
The situation in Russia and Ukraine arrived in Mariupol last night and this morning to prepare for negotiations on the evacuation of the Azov steel plant

Source: CCTV news client

At 0:42 Beijing time on May 1:

Zelenskiy: Discussed the latest state of the war with British Prime Minister Johnson

On April 30, local time, Zelenskiy posted on social media that he discussed the battlefield with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the latest situation in Mariupol.

At 0:29 Beijing time on May 1:

Unambiguous representatives arrived in Mariupol to negotiate the evacuation of the Aeszov steel plant

The situation in Russia and Ukraine arrived in Mariupol last night and this morning to prepare for negotiations on the evacuation of the Azov steel plant

On April 30, local time, UN representatives arrived in Mariupol to prepare negotiations on the evacuation of the Azov steel plant.

Representatives of the United Nations and the International Red Cross Society, escorted by the Russian side, arrived in the village of eastern Mariupol, where they will work on the evacuation of personnel from the Azov steel plant.

At 23:01 Beijing time on April 30:

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine: Russia and Ukraine are engaged in a new round of exchange of prisoners

On April 30, local time, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vlysysyk said on social media that on the 30th, Russia and Ukraine exchanged prisoners. A total of 14 people, 7 soldiers and 7 civilians, returned to Ukraine, including a female soldier who was 4 months pregnant.

At 21:24 Beijing time on April 30:

Ukrainian official: The possibility of a conflict turning into a protracted war exists

On April 30, local time, Alahamiya, chairman of the parliamentary caucus of the Ukrainian People's Public Servant Party, said that Ukraine is preparing for different situations and is currently developing a strategy to deal with a situation where the conflict may last for many years. He said the potential for conflict to turn into a protracted war existed. The Ukrainian Institute for Strategic Studies is currently anticipating all possible prospects for the conflict and developing appropriate plans and strategies for that purpose.

21:09 Beijing time on April 30:

Russia will invite the US Deputy Secretary of State and other personnel to participate in the investigation of the activities of the US biological laboratory in Ukraine

On April 30, Yermakov, director of the Department of Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that Russia was prepared to invite U.S. officials and representatives of U.S. companies related to the military biological activities of Ukrainian biological laboratories to participate in the investigation of U.S. biological laboratory activities in Ukraine. Among them is U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who Russia will invite to participate in the investigation as one of the witnesses to Ukraine's laboratory investigation committee.

At 20:18 Beijing time on April 30:

Russia will participate in the Review Conference on the Implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

On April 30, Yermakov, director of the Department of Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that Russia would participate in the Tenth Review Conference on the Implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to be held in New York, usa, from August 1 to 26, and hoped that the United States would not block Russia's participation at that time. Yermakoff expressed the hope that other countries will adhere to the principles stipulated in the treaty and prevent the emergence of nuclear war. Those States should also understand that such conflicts were unacceptable.

At 18:20 Beijing time on April 30:

Ukrainian officials said the Odessa air defense force in southern Ukraine was given a new air defense system

Ukrainian media reported on April 30 local time that Brachuk, spokesman for the Military Administration of the Odessa Region of Ukraine, said on the same day that the air defense forces of the Odessa Region have received the new air defense system, but he did not disclose further details.

Previously, the Ukrainian military had said that it had obtained the S-300 air defense missile system from a partner country, which enhanced the air defense capability in the southern region of Ukraine.

Brachuk also said that Odessa will impose a curfew from 22:00 local time on May 1 to May 3 at 5:00 local time.

At 17:57 Beijing time on April 30:

The Russian Defense Ministry said it had destroyed The Ukrainian ammunition and fuel depots

On April 30, local time, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Russian air defense forces shot down two shells fired by Ukrainian "Tornado" multiple rocket launchers over settlements in Donetsk and Kharkiv Oblasts. The Russians also used high-precision weapons to destroy four ammunition and fuel depots in the Balvinkovo, Pokrovsky and other areas, while striking a Ukrainian nationalist and military equipment assembly area.

At 10:44 Beijing time on April 30:

Russia successfully launched a military satellite , the Angara light carrier rocket , to complete the second launch mission

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, on April 29 local time, the "Angara-1.2" light carrier rocket lifted off from the Plesetsk Space Launch Site in the Arkhangelsk region, sending a military satellite into a predetermined orbit.

This is the second launch of the Angara light rocket, the first of which was completed in July 2014. The rocket can send up to 3 tons of payload into low Earth orbit.

At 10:33 Beijing time on April 30:

Zelenskiy called on relevant countries to send military forces to Ukraine to achieve security guarantees

On April 29, local time, in an interview with foreign media, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy once again called on the international community to provide security guarantees for Ukraine. He said that for the Ukrainian side, time is life, and security guarantees should be based on the dispatch of military personnel to Ukraine in the shortest possible time limit by relevant countries.

