
The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

Welcome all the friends to the "Peace Elite" "Elite Classroom" opened by Tiange ~ Unconsciously, this game has accompanied us through 4 spring, summer, autumn and winter, just like "there is no unbroken feast in the world", there are old players leaving, and there are new players settling in.

In the same way, the artistry of photons will also be mobilized for various reasons, and the skin style and quality are different at each stage of the period. Remember the first time when Ultraman brought "Otter Hero", many players felt that it was possible to change the artist with a photon, but now after seeing the "Meteor Bang", some players felt that the artist might be changed back.

The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

The artist is back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

If you say that photons are "hammers" on weekdays, many small partners may laugh out of the goose cry, thinking that such a statement is nothing more than ridicule.

However, in fact, according to the currently known "unpacking" content, the upcoming new military supply "Meteor Bang" is indeed based on the theme of "hammer", not only the C-bit fashion has a "hammer", but even the "small skin" such as upgrading guns and helmets.

The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

With the discovery of "unpacking", now "Meteor BangDong" has appeared in the game's "buyer show", from which it is not difficult to see: whether it is C-bit fashion, or two other sets of purple grade fashion, the setting of the theme is somewhat difficult to describe in words, can only understand ~

The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

Perhaps the artist of Photon thinks that this kind of design is quite novel, quite some elements of "eighteen weapons", so in the treasure chest of the "Meteor Boom" series, there are some strange details, such as the hairstyle of the C-bit fashion is 2 "meteor hammers", the skirt is also upside down with several red bowls, and even the purple level of fashion, there are also details such as wind wheels and air hammers.

In this regard, some players use "can't bear to look at it" to describe this style, and some players feel that Photon's move is quite conscientious and for the sake of the player. Because when there was a "new military supply" before, I was always worried that I would have regrets because I didn't shoot, and this time I could save some coupons with peace of mind.

The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

The upgrade gun is also a "hammer", and Photon also sends a warm reminder.

In addition to 3 sets of new fashions, even the "Meteor Boom" upgrade gun also appeared "Hammer", as the Bison's first upgrade gun, Brother Tian did not expect to "look like this", the tail not only has a Meteor Hammer, but also looks like a toy water gun.

The more interesting detail is that the ultimate special effects level 7 box is also a "hammer", and even Photon deliberately gives a warm reminder, writing 4 words on the box: Beware of hurting your hands.

The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

Isn't it possible that after turning the enemy's box into a "hammer", the spikes on it will affect us to pick up the bag? Well, if picking up such a box would lose blood, then you have to praise Photon for being really talented

The "Eat Chicken" artist has changed back? The new military quartermaster is out of the "hammer", and the photon is for the sake of the player!

Finally, let's take a look at the helmet with the same "hammer" mentioned above, such a shape is indeed "excellent" (manual dog head), and even the pendant of the backpack is a meteor hammer, which has to be admired for such a creative design.

Not surprisingly, "Meteor Boom" will be officially launched at 0 o'clock on week 5, and there may be players who feel that such a "high-quality" new skin will not have players choosing to shoot. But in Brother Tian's view, there are exceptions to everything, maybe there are players who really like this kind of "hammer" style design Oh ~ so, let's wait and see, hey ~

Well, that's all there is to the "Elite Classroom" of Peace Elite, thank you for reading, and we'll see you in the comments section.

PS: Don't forget to like it at the bottom of the article, so that more friends can see you in the comment area!

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