
A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

author:Hole A C

Mexican drug cartels often have various fires in the fight for drugs and turf, and the country's security situation has always been not optimistic.

Because drugs have always infringed on the people of this country, the drug trade in Mexico is very rampant, drug dealers are also rampant in the country, and a criminal organization composed of defecting special forces has gradually gained a foothold and expanded, committing numerous crimes.

Against this backdrop, 34 Mexican special forces defected en masse, set up a drug cartel, and killed thousands of military police.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

The complexity of Mexico's problems

As early as 1992, the World Drug Organization issued an announcement: the world's three major drug producers, namely the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia, Colombia in South America and southern Mexico.

The reason why Mexico has to make the list is from the colonial trade of a long time ago.

In the early days of Spanish colonization of South America, coffee, tobacco or cocoa were mainly grown here, but as the world gradually became a whole, the global demand for these products was very limited, which gradually led to a trade deficit between South America and other countries.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

In order to reverse the trade deficit generated by the colonies, the East India Company began to cultivate poppies and hemp leaves in large areas of the American colonies, which was the origin of the link between these places and drugs.

Later, the drug trade gradually expanded because of the outbreak of two world wars.

Because of the outbreak of the world war, there were many more wounded on the battlefield, they needed a lot of morphine and analgesics, at that time, the Golden Triangle region of Southeast Asia had not yet "reared its head", which made poppy cultivation in South America further stimulated, and the demand in the market expanded sharply, which was an opportunity for them, but it was precisely because of this opportunity that the land was dragged into the endless abyss.

In the early days, many people did not fully understand drugs, and the use of morphine after the war led to the addiction of soldiers, coupled with the frequent emergence of some social governance problems, and gradually made the demand for drugs in the United States continue to increase.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

Colombia's route to the United States was originally shipped by sea and air, transporting drugs to Florida in the United States via the Caribbean sea and then into the North American market, at a time when "no middlemen made the difference".

At this time, President Reagan of the United States could not sit still, he watched the United States step by step by drugs dragged down, and he finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

So, beginning in 1982, the Reagan administration made the "anti-drug" operation a major focus, and the FBI came into play, raiding a large number of banks that facilitated drug dealers.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

At the same time, the U.S. Coast Guard moved quickly, and they were given the grand task of keeping all drugs out of the country.

Since President Reagan's anti-drug campaign, the effect has been immediate, with the amount of drugs plummeting by 60 percent across Florida.

However, colombia's big drug lords, who have already made a lot of money from the drug trade, are unwilling, and they also know that from now on, the sea route is estimated to be impassable, and they can only focus on the land route.

At this time, Mexico is in front of these crime-ridden drug lords.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

Because the border between Mexico and the United States is more than 3,000 kilometers long and has long been a transportation route, Mexican drug dealers also quickly reached an agreement with American drug dealers, which would be supplied by Colombians and then provided by Mexicans.

According to this development model, in the beginning, Mexicans only earned some "errands".

But by the late 1980s, the transportation channels of drugs had become very stable, and Mexican drug dealers had grasped the lifeblood of Colombian drug dealers, and at this time, the right to speak changed.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

As a result, Mexican drug dealers have also offered to update the agreement: in addition to transporting drugs, Mexican drug dealers must also participate in the distribution of drugs in order to make more profits.

During that time, according to U.S. statistics, on average, more than 80 percent of contraband entered the United States through Mexico.

Where drugs are infested, society must be extremely unstable, and Mexico is a good example.

Cartels were born, with their headquarters in Guadalajara, Mexico's second-largest city.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

Because of the huge profits of the drug trade, which also led to collusion between officials and bandits in Mexico, under the cartels, each high-powered leader was given a piece of land, which was supervised by an official Mexican organization.

In order to compete with many gangs for territory, mutual killing operations are inevitable, and official agencies have formulated "rules" in this case: they cannot publicly abandon corpses, affecting the prosperity and stability of the city, and large fires are merged, and law enforcement agencies are responsible for ending.

In the 1980s, a mid-level leader was arrested, and when he was interrogated, he said directly: "In Mexico, drugs are in broad daylight. ”

As cartels became more and more full, they also became the "underworld overlords" in Mexico, and their relations with the authorities were relatively harmonious.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

So, after the Reagan administration embarked on a large-scale anti-drug campaign, in order to alleviate pressure from the United States, the Mexican side burned tens of thousands of hectares of drug-growing fields and arrested thousands of people to face the crime, but they still did not capture any of the cartel leaders.

Where there are interests, there is naturally also constant strife.

In the 1980s, a cartel's drug smuggling plane was intercepted, 700 kilograms of drugs were confiscated on the spot, and Mexican drug lords were required to pay nearly $100 million to Colombia.

The enraged drug lord eventually killed an American agent.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

This incident completely angered the United States, the United States sent special forces directly across the border to arrest people, Mexico in the face of the powerful United States can not do anything, had to capture the three giants, locked up in the most hidden prison in Mexico.

