
May Day holiday is coming, these eight points of safety knowledge please parents must take their children to see carefully

author:Bright Net

Today is the first day of the May Day holiday,

Dear parents,

What are you going to do with your kids this holiday season?

Whether it's studying at home or going out for a break,

Safety awareness can not be relaxed!

At home, when you're out, don't let your guard down!

Xiaobian sorted out some safety knowledge,

Parents must take their children to watch carefully


May Day holiday is coming, these eight points of safety knowledge please parents must take their children to see carefully

1. Epidemic prevention and control safety

At present, the global epidemic of the new coronavirus Amickon variant strain is highly contagious, the local epidemic points in the mainland are numerous, widespread and frequent, and the epidemic prevention and control situation is severe and complex, facing the dual risks of the spread of the local epidemic and the continuous transmission of overseas imports.

During the May Day period, we must continue to attach importance to the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia.

1. Comply with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, do a good job of self-protection, develop good hygiene habits, wear masks scientifically, and maintain social safety distance from others.

2. During the period of going out, try to avoid activities in places where people gather, the space is closed, and the ventilation is poor.

3. Maintain personal hygiene and environmental hygiene, wash hands frequently, and ventilate frequently. Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer before eating, before touching your eyes, mouth, and nose, after touching garbage or excrement, and use hand sanitizer when it is inconvenient to wash your hands.

4. Continue to do a good job of self-health monitoring, such as fever, cough, fatigue, diarrhea and other symptoms, should seek medical treatment in time, and do a good job of preventing infection of others.

May Day holiday is coming, these eight points of safety knowledge please parents must take their children to see carefully

2. Traffic safety

Recently, affected by the epidemic, epidemic prevention inspections and large traffic superimposed, coupled with the recent rain in the southern region, the traffic safety risks during the "May Day" holiday are prominent.

At the same time, today is the National Traffic Safety Reflection Day.

The National Day of Reflection on Traffic Safety, which falls on April 30 every year, is designed to draw attention to the fact that traffic accidents are taking a lot of lives. When the festival was established, it was hoped that more people would pay attention to traffic safety, reflect on the bad habits of driving on the road in the past, seriously examine and correct uncivilized traffic habits, save precious lives from ruthless car accidents, and respect people's survival values and survival rights.

When traveling during May Day, parents must tell their children this.

1. Plan in advance, travel at different peaks, and pay attention to the weather conditions at the destination, the epidemic situation and prevention and control information.

2. Consciously abide by traffic laws, develop good habits of civilized travel, cross the road and take zebra crossings, observe more road conditions, do not run red lights, and do not climb over the barrier.

3. Do not ride a bicycle on the highway under the age of 12, and do not ride an electric bicycle under the age of 16.

4. Do not play on the highway, around the parked vehicle or in the blind spot of the vehicle.

5. Don't look at your phone or listen to music when walking or cycling. Do not ride on the highway, do not compete with the motor vehicle to rush the road.

6. Do not take the "black car" such as private customers and no operating qualifications, and do not take the illegal three- or four-wheeled vehicle. Do not ride in speeding, overloaded, drunk vehicles. Fasten your seat belt when using a private car.

3. Scenic excursion safety

On April 28, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference, in response to the question of whether the "May Day" holiday can still travel, Li Xiaoyong, deputy director of the Department of Market Management of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that it is necessary to resolutely prevent and avoid the two tendencies of "relaxation prevention and control" and "excessive prevention and control", and make overall plans for the prevention and control of the epidemic and the holiday market in the cultural and tourism industry.

Strictly implement the requirements for travel agencies to organize groups, do not organize groups to travel to medium- and high-risk areas, do not undertake tourism groups in medium- and high-risk areas, and do not organize tourists from medium- and high-risk areas to travel. Strictly do a good job in epidemic prevention and control management in all aspects of tourism, require travel agencies to conduct safety risk assessments on tourism products, reasonably control the size of the team, and do a good job in information collection, health inspection, and body temperature monitoring of tourists. He reminded that tourists should pay close attention to the dynamics of the domestic epidemic situation and the changes in medium and high-risk areas, do not travel to medium and high-risk areas, and understand the prevention and control policies of departure and destination in advance.

When taking their children on a trip, parents must do the following.

