
May may there be peace and security!

May may there be peace and security!

The end of April, the beginning of May,

Time is fleeting,

Three springs have twilight flowers from the wind,

Green shade is rising all over the world.

May, Spring And Summer Shallow,

The flowers fade red, and all things flourish,

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right,

Everything is just right, it should be slow.

May may there be peace and security!

In April, disturbed by the epidemic,

Inevitably disappointed in the last spring light of the year,

May, a new beginning,

Light summer is poetic, picturesque, no pole Tai lai.

May, the wind is clear,

Wash away a body of impetuousness, quiet and leisurely,

With the breeze and the drizzle,

The affectionate style has entered our hearts.

May may there be peace and security!

May Day,

Travel without saying to go,

More than the pleasure of sneaking around,

More is the worry about the future.

But that's it,

It is useless to complain more about anxiety,

Let yourself be "busy", read and drink tea,

Doing crafts, painting, meditating...

If you are not desolate, do not panic.

May may there be peace and security!

May Fourth Youth Day,

Impermanence consumes the will,

But immortal youth, regardless of age,

It is a heart that never compromises on life.

When confused and confused,

Without losing faith and direction,

There is fire in the heart, and there is light in the eyes,

Forever young, always in tears.

May may there be peace and security!

Summer season,

All things have grown up here,

However, the heat is not strong, and the spring is not over,

It is the time of gentleness in the human world.

Roses full of shelves, summer wood yin yin,

The acacia flowers are fragrant, the cherries are gradually red,

Frogs everywhere in the grass pond,

The south wind blows endlessly, and the lovesickness is insatiable.

May may there be peace and security!

When Mother's Day hits World Smile Day,

It is gratitude, but also joy,

Whoever says anything will repay the three Chunhui,

Three thousand things in the world, a smile.

The smile on Mom's face,

The most beautiful smile in the world,

A bouquet of carnations, a word of affection,

Or you can tell the love of one or two to your mother and make her smile.

May may there be peace and security!

There is a small full in the second half of the month,

As for this small thing is full,

The wisest solar term of the year.

When the water is full, it overflows, and when the moon is full, it loses,

Small full is not enough, everything can be expected,

Little gain, little joy,

It is the best state of life.

May may there be peace and security!

May, picturesque.

In May, the durian flowers shine brightly, and the branches are in the beginning.

- Don Hanyu, "Durian Flower"

The shade of the tree shines on the water, and the little lotus tip is pointed,

The summer warbler thousands of roses,

Small apricots, yellow loquats, soft smoke,

Pomegranate flowers bloom and are as bright as fire.

May may there be peace and security!

May, gentle and cozy.

Day long sleeps up and thinks ruthlessly, idly watching children catch willow flowers.

--Song Yang Wanli, "Sleeping in Early Summer"

The breeze is gentle, the water waves are not happy,

The spring shirt is still light, and the plantains outside the window are dyed thick green,

Tea light wine, half a book of poetry,

Everywhere is filled with the smell of light wind and clouds.

May may there be peace and security!

May, full of expectations.

When you meet, you will be deep, and you will hate not meet early.

Knowing thousands of people, it is not as good as Yi in the end.

- Shi Jiujian ,"Bu Operator"

Only in May, "May I love you"

talent by "Can I Love You"

Translates to "In May, I love you." ”

May may there be peace and security!

In May, it is advisable to let go.

In May, in time to the heart to sort out,

Bring out the unsuitable people and things out of life,

Those who love and can't, let the summer wind blow away,

Since then, the past has been cleared, and love and hate are arbitrary.

May may there be peace and security!

May, it is advisable to fall in love.

The south wind knows my intentions and blows dreams to the west continent.

In May, wait for a man,

Toward the twilight, slowly fall in love,

Two people in one room, three meals and four seasons,

Slowly, for the rest of your life.

May may there be peace and security!

In May, it is advisable to depart.

Two-thirds of the year remains,

There are endless hopes and possibilities.

Spring sows hope,

May coincides with hard irrigation;

The harvest of winter anticipation,

May will be a fight.

May may there be peace and security!

In May, everything is clear,

The grass is warm and vigorous,

Don't think about the past, don't fear the future,

Don't miss, don't be, boldly move forward,

Meet the better version of yourself.

May may there be peace and security!

"You blew it like that

Cool and soft

Blow it again

I know it's not you anymore."

This is a poem written by Mr. Mu Xin to May.

May 2022,

Throughout the ages, there has been only one.

If you are attentive,

There are scenery everywhere, and they are pleasant at all times,

Cherish it, live it seriously, and leave no regrets.

May may there be peace and security!

In May, may the epidemic dissipate,

Life is clear and safe.

Cultivate yourself, keep walking,

Everything you want is what you want, and the road ahead is smooth.

April, goodbye to this,

In May, please advise.

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