
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

Xu Jiashang, born in February 1967, origin: Dazhou, Sichuan, famous cultural scholar, Chinese literary and art critic, national first-class artist, Zhou Yi scholar, member of China Television Artists Association, researcher of China National Art Museum. Philanthropist, visiting professor at Peking University, planning researcher of overseas edition of People's Daily, member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Tongchuan, Dazhou, Sichuan. He is currently the chairman of Sichuan Zhenbaotang Calligraphy and Painting Artwork Co., Ltd.

In 2002, the 30th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, the creation of "Sino-Japanese Friendship Forever" was collected by the National Museum of History.

In July 2013, he created the Chinese painting "National Song" (cooperation), which is 17 meters long and 3.5 meters high and is permanently collected by the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

In September 2014, the calligraphy "Thousand Character Text" created by 10.7 meters long and 81 centimeters wide was collected by the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, 15 calligraphy paintings were collected and auctioned by the Red Cross Society of China and the China Charity Federation, and all the proceeds were donated to the disaster area.

In 2006, on the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March and the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Cpc, the Red Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Editing Activity was awarded the "Special Gold Award" and "Lifetime Achievement Award".

In 2019, he won the Cultural and Artistic Contribution Award for the 40th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up.

In July 2019, he was awarded the title of Art Exchange Ambassador at the "Belt and Road" China-Europe Image Art Fair in France.

From the end of 2019 to the spring of 2020, the new crown pneumonia war "epidemic", the creation of 8 calligraphy, 3 Chinese paintings of snow bamboo, dedicated to the frontline of the white soldiers and public security officers.

In September 2021, Xu Jiashang's artistic achievements were included in the National Memory Figures Dictionary.

He has published publications: poetry collection "Heart Prisoner", "Carrying Art and Casting Soul", "I Pay Tribute to Sincerity", Calligraphy and Painting Works Collection "Pen on Truth", "Notes on the Sea", photography collection "The Most Beautiful is the Soul".

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

Famous artist Xu Jiashang's works are appreciated

Calligraphy is the essence of traditional Chinese culture, with a long history, unique form, rich charm, wonderful charm. It has swept through the millennium and has not faded, condensing the wisdom, perception, humanistic connotation and poetic meaning of the Chinese nation. It reflects the unique aesthetic tastes and philosophical concepts of Chinese, and has created a profound cultural connotation and a mature art system. In the contemporary book world, Mr. Xu Jiashang is an artist in the calligraphy world who is knowledgeable and has both moral and artistic qualities. Has its own pursuit and value orientation in calligraphy creation; His calligraphy works have rich connotations of life and cultural meaning, focusing on expressing and reflecting the understanding and understanding of life, and conveying their own life experiences and perceptions through artistic creation.

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

Xu Jiashang was born in the historical and cultural city of Dazhou, Sichuan, he is solemn and elegant, cheerful and open-minded. Have a more comprehensive and profound cultural literacy, profound knowledge and good writing skills. Starting from the styles of Liu, Ou, Yanshu and so on, and then to the Zhang Qianbei and Zheng Wengong Monuments, he studied a large number of "Wang Xizhi", Wen Zhengming, Sun Guoting, Huai Su, Wang Duo and other family inscriptions, drawing on the essence, melting the ancient and casting the present. Carefully study and ponder the magic of the ancients' pens, knots, chapters and momentum! Through reading, the eyes will see the gods, subtly deepen understanding, enrich visual memory, improve aesthetic ability, enhance artistic accomplishment, and gradually understand and master the "qi rhyme" and "shen rhyme" of ancient books. Among them, it is obvious that he took the square pen of Ouyang Qian, Wang Duo and others; Yu Wenzhengming and Sun Guoting took the muscles and bones straight, and the outer flaunting edge; Yu Wang Xizhi, Mi Fu, then take the penmanship exquisitely, duan xiu fresh; Take Huaisu's brushwork thin, flying nature, the heart at the end of the pen, thus forging their own unique calligraphy style.

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

Injecting his own emotions and mind into the calligraphy reflects the characteristics of vividness, freedom and passion. With the feeling of virtue, he creates a unique style of writing that is elegant and handsome, vigorous and upright, graceful and generous, and stretched smoothly. You can clearly see that Mr. Xu Jiashang's calligraphy is naturally flowing and steady with his pen. In the creation of calligraphy, explore the richness of linear expression, explore the artistic language of the contemporary self, fully mobilize all the positive factors in the writing process, and add a deep and solid traditional foundation to give people a fresh, pleasing and elegant meaning!

Decades of dedicated research and practice in calligraphy and practice, as well as the artistic watch and ambition of the pen, make Mr. Xu Jiashang's calligraphy art have its profound connotation and aesthetic taste. His calligraphy not only presents a vivid and unrestrained and indulgent style, but also has a characteristic of poetry with literary connotations. In particular, he detached a super-strong and solid atmosphere from the ancient meaning, and integrated it into his heart and revealed it in the pen, thus forming a calligraphy characteristic that is different from his predecessors and transcends the present.

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

In the consciousness of many people, excellent calligraphy works can generally show the social outlook and humanistic feelings very well, so they have its historical positioning and social value. The most basic value of calligraphy works is its own cultural connotation, including artistic value, historical value and aesthetic value, and the artistic inheritance, historical change and aesthetic experience embodied in it. This is an ontological value that first appears in calligraphy, which is created through the study of artistic concepts, the absorption of traditional culture, the exploration of expression language, and the honing of related skills.

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

The unique historical inheritance of Mr. Xu Jiashang's works, with its distinctive aesthetic style, deep aesthetic composition and the humanistic connotation behind it, has created a new and innovative modern calligraphy. Calligraphy works with a deep traditional foundation, distinct style and unique artistic language and aesthetic charm will be further recognized. Calligraphy has always been a continuation of the development and reconstruction of traditions. Modern Chinese calligraphy pen and ink can only talk about inheritance, development and change under the premise of respecting the essence of Chinese calligraphy art. This requires us to reconstruct the form and structure of the traditional Chinese calligraphy language. The traditional pen and ink language is projected to the current level, making it modern, and fully expressing the modern consciousness and spiritual content in the form of Chinese calligraphy freehand language, so that the form and content can be unified on a higher basis. These are reflected in Mr. Xu Jiashang's calligraphy works.

"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang
"Art China Focuses on Contemporary Artists" - Xu Jiashang

In Chinese history, the cultural nostalgia of the pre-Qin zhuzi and the life attitude of the Wei and Jin scholars have jointly laid the foundation for the glory of Tang poetry, Song Ci and Yuan Qu, and in the same way, it is the cultural nostalgia of the pre-Qin Zhuzi, the attitude of the Wei Jin people, and the glory of the Song Ci and Yuan Qu that have jointly created the immortal achievements of Ming and Qing calligraphy, and the path of Xu Jiashang teacher's calligraphy is precisely the continuous practice of walking on the right vein of Chinese culture, so based on his character, education, skills, and, Based on the height he has reached in art now, we believe that he will definitely achieve more and greater achievements in the future, so as to live up to the current Chinese culture.

Editor of this article/Liu Qingli

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