
Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

author:Geek gardening

Everyone must have seen a white, round, big ball-like flower in the roadside green belt or park, and whenever you see it, you feel very beautiful, and even want to take a photo. The name of this flower is the same as what everyone sees it, and its name is "wood hydrangea".

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

I have to say that this flower is so beautiful, every time I see it, I can't move my feet, I want to carefully observe and observe, what kind of structure it is, can become so round, so likable. The feeling of a large cluster of flowers is really a spike in charm value.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

And through observation, it was found that there are many hydrangeas on the side of the road, but the only one that grows very tall is the wood hydrangea, which not only has a large amount of flowers, but also has a lot of flowers, but also is tall and large, and can reach about 3 meters, which looks very cute. The main difference between ordinary varieties of hydrangeas and wood hydrangeas is the color.

Herbaceous hydrangeas are small, and there are many varieties, and the color is not very single, there are many colors. But the wood hydrangea is not the same, the color of the wood hydrangea is only divided into white and green two, it looks stronger, fuller and taller than the ordinary hydrangea, in contrast, it is the feeling of super good quality, the contrast between the sense of thickness and thinness.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

And the white of the wood hydrangea ball looks pure and pure. If you are interested in this flower, I still recommend that if you plant, choose to be in the yard, because it is larger, the growth rate is fast, and planting in the yard can provide ample space for it.

If you are a potted plant, try to choose a larger pot, next, let me take you to understand the details of maintenance.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

1, wood hydrangeas like sunshine

Wood hydrangea is a plant that likes light, the more sunlight, the more lush the bloom, the more flowers bloom, the larger the number of flowers. If you are planting, you must choose a sunny place to ensure that it has enough light every day, soaks in the sun, and the flowers bloom out of the shelf.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

2. Moisture

Wood hydrangeas are relatively drought-tolerant, it is worth noting that in the just planted time, must not be watered too frequently, as long as the soil is kept moist, to maintain a dry and wet state, must not be too wet, so it is not conducive to its growth.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

3. Fertilizer

This flower still needs fertilizer, if you want to make its flowers more open, want to make its flower spherical surface look large, and full also need to pay attention to the appropriate application of fertilizer. Simple fertilizers, such as animal manure, can be selected and fertilized adequately in the spring to ensure the amount of flowering.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

4. Trim

Wood hydrangeas grow rapidly, need to be pruned in time, pruning time is about in the winter of each year, not very cold time, you can the old branches, good screening and pruning, so as to accelerate the growth of new branches. When trimming, pay attention to disinfection near the cut wound to prevent the invasion of germs.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

5. Plastic surgery

Regarding the shape, it can be trimmed into its favorite shape according to the personal preferences of flower lovers, for example, it can be trimmed to make it more rounded and full. Because its volume is relatively large, therefore, it is still relatively cut-resistant and can be transformed into its favorite shape.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

I remember the first time I saw this flower, I deeply loved it, not only because of the large white ball it was clustered, but also because each of the small flowers that made up this big ball looked like a white butterfly from a distance, vivid.

I think that even if a real white butterfly falls on it, it is impossible to see which is a flower and which is a butterfly! The wood hydrangea is really beautiful, and I like its purity and cleanliness, the beauty of impurities, clean and clear, unparalleled.

Wooden hydrangeas can grow up to 3 meters high, and the flowers are larger than the face, that is, few people raise them

Chinese wood hydrangea is both heat-resistant and relatively hardy, and can even tolerate low temperatures of minus tens of degrees, compared to other foreign hydrangeas, it is more grounded, the blossom is more shocking, from ancient times to the present is the high-end residential makeup flowers, is an indispensable green plant of the dignitaries of the manor.

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