
Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?

author:Big country science popularization

Nanjing Monkey was caught

In Nanjing these two days, a monkey has been on the hot search, so what has this monkey done? Visited the college campus, swing in the park, fight with cats, bully small milk dogs, smash people's flower pots, take other people's clothes that are drying, more exaggerated is that this monkey actually went into the house to steal, before entering the house also know to observe whether there is anyone inside, you see if it is strong, really when there is no tiger in the city itself is the king.

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?
Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?

As a result, the monkey was pressed to the ground, and as a result, he looked loveless and was sent to the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo Rescue Center. Many netizens also joked that this monkey is familiar with the technique, a look is a habitual offender, the expression when caught is the same as the expression of the person, and so on.

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?

Rampant Indian monkeys

In our country like the Nanjing monkey this thing rarely happens, the most heard may be the monkey of Mount Emei to grab people wrapped, but in the magical India, the monkey can be said to be inferior, in contrast, Nanjing monkey is simply a weakened version.

What did monkeys do in India? Stealing money, kidnapping, and killing people is nothing wrong.

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?
  • Kill the baby

One: Not long ago, in the Bagpat region of India, there was a human tragedy, a 2-month-old baby was lying on his bed in his home, when a group of monkeys suddenly appeared and took the baby away, at any time the family immediately called the police, but what hurts you is that when the police found the baby, he had been drowned in a water tank.

In addition, in a small town in northern India, a baby who was only 12 days old was nursing, when a monkey suddenly broke into the house and snatched the baby from his mother's arms, and the neighbors who heard the news helped chase after the "kidnapper" and threw stones at him, and the monkey bit the baby's head and finally threw it on the roof before escaping, and finally the baby died of his injuries.

  • Steal money

At a toll booth somewhere in India, a staff member was working normally, when a monkey suddenly appeared, at first from the expression and movement of the staff, it was not particularly nervous, but the monkey swung a shot, and when he was not ready, he suddenly grabbed a wad of money and jumped out of the window to escape, his movements were very skillful, it felt like a habitual offender.

In New Delhi, India, a monkey would also rob passers-by on the street and steal cash from them. After the victim called the police, the police eventually caught 2 thieves and 2 monkeys.

It can be seen that this kind of behavior of monkeys stealing money in India is not simply out of the nature of monkeys, but has been trained by some criminal gangs to become a tool for them to accumulate wealth.

Do outlaws only train monkeys to steal money?

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?
  • Kidnapping of children

In magical India, monkeys will become tools of some unscrupulous elements, who will have the innate intelligence of monkeys to train them to become tools for their own wealth. Above we see the monkeys stealing money with skillful techniques.

In a narrow alley, a monkey was riding an electric car, and suddenly the monkey stopped, dropped the car and dragged a child wearing a diaper a few meters away, but fortunately was rescued.

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?

Why are monkeys in India so rampant?

India is a magical country, in which the Indian cattle are regarded as "holy relics", and their status is very high, slaughter is strictly prohibited, and it is also protected by law.

India is a magical country, there is a Kronimata Temple in India, where thousands of rats live, and are specially protected and fed, and there are even rumors in the local area: "If you step on them, you will have bad luck".

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?

Although monkeys have repeatedly committed harming and even killing people in India, people will refuse to harm the monkey group out of reverence for the monkey god Hanuman.

Since the 1980s, due to large-scale logging operations in India, resulting in the gradual shrinking of the monkey habitat, these homeless monkeys in order to survive, slowly migrated to the countryside and the city, when the monkeys found around humans, they will have more convenient access to food, but also easier to obtain more abundant food, so there are more and more monkeys around people.

But after all, monkeys are wild and difficult to tame, intelligent and aggressive, and they have lost their natural homeland, and naturally transferred this aggression to humans, which has led to one injury after another, and even murder.

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?


In order to cope with the frequent hurtful behavior of monkeys, the local governments in India have also calculated and used various tricks to deal with monkeys.

One: The government has relocated monkeys to a wildlife sanctuary, which seems to be relatively reliable and acceptable for both humans and monkeys.

Two: Introduce larger, mild-mannered langurs to scare away macaques and rhesus macaques. Although this measure can play a certain role, the effect is not so obvious, on the contrary, it may also play a domino effect, causing very serious consequences.

Three: Sterilization of monkeys. This is the least monkey way to do it, contrary to nature, but the effect is also the most obvious.

Why can monkeys who steal money, kidnap, kill, and do nothing wrong be so rampant in India?

Back to nature

In fact, people who have the heart will find that in all the aggressive interactions between monkeys and tourists, about three-quarters of them are related to food, and on Mount Emei in mainland Sichuan, monkeys often rob tourists of their bags, and this is precisely because they think that you have something to eat in your bag.

This behavior of monkeys, then again, is also caused by the "good deeds" of human beings day after day, the cycle of cause and effect, when tourists wantonly feed monkeys, smart monkeys will naturally think that it will be easier to obtain food from humans, and over time, they will develop the lawless character of monkeys.

When monkeys have their own living space, they will not travel thousands of miles into the human world, but in magical India, when humans wantonly cut down, creating an environment for these animals to enter the human world, causing a human tragedy together, then who do you say is the culprit?

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