Zelenskiy said that in individual parts of Europe, "first aid systems" should be established and assistance plans should be developed, and when a country encounters a threat, assistance should be provided as soon as possible in accordance with the system's established regulations and threat levels. He also said the system does not conflict with NATO and can run parallel to NATO.

At 03:27 Beijing time on April 30:

Lavrov: Ukraine has been made by the United States and NATO as a tool to contain and provoke Russia

On April 29, local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in an interview with Arabiya TV that NATO has never stopped the process of eastward expansion, and Russia's security interests have been ignored. Ukraine, on the other hand, has been made by the United States and NATO as a tool to contain and provoke Russia. Shortly after Russia began special military operations, Russia conveniently accepted the negotiation proposal of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy and carried out negotiations in good faith, while the Ukrainian side was constantly changing its position. If the Kiev regime had been a sincere negotiator, russia and Ukraine could have made significant progress in negotiations on security guarantees, which Ukraine would have received from some countries.

Lavrov said Russia does not consider itself in a state of war with NATO, and that current developments will increase the risk of nuclear war, which should not be allowed to happen. Russia is at the forefront of advocating and promoting the commitment of all nuclear-armed countries to never start a nuclear war, but with the support and encouragement of Western countries, Poland and Ukraine have made some dangerous nuclear-related remarks.

Lavrov stressed that it is NATO that believes it is at war with Russia. Many leaders of NATO and EU countries directly, publicly and insist that "Putin must lose" and "Russia must be defeated". People who use these words believe that they are at war with the people they want to defeat. They are supplying Ukraine with weapons that would be the target of a special Russian military operation once they reached Ukrainian territory from outside their borders.

Speaking about Western sanctions, Lavrov said the sanctions were not a surprise to Russia. Neither the Soviet Union nor now Russia has a single moment without sanctions. Sanctions will not make Russia "ask for help or forgiveness." The Russian side is very clear that it cannot count on the West, especially in areas of strategic importance such as economy, technology, and food. Russia should achieve self-sufficiency in key areas. The United States and other Western countries are also threatening other countries everywhere, forcing them to join the sanctions and vote against Russia. These people also claim that this is a struggle between "democracy" and "authoritarianism". They threaten to punish countries and people who disagree with their policies, which they call "democracy." If Western civilization decides to act in this way, it is a disgrace to Western civilization.

Lavrov said the U.S. Department of Defense manages about 30 biology labs in Ukraine. Documents discovered by the Russian side and submitted to the United Nations prove beyond doubt that the Pentagon has been conducting research activities in its biological laboratory in Ukraine that are contrary to those of the Biological Weapons Convention. Globally, the United States has hundreds of military biological laboratories. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Newland has said they have done all the necessary work to keep the pathogen from falling into Russian hands. This has in fact been acknowledged that they are not engaged in peace operations. Activities carried out in the Ukrainian biological laboratory must be investigated, and Russia will continue its efforts on this.

Lavrov also stressed that Russia has never used mercenaries on The territory of Ukraine.

At 02:56 Beijing time on April 30:

U.S. Department of Defense: The U.S. is training the Ukrainian armed forces in Germany

On April 29, local time, US Department of Defense spokesman Kirby announced at a briefing that the United States had begun additional training for the Ukrainian armed forces at US military facilities in Germany.

Kirby said the training was based on initial artillery training that Ukrainian troops had already received elsewhere, and the training also included operational aspects such as radar systems and armored vehicles.

At 0:44 Beijing time on April 30:

Sberbank will pay two us dollar-denominated Eurobond coupons in rubles

On April 29, local time, the Russian Savings Bank said that due to the impact of sanctions by the United Kingdom and the United States, the bank decided to pay two installments of DOLLAR-denominated Eurobond coupons in rubles, and the specific amount was calculated according to the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia on the date of payment. This involves $2 billion due in October 2022 and $1 billion due in May 2023, respectively.

At 0:41 Beijing time on April 30:

The British ambassador to Ukraine has returned to Kiev

On April 29, local time, British Ambassador to Ukraine Simmons said on social media that he had returned to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

At 0:22 Beijing time on April 30:

Ministry of Finance: Ukraine received 495 million euros in aid from the World Bank

On April 29, local time, the Information Service of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine released a message saying that Ukraine received 495 million euros of aid funds from the World Bank for the necessary social, humanitarian, medical and resettlement of mobile personnel.

The funds will be remitted to the State Budget Fund of Ukraine.

At 0:10 Beijing time on April 30:

Representative of the Ukrainian government in Verkhovna Rada: The Ukrainian government has abrogated the agreement with the Russian government on fisheries cooperation

On April 29, local time, The Ukrainian government's representative in The Verkhovna, Melinicchuk, said on his personal social page that the Ukrainian government has abrogated the agreement with the Russian government on fisheries cooperation.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the draft law on the termination of the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Ukrainian and Russian Governments and the repeal of the Agreement between the Ukrainian and Russian Governments on the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Income and Property and the Prevention of Tax Evasion.