1. In scenic spots, queue up in an orderly manner and maintain a distance of more than one meter; wear masks in crowded places and pay attention to cough etiquette; if symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue and other symptoms occur during the journey, you should immediately go to the nearest medical institution for treatment.

2. Book the hotel in advance, consult the epidemic prevention and control requirements of the hotel, and apply for the "health code" in advance.

3. Wear a mask when checking in, keep a distance of more than one meter from others, and try not to touch the elevator button directly with your hand when using the hotel elevator.

4. After check-in, open the window for ventilation, although the current hotel is a guest and a disinfection, but try to bring your own water cups, towels and other items;

5. Wash your hands frequently and keep your daily necessities hygienic and clean.

4. Food hygiene and safety

1. Pay attention to dietary hygiene, do not drink wild raw water, do not eat spoiled food, do not eat uncooked and cooked food, do not eat unfamiliar food in the wild, and prevent disease from entering the mouth and food poisoning.

2. During the holiday period, it is necessary to eat reasonably and regularly, taste the festive food in moderation, and do not overeat.

3. When eating out, choose a hotel or restaurant with regular and good health conditions.

4. Develop good hygiene habits to prevent norovirus, gastroenteritis and other epidemic diseases.

May Day holiday is coming, these eight points of safety knowledge please parents must take their children to see carefully

V. Fire safety

1. Pay attention to fire safety, pay attention to electricity and gas safety when staying at home, and be familiar with the use of home appliances to prevent electric shock and gas poisoning.

2. Clean up the balcony and corridor debris in time, and educate children not to play with fire.

3. When going out, pay attention to the location of the evacuation channel and the escape route of the place, if there is an orderly escape in case of fire, do not take the elevator, do not covet property, and master the correct escape method.

4. When playing in scenic spots, abide by the fire prevention regulations of scenic spots, do not carry fire into the mountains and forests, and do not light fires in the wild.

5. Timely alarm or report the fire to adults, keep in mind various alarms and emergency telephones, and seek help in time when encountering emergencies.

6. Prevent drowning

1. Do not swim without authorization or swim with others without authorization, and swim under the guidance of parents.

2. Swim in a safe place, the environment of the swimming place should be clearly understood, do not swim in unfamiliar waters, do not go to rivers, reservoirs and other dangerous places to swim.

3. Before going into the water, make sure that the child has done a good job of warm-up exercises and mastered certain skills.

4. Parents should conscientiously fulfill their guardianship responsibilities, carry out water activities under the supervision of parents or guardians, and effectively care for their children at all times.

Seven Home safety

1. Do not play in bay windows or balconies, do not pile up climbable items under the windowsills and balconies, and advise children not to stick their heads and bodies outside the windows or outside the railings.

2. Do not touch charged objects, including wires, sockets, etc., do not use wet hands to touch electrical appliances, power supplies, etc., do not wipe electrical appliances with a damp cloth. After the electrical appliance is used, the power should be turned off in time.

3. When your child is at home alone, do not open the door to strangers.

4. Do not trust online information and go out to meet strange netizens, do not indulge in the Internet, games.

5. It is strictly forbidden to throw objects from high altitudes and endanger public safety.

May Day holiday is coming, these eight points of safety knowledge please parents must take their children to see carefully

VIII. Psychological safety

Recently, due to the epidemic situation, primary and secondary schools in some areas have been suspended, and children have been learning at home for a long time, and the learning effect and psychological state have fluctuated significantly.

Parents should give their children a mental health lesson in time, teach their children to embrace "home learning" and wear a "spiritual mask".

1. Parents should understand their children's emotions, do not accuse or preach too much, and create stress or anxiety for their children. You can play music, do exercise, etc., to help children relax, release emotions, and divert attention. When you have free time, talk to your child more, guide your child to express emotions, and talk about your troubles.

2. If the child does not want to say, encourage the child to express through painting, diary, etc., do not backlog bad emotions.

3. Every child needs "self-affirmation", it is recommended that parents appreciate and encourage their children more, and create a good family atmosphere and parent-child relationship.

4. Children who grow up in love and affirmation will be more optimistic, stronger in heart, and richer in spirit.

May Day holiday is coming, these eight points of safety knowledge please parents must take their children to see carefully

Safe not to take a holiday!

Have a great holiday!

Sources| articles synthesized from Xinhua News Agency, Capital Education, China Youth Daily, Health News, China Education News, etc

Picture design | Wang Rongjia

Source: China Education News

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