
What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

author:Dr. Shin popular science

Ma Yun once said in 2018 that the three major cancers (lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer) in ten years may plague every family, or it is possible that there will be one lung cancer patient in every family.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

The lungs are an important respiratory organ in the body, we exchange air through the lungs to help the body maintain normal activities, and the lungs are also very helpful for regulating the body's metabolic defenses.

In recent years, the number of people suffering from lung diseases on the mainland has been rising, in fact, this is related to long-term smoking, environmental pollution, genetics and other factors, it is recommended that we must pay attention to lung health in ordinary times.

Some people in life say that eating eggs every day will help the lungs to a certain extent, is there a scientific basis? Check it out!

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs?

In fact, the impact of diet on the lungs is very small, the health of the lungs and daily living habits and genetics are closely related, and there is no scientific basis for saying exactly that eating eggs has an impact on the lungs.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

However, eating eggs has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing, which can help the lungs release more yin fluid, which is of certain benefit to the lungs.

Eggs are rich in nutrients and have great benefits for the human body, so I think the benefits of eating eggs are not to nourish the lungs.

The proportion of protein amino acids in eggs is very suitable for human physiological needs, easy to be absorbed, utilization rate can reach more than 98%, high nutritional value, is the food we often eat.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

The nutritional value of eggs is very high, and the minerals and vitamin proteins in eggs are needed by the human body, so eating an egg every day is good for the body, but it is not a lung supplement effect on the lungs.

Although eating eggs has many benefits for the body, it does not mean that the more you eat, the better, too much intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, but also easy to become fat, when the body becomes fat, it is easy to lead to the occurrence of many chronic diseases, it is recommended to eat 1 to 2 a day on the line enough for the body's needs.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

If you want lung health, these three things to do

Keep exercising

It is recommended that patients with lung problems can do a chest expansion exercise in the usual time, chest extension exercise can ensure a standing posture, keep both feet and shoulder width, breathe deeply, slowly extend both hands to the side of the body, and carry out chest extension exercises, the movement of stretching the chest needs to lift her head, straighten the chest, and put the hand down when exhaling.

Although the action is very simple, the difficulty is that it needs to be adhered to for a long time, chest expansion exercise is helpful for blood flow in the lungs, can effectively dredge the meridians, remove impurities in the lungs, and insist on chest exercise for a period of time can improve the vitality and function of the lungs.

Eat more lung-nourishing foods

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

You can try to eat more lung-moisturizing foods, which have certain benefits for the health of the lungs and can effectively alleviate some of the symptoms of lung discomfort.

Some of the foods I usually eat often have the effect of moisturizing the lungs and nourishing the lungs, if you can nourish the body through the correct diet, get the food that is helpful for the improvement of lung function, the enhancement of lung function is conducive to good health.

For example: pears, can be eaten raw, boiled water, steamed to eat, has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, which has been proven, pears can also be mixed with rock sugar to boil water, which has a good effect on moisturizing the lungs.

There is also white fungus, which can be used to cook or boil soup, and it is eaten with lilies to play a role in moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm and nourishing the yin.

The white radish that is usually eaten can treat fever, thirst, lung fever, cough, and can be eaten with sugarcane, pear, etc. squeezed into juice, which has a good health care effect on the lungs.

Make it a habit to drink water

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

Drinking more water can effectively promote the body's blood circulation, frequent breathing, will be part of the body's water will be discharged.

The body and blood circulation require a lot of water. Once the drinking water is insufficient, it will cause lack of water, causing a series of symptoms and even serious damage to the health of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.

Be sure to develop the habit of drinking more water, which can moisturize the lungs and benefit lung health.

For patients who smoke, it is recommended to quit smoking Tobacco contains a large amount of tar, nicotine and other harmful substances, which are easy to cause damage to the lungs and other respiratory organs, which is not conducive to good health.

Quitting smoking is not only responsible for more than your own body but also more responsible for the people around you, because the damage of second-hand smoke is also very large.

In addition to maintaining the above three points, it is recommended to maintain the optimism of the mood in peacetime, a good mood is of great help to the body, and the damage caused by sullenness to the body is very large, not that there is a saying that "laughs, ten years less" Remember to laugh every day.