At 22:29 Beijing time on April 29:

The government of the Odessa region of Ukraine declared martial law on the city of Odessa

On April 29, local time, the government of the Odessa region of Ukraine released a message saying that the city of Odessa will impose martial law from 22:00 on May 1 to 5:00 on May 3, during which no special permit is prohibited from going out.

The relevant order has been signed and issued by the head of the Odessa state government, and the curfew policy of other cities in the state has not changed.

At 21:52 Beijing time on April 29:

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that it will blacklist relevant people in some countries and regions

On April 29, local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that it would blacklist parliamentarians, officials, businessmen and media personalities from Iceland, Norway, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

At 18:05 Beijing time on April 29:

The Dutch Embassy in Ukraine will be relocated back to Kiev with immediate effect

Dutch Foreign Minister Hookstra announced through social media on April 29 local time that the Dutch Embassy in Ukraine will be moved back to Kiev from now on.

Britain, France, Italy and other countries have also reopened their embassies in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, in recent days.

Beijing time on April 29 at 18:00:

The Ukrainian army said it received a new S-300 air defense missile system

The Southern Ukrainian Air Force Command announced on the 29th local time that the Ukrainian army received a set of S-300 air defense missile systems from partner countries and has put it into combat missions. It is reported that the system is mainly responsible for the defense of airspace near Odessa.

At 16:12 Beijing time on April 29:

Plenipotentiary for Human Rights of the President of russia: has requested the International Committee of the Red Cross for assistance in the release of sailors detained in Ukraine

On April 29 local time, Russian Plenipotentiary for Human Rights Moskalikova said that he had requested assistance from the International Red Cross Society to release civilian vessel sailors detained in Ukraine.

At 15:55 Beijing time on April 29:

Russian Ministry of Defense: Destroyed the production building of the Artyom Arsenal in Kiev using airborne precision-guided weapons

On April 29, local time, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Russian military used airborne precision guidance weapons to destroy the production building of the Aryom Arsenal in Kiev, Ukraine.

At present, the Ukrainian side has no response to this.

At 14:29 Beijing time on April 29:

The OSCE announced that it would end the mandate of the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine

The OSCE published an article on the official website on the 28th local time, saying that the OSCE rotating chairmanship polish foreign minister Zbignev Rau and the OSCE secretary-general Helga Schmid announced on the same day that the OSCE would end the task of the special monitoring mission in Ukraine.

At 14:14 Beijing time on April 29:

Russian Air Transport Agency: The ban on flights to 11 airports in southern and central Russia is extended until May 7

On April 29, local time, the Russian Air Transport Agency issued an announcement that it would extend the ban on flying to a total of 11 airports in southern and central Russia until May 7.

At 12:54 Beijing time on April 29:

The Russian ambassador to the United States refuted the US statement that Russia has not carried out humanitarian assistance in Ukraine

On April 29, local time, according to TASS, Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov refuted the U.S. statement that Russia did not carry out humanitarian assistance in Ukraine.

He said the Russian military evacuated nearly 1 million people from various regions of Ukraine and delivered nearly 16,000 tons of relief supplies, including food, medicine and medical supplies. Normal life has begun in parts of Ukraine, and vital living facilities, social infrastructure and communication facilities are gradually returning to normal.

At 0:55 Beijing time on April 29:

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres in Kiev

The situation in Russia and Ukraine arrived in Mariupol last night and this morning to prepare for negotiations on the evacuation of the Azov steel plant

On the 28th local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said on the social platform that he and UN Secretary-General Guterres held a meeting in Kiev.

After talks with Guterres, Zelenskiy said that the Ukrainian side is ready to carry out urgent negotiations on the evacuation of personnel from the Azov steel plant in Mariupol and immediately implement the agreement reached, and it will be possible to achieve "successful results" in lifting the siege, and the Ukrainian side will contribute to this in every possible way.

At 0:00 Beijing time on April 29:

Biden has demanded $33 billion in aid to Ukraine and has proposed the confiscation of the property of Russia's wealthy

On April 28, local time, US President Joe Biden spoke on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, asking Congress to approve a $33 billion additional appropriation bill to support Ukraine.

Biden's funding requirements include more than $20 billion in military aid, $8.5 billion in economic aid and $3 billion in humanitarian aid.

In addition, Biden will submit a proposal to Congress to further pressure on Russia's rich, including confiscating the assets of Russian billionaires to fund Ukraine's defense. Biden said a new administrative process will be established through the Treasury and Justice Departments to simplify the federal government's efforts to confiscate assets from Russia's wealthy.

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