
"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

author:Nine Strings

Text: A lot of words

When it comes to three heads and six arms, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is Nezha? However, in the real world, there are also mythical figures of this type, people call it slash youth, and the female star of the Taiwan entertainment circle Ke Yirou is like this.

She is an actress, singer, writer, e-commerce owner, and single mom of 3 children.

Some people say that the more disasters in life experienced, the more people's abilities, what has happened to this woman who has lived herself as a "small gyroscope" and a shaft?

In Taipei in 1979, "Fruit Sister" Ke Yirou was born, why was she called Fruit Sister? Because her family is in the fruit business.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

The daughter of the fruit stall owner, since childhood, there is no shortage of fruit to eat, Ke Yirou originally looked very cute, plus the skin is nourished by the fruit to blow bullets and break, the water spirit, is simply the most suitable living sign for their own business.

Influenced by her parents, Ke Yirou has been doing business since she was a child, and when she was 10 years old, she would help her parents settle accounts and sell fruits.

When Ke Yirou was 18 years old, the family's business became better and better, from the original small stall to a fruit store, and the neighbors and customers who often bought fruit in her home affectionately called her "fruit sister".

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

As the store's golden signboard, Fruit Sister, a small and famous figure, was gradually noticed by the agent of the modeling company, and after leaving a phone call with each other, it did not take long to invite her to participate in the recording of a variety show.

This show was very popular at the time, that is, the "Super Sunday", after gaining some attention through this show, Ke Yirou hit the iron while it was hot, and participated in the "Network Beauty Selection Activity", after being shortlisted for the top ten, Ke Yirou entered the entertainment circle to compete for fame and profit.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

In 2001, the 22-year-old Ke Yirou participated in her first work in life, "Lavender", although she played only a small supporting role in this play, but with her sweet appearance, many viewers remembered the heroine's sister, and thus circled a large number of fans.

Although Ke Yirou is not the most popular in the company, but she is not worse than her colleague Chen Qiaoen, whether it is filming or recording personal albums, or even squeezing out time to write books, all her energy is used to engage in careers, she has no time to fall in love, make scandals, for such a clear stream, colleagues evaluate her is that she is a rare housewife in the entertainment industry.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

In this way, after five years of busy work, the housewife finally got a chance to fall in love.

In 2006, at a friend party, 27-year-old Ke Yirou met J Jun, a primary school classmate from more than a decade ago.

It turned out that when J Jun was in the fifth grade of elementary school, his family immigrated to settle in the United States, and this time he followed his family back to his hometown to worship his ancestors.

The two have not seen each other for many years, feel very close, because they have the feeling of goodbye and love, so they quickly fell in love.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

Ke Yirou protected this relationship very well, she is most worried about the fear of the outside world's discussion has affected the results of the relationship, however, as a public figure, itself has commercial attributes, it is impossible to get rid of the media's tracking reports, it is not long before the two love affairs were discovered by the media and exposed, about the identity of her boyfriend, but also caused a variety of untrue speculation and discussion.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

For the media to help, Ke Yirou did not dare to resist too well, so he had to carefully uncover the tip of the iceberg of this relationship by being a guest of "Kangxi Lai".

In order to protect the privacy of her boyfriend's family, Ke Yirou has never revealed her boyfriend's name, and she explained to the public that her boyfriend is not a small business in a company as the anecdotes are said, but a computer engineer.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

How much does J Jun love Ke Yirou? Although he did not have a golden mountain to rely on and give his girlfriend a luxurious and high-end gift like the children of the Cunning Family, he put this love into practice, and each gift was sent to Ke Yirou's heart.

Once, Ke Yirou went to South Africa to shoot a location, and her boyfriend actually thought of sending gifts to her hotel room through online shopping, which gave her a big windfall.

Because of love, I am willing to spend my mind, rather than using perfunctory words such as drinking more hot water to maintain feelings.

When the two were in love, J Jun also called her wife, and the parents of both sides were very optimistic about them, and the two families were also very optimistic about this family affair.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

In May 2008, J Jun bought a marriage proposal diamond ring worth 300,000 yuan and proposed to Ke Yirou, but unexpectedly was rejected by Ke Yirou.

It turned out that Ke Yirou did not want to marry the United States as far away, her career was in Taiwan, and she did not want to be too far away from her parents, worried that they would have nothing to rely on.

J Jun can also understand her bitterness, and later compromised, and even submitted an application to the company for transfer to Taiwan, but Ke Yirou retreated, perhaps because of premarital phobia, or perhaps because she was not ready to enter the marriage, no matter which one, Ke Yirou became a "runaway bride".

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

J Jun was hit by this and almost collapsed, and it is said that he drank 210,000 alcohol in a month.

Refusing to drop this family affair, Ke Yirou is also very sad, and she begins to use the crazy way of work to forget the pain caused by the loss of love.

During that time, she was busy writing books while participating in the recording of the food show "The Strange Adventures of the Phoenix".

However, as a result, even the screenwriter did not dare to make it up, because Ke Yirou rejected the infatuated true love and turned around and married himself to a scumbag.