Without the leader of the organization, it collapsed in an instant, and from 1989 onwards, the drug dealer melee in Mexico began, and because there were still many officials who had gained benefits behind it, in name, the official also began to crack down on criminals.

It has been commented that drug dealers in Mexico started out running errands, then became tycoons and eventually became warlords.

Los Zetas, on the other hand, appeared in this case.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

Los Zetas organization

In 1986, in order to complete the security work of the World Cup, Mexico set up a special security force, which was called "GAFE" by the outside world at that time, which was a regimental combat unit with first-class equipment.

When they were training, they also received intensive training from many countries such as the United States, Israel and France, and it can be said that they are all sharply skilled.

After the end of the World Cup, gafe was always involved in some official anti-drug trafficking operations, and was listed as a rapid reaction brigade, repeatedly establishing combat achievements and weakening the arrogance of various drug cartels.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

Cartels, on the other hand, have seen the power of GAFE.

In the 1990s, the cartels realized that if they continued to fight with GAFE, the casualties would be very large, so they used money to pave the way, slowly searched for information about GAFE members, and began to bribe.

At first, a few corrupted GAFE members only ventilated the news, but later simply joined the company.

A lieutenant in GAFE directly led 33 special forces to the cartel for money, acting as a thug and killer, and Los Zetas was established and strengthened the power of the cartel.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

When Los Zetas was founded, it also guaranteed the configuration of "special forces", they had the most powerful weapons, and even used military large-caliber sniper rifles, which were very powerful.

Because of their full experience, The Los Zetas gang even dared to fight the Mexican police and army directly, and dragged Mexico into a bloody storm.

In the three years since they joined, more than 10,000 Mexicans have died in street fighting, including about 1,000 Mexican police or troops.

According to relevant reports, in 2006, Los Zetas had a fire with other gang members, and from the traces at the scene, the armed personnel even used military large-caliber sniper rifles, machine guns, grenades, etc., which is very close to the level of modern warfare.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

The team of more than thirty people also grew, and later, Los Zetas even set up a secret training base to recruit outlaws who had been soldiers to increase their strength.

After that, a group of special forces veterans from Guatemala were recruited into Los Zetas, and their names became louder and louder.

Los Zetas's fire and fight is also increasingly similar to the mode of fighting on the right track, whether it is a recruited fighter in any background, must be trained in trust, and no one can except.

The rampant drug dealers in Mexico have also caused great pain to Americans, who have vigorously assisted mexico's anti-drug efforts.

Los Zetas has also been suppressed several times, but they are still unwilling to give up their vested interests, continue to provoke, and in the long years of fire and know the "way of cat and mouse", creating one terrible massacre after another.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

However, as Los Zetas grew and some of the cartel's leaders were arrested, Los Zetas wanted to go it alone.

Since February 2010, Los Zetas has gradually moved out of the control of his former employer and established his own criminal framework.

Such acts also intensified the conflict between Los Zetas and cartels, who later also broke out armed conflicts in Nuevo León and Tamaulipas, which were also very intense.

Los Zetas is a group that focuses on armaments when operating in Mexico.

Unlike other traditional drug-crime organizations, Los Zetas doesn't make up half of their total revenue from drugs.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

Instead, their main source of funding is through violent clashes between drug cartels and other violent actions.

In addition, as a "killer organization", they are also involved in collecting protection fees, extortion, assassination, kidnapping and other criminal acts, and the division of labor between them is clear, and the tacit understanding that was once trained in special forces has also been applied.

Their methods of warfare were also very cruel, even including beheadings, torture and even massacres.

Against this backdrop, Mexican officials seem to have no proper solution to the problem.

Even for some presidents with ideas, it is very difficult to get Mexico to undergo a groundbreaking reform.

If you want to reform, you must solve the drug lord, but if you want to solve the drug lord, it is not as simple as talking, after all, the drug lord dared to go directly to the official war at the peak of the drug lord.

Between 2007 and 2011, the clashes between Los Zetas and the police were uninterrupted, and many similar stories were described in the famous Breaking Bad.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police

By 2013, the total number of deaths due to these problems exceeded 120,000, and 27,000 people were missing, a figure that even surpassed iraq at war.

For many years, some Mexicans often disappeared mysteriously, and their relatives often accused the Mexican police of being ineffective.

But to change these things just from within Mexico would have required a process.

On January 30, 2019, Aubrador announced that the drug war in Mexico was officially over.

The war on drugs has exacerbated crime rates in Mexico and led to a reduction in labour in the informal sector, which has also resulted in drug cartels increasingly charging higher "protection fees" to compensate for their losses.

The dangers of drugs are well known throughout the world, but Mexico and the various criminal groups within its scope are still difficult to properly address in a short period of time.

A country of 34 special forces defected en masse, set up a drug trafficking group, and killed thousands of military and police


Drug Wars: Mexico's Drug Abuse Wrong? The Paper

JIANG Shengyuan. Discover Mexico's most rampant drug cartel[J].