much higher than the probability of accidents on ordinary aircraft. Therefore, what the Russian side said is also reasonable.

From Poland's point of view, Poland believes that the Russian airport tower can only speak Russian, resulting in difficulties in communication between the Polish crew, thus increasing the possibility of accidents.

In the war of words between the two sides, each side has its own reason, and no one can convince anyone. Only according to the black box of the aircraft can be analyzed, a year later, Russia first issued an accident investigation report, pointing the key spearhead of the air disaster to the operation of the Polish pilot, knowing that the weather was bad, did not obey the arrangement of the tower, and insisted on forcibly landing.

In 2010, the Polish presidential plane crashed in Russia, killing all 88 senior officials and plunging the two countries into a war of words

However, Poland did not agree with the reasons given by Russia, and it pointed the finger at the construction of Russian airports.

In this way, the contradiction between Russia and Poland still exists today, and which country is to blame for this serious accident?

To this day, the outcome remains unclear, and the two countries are still in a war of words.

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