
Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

author:Moe Smecta

In recent years, the Internet industry has developed rapidly and has become a veritable sunrise industry. In life, if someone around you is doing Internet work, everyone's first reaction is: "This is an elite, earning millions a year, eating and wearing, and having a high-quality life." However, is this really the case?

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

Just a few days ago, Tencent and Huawei, as the leaders of the Internet industry, successively released their respective 2021 corporate annual reports, from which it can be seen that their profits are as impressive as ever. However, the employee salaries they announced have caused a lot of controversy, and even appeared on the hot search list.

What causes the high wages of internet giants?

In line with the development of the times, the Internet industry is booming, and Internet manufacturers such as Tencent, Huawei, and Baidu have emerged. Especially under the impact of the epidemic, all walks of life have been affected, but the profitability of these large factories is still steadily increasing, and the wage level of employees is the leader in the industry.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

According to the annual report released by the company, Huawei's per capita annual salary reached 700,000, and Tencent's employees' per capita annual salary reached 840,000. It is indeed enviable and hateful.

This inevitably makes us wonder: Why can the Internet industry grow steadily and pay high wages? There are five main reasons for this.

1, the Internet industry high profits, can withstand higher labor costs; the traditional industry sales growth of 10% per year is already good, but the Internet industry annual growth of 100% is not unusual, the company's personnel scale has not increased proportionally, and sales growth so rapidly, employees' wages will continue to increase.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

2, Internet-related technical talents are in short supply, for competitive talents to continuously increase salaries; Internet companies belong to asset-light companies, people are the most important productive forces, the rapid development of the industry, in order to find the right talent, Internet companies need to continuously increase salaries, compete with other companies for talents.

3, the level of Internet talents is uneven and easy to distinguish; because Internet talents are knowledge-intensive, the adaptability of technical talents is very clear, whether they can adapt and complete the work, they can be tried out soon. There are obvious boundaries on the level of talent, so the space for enterprises to choose is even smaller, and they have to pull up wages to attract high-level industry personnel.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

4, the rapid development of Internet companies, the comprehensive quality and comprehensive ability of talents requirements are higher; Internet companies industry changes rapidly, business development is rapid, the competition in the industry is relatively large, in order to meet the needs of development, the comprehensive quality of talents and the requirements of comprehensive ability are also relatively high, so the labor cost of seeking suitable talents is naturally relatively high.

5, the Internet company work fast pace, work pressure, work requirements of high investment; we often hear a lot of Internet companies work is 996, 007 and other forms, work rhythm, pressure is also incomparable to other industries, especially the work input requirements are very high, there is a certain impact on personal life, so the salary given is naturally relatively high.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

What is the difference between labor costs and employee wages?

But the most important point: is the income of employees of internet factories really so high?

Although the Internet factory bears a high salary, the staff reflects that their actual salary is far lower than the wage level announced by the company. It turned out that labor costs and employee wages were confused.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

Usually people equate the labor costs of the enterprise with the expenses of wages or wages and benefits.

In fact, labor costs are not equivalent to wages. Labor cost refers to the sum of all direct and indirect costs paid by an enterprise in the production, operation and provision of labor services in a certain period of time. If the company pays employees 1,000 yuan in wages, then the labor cost will never be the direct 1,000 yuan, and there are other indirect costs.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

Second, labor costs are not equal to total wages. Some people say that since wages are not equal to labor costs, is the total amount of wages equal to labor costs? Of course not. Labor costs include total wages, social insurance costs, welfare costs, education expenses, housing costs, and other labor costs.

Therefore, the data of "labor cost" directly creates a "false prosperity" for employees' wages. In the enterprise, different positions will be set up, and employees in different positions will receive great differences in salary. Usually, the salary of a company executive may be one or two zeros more than the salary of the average employee. Obviously, the per capita salary does not reflect the true wage level of the enterprise.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

So when Tencent and Huawei announced their annual salaries of 700,000 or 800,000 employees, they were on the hot search, causing a wave of discussion, and many low-level employees joked that they had lowered the company's level.

Behind the high salary is a huge pressure!

However, even for low-level employees in the Internet industry, their wages are higher than in other industries. A monthly salary of more than 10,000 is basically achievable, and it has also become the object of envy of many people, so what is their life like? Is it sitting in the office drinking afternoon tea?

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

They'll tell you, just like that, nothing special, and some people will even say, it feels bad. However, people who have never tasted that freshness are always imagining the beauty, and always think that the feeling should be very refreshing. Man is like this, and what he does not get is always in turmoil.

In fact, when the common people see them, they are all a bunch of people who are playing with their lives. People often only see the side they want to see, and selectively ignore the truth behind it. You don't see executives who talk in meetings as if they have a perfect grasp of everything in the world, and how much rest time they sacrifice on weekdays to improve themselves and work without caring about anything.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

In this world, there is no unprovoked success, and there is no unprovoked failure.

Behind the high salary you envy, it is all desperate efforts and unremitting persistence, which also leads to this phenomenon: the more powerful people, the harder they work.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?


Behind the high salary is often linked to high-intensity and high-pressure work, in recent years, the overtime problem of some high-tech factories has been criticized, and many practitioners are complaining about "996".

Climbing from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain without the help of external forces is always difficult, and it may take most of the day to climb breathlessly; and jumping down from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain in an instant, extremely fast, but deadly.

Huawei's per capita annual salary is 700,000, Tencent's is 840,000, and the income of employees of Internet manufacturers is really so high?

To reach the top of the mountain quickly, one needs a strong physique, and the other is the belief not to give up.

So, if you want to reach the ranks of high income, there is no shortcut, it is to desperately improve your ability and stick to it. There are also people who prefer a stable life, preferring to choose a low-paying and easy job. However, no matter which choice, you need to love life and work hard to move forward.

Thank you for watching, paying attention to me, and learning more wonderfully!