
35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

author:May is still

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Lycopene (Lycopene), that is, lycopene, lycopene is widely present in vegetables and fruits in nature, is a non-provitamin A carotenoid, mainly present in mature tomatoes, mature red fruits and vegetables are rich in content, lycopene can be said to be the "king of antioxidants" in the plant kingdom, is one of the "ten longevity nutrients", is a fat-soluble natural antioxidant, antioxidant potency is β - carotene 2 times, vitamin E 10 times.

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Speaking of antioxidants, well-known oxidation reactions and free radicals, which can be understood as harmful metabolites produced by the human body due to life and eating habits, such as staying up late, eating junk food, sun exposure, etc., lycopene can help the human body inhibit, block, and remove harmful substances produced by free radicals, and maintain and protect human cells from being infringed upon and slow down the process of physical consumption in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, skin and bone diseases, nervous system diseases, etc.

35-year-old women do not want to age fast, eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

1. Tomatoes

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Tomato is an important source of fresh lycopene, the first of the best lycopene-rich foods, not because of its highest content, red varieties of tomatoes are higher, generally per 100 grams contain 2-3 mg, up to 20 mg. The lycopene in tomatoes is abundantly present in tomato skins. The more ripe the tomato, the more lycopene there is, so you should choose seasonal, fresh, ripe red tomatoes when purchasing. Tomato skin contains a lot of lycopene, it is best to eat it with the skin.

2. Cranberries

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Dried cranberry nutritional value is also extremely rich, not less than some fresh cranberries contain less nutrient content, many people in life can eat some dried cranberries in moderation to supplement their own needs of various nutrients, cranberries cultivated in the cold regions of North America contain a unique polyphenol component known as "proanthocyanidin A", with vitamin C 20 times, vitamin E 50 times the antioxidant capacity. In addition, each 100 grams of dried cranberry contains 0.15 to 5.8 mg of lycopene, which has an excellent protective effect on human health after being absorbed by the human body.

3. Wood turtle fruit

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Wood turtle fruit, is a tropical plant, mainly grown in Vietnam and some countries in South Asia, in the mainland Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places also distributed, is a unique fruit in the south, the north can not see, wood turtle fruit is not ripe before green, after ripening the skin color is orange-red, the latest research shows that the lycopene content of wood turtle fruit is 76 times that of tomatoes, each 100 grams of wood turtle fruit contains lycopene 155 to 305 mg, making wood turtle fruit by some foreign media called "fruit from heaven".

4. Guava

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Not only is the nutrient content of guava comprehensive but also high in trace elements, guava is known as a superfruit because of its wonderful health benefits. Eating a guava for breakfast can meet the nutrients needed by the body such as protein, fat, calcium, iron, dietary fiber, vitamins, etc. Red guava or pink guava is an important source of lycopene, red guava contains 5.23 to 5.50 mg per 100 grams, guava can eat fresh, juice or jam, both to strengthen the body and improve the overall health of the human body.

5. Grapefruit

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Grapefruit rich in lycopene only refers to pink meat grapefruit, red meat grapefruit is extremely rich in vitamin C content, can promote antibody production, enhance the body's detoxification function. For girls who love beauty, the vitamin P contained in grapefruit can enhance skin elasticity and reduce pores. At the same time, it also contains a certain amount of lycopene, which contains 0.35 to 3.36 mg of lycopene per 100 grams of red meat grapefruit, so eating red meat grapefruit can also supplement lycopene.

6. Watermelon

35-year-old women do not want to grow old fast, to eat more of these 6 kinds of fruits containing "lycopene", it is recommended to understand

Watermelon is not only a wonderful summer fruit, you know? Watermelon itself has a lot of cis-structure of lycopene, and watermelon fan in the lycopene than fresh tomato 40%, per 100 grams of watermelon contains 2.3 ~ 7.2 mg of lycopene, and do not have to cook, the human body can directly absorb. 1 piece of watermelon can meet your daily amount of lycopene, the redder the color of the red watermelon, the higher the lycopene content, and the yellow watermelon almost does not contain lycopene. In short, watermelon allows you to get the lycopene you need in your daily diet, and it is also very low in calories, and watermelon is arguably one of the best of the lycopene-rich human foods.