On June 18, 2011, 32-year-old Ke Yirou married Guo Zongkun, the owner of a Japanese restaurant.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

This time, perhaps Ke Yirou was ready to enter the marriage, so he and Boss Guo only knew each other for half a year, and the two flashed marriage.

The two were wearing pink couple costumes at the time, showing their love in front of the public, Boss Guo was very good at pleasing Ke Yi, and also signed the code of love for his wife, saying that he only received 5,000 yuan of pocket money every month, which was enough, and also said that he would obey his wife in the future.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

This kind of prostration to the ear naturally coaxes Ke to blossom with a soft heart.

But the words "show love and die fast" were quickly fulfilled.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

After getting married, Boss Guo blew pillow wind to Ke Rou, hoping that she could give birth to four babies for the Guo family, and Ke Yi couldn't bear her husband's sweet words, so she nestled at home, became a production machine, and began to have children one after another.

From 2011 to 2015, Ke Yirou gave birth to the eldest son, "Xiao Wei Liu" daughter "Little Fruit" and "Little Lemon", respectively.

Due to the long-term home-based child-rearing, Ke Yirou accidentally became a full-time wife, and her work was all stagnant, and her figure was thus out of shape, becoming an authentic yellow-faced woman.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

After fading the aura of stardom, Mrs. Guo gradually lost her attractiveness in the eyes of Boss Guo, which is an intolerable thing for visual animals with high aesthetics.

In 2013, a lot of suspicious phenomena occurred on Boss Guo's body, which also aroused Ke Yirou's vigilance.

Guo Zongkun has a young and beautiful female employee named Moe by his side, and the picture of the two watching a movie together happens to be filmed by the media.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

In the face of such ironclad evidence, Boss Guo actually found a reason to fool the past, so the sentence of being pregnant for three years was also fulfilled in Ke Yirou, and she actually believed it and continued to give birth to a baby for the Guo family.

However, once the derailment has a beginning, there is no end, how can a hungry cat who tastes sweet stop here?

In 2017, when Guo Zongkun and female employee Moe traveled to Japan twice, they were arrested by the media again, and this time, Guo Zongkun explained to his wife that because he was traveling on business, he needed a translator around.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

This kind of lie that wanted to cover up made Ke Yi softly laugh, and the two quarreled on the phone, and she asked Guo Zongkun: "Do you really think of me as a fool?" Don't I know how good your Japanese is?"?

According to insiders in the circle, it was revealed to Ke Yirou that Guo Zongkun lived with the woman at night.

In order to verify the authenticity of this matter, Ke Yirou, who was suspicious of the letter, also deliberately "flew" to Japan, personally confirming the authenticity of this matter.

However, in the face of her husband who was in tears and knelt down to beg for forgiveness, the woman finally softened her heart, and Guo Zongkun was still young and needed a complete home, and this kind of heartfelt words kidnapped Ke Yirou's kindness.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

For the sake of the three children, Ke Yirou could only accept her husband's apology with humiliation and burden.

However, if an apology works, then police officers around the world can be laid off.

Not long after, Guo Zongkun relapsed from the old disease and continued to tangle with the woman.

The media repeatedly filmed evidence of Guo Zongkun's cheating, and he and the female employee acted separately during the day and would get tired of being together at night.

Guo Zongkun seems to have eaten Ke Yirou and does not dare to divorce, and the three babies in the family are like the guardian gods of his derailment, allowing him to continue to wander in the gentle countryside outside the besieged city.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

Ke Yirou finally couldn't bear it, and submitted a divorce application to the court, but the flash marriage is easy to handle, the divorce is still quite difficult to handle, the part that the two sides want to divide is too much, in order to win the custody of Sanwa, Ke Yirou spent a lot of thought, in addition to the division of the couple's common property, so the divorce matter, it took two years to get the divorce certificate.

However, what Ke Yirou did not expect was that Guo Zongkun's eating appearance was too ugly, and he actually took a bite back, saying that the whole thing was Ke Yirou's conjecture, which not only discredited himself, but also excluded such a good employee and delayed the business in his shop.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

It was not until this moment that Ke Yirou completely saw the true face of this hypocrite, and therefore walked away without looking back, and there was no longer any nostalgia.

At the end of 2017, Ke Yirou finally got her wish and got the custody of her three children.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

A single mother, taking care of three children by herself, but also raising them to adulthood, the hardships and pains can be imagined.

But such a difficult thing, Ke Yirou still survived, in order to let the children receive the best education, do not reduce the quality of life, Ke Yirou transformed into a workaholia, with her own business experience accumulated since childhood, she invested in the field of e-commerce, in this line of work to do a good job.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

Now 43 years old, Ke Yirou works 16 hours a day, sleep time is seriously insufficient, but also squeeze out time to accompany children, the day is indeed difficult and tired.

But it's worth it, the three children are growing up healthy and strong, and now they can help their mother share some of the housework.

The life of a family of four is quite fragrant, in fact, if a woman is strong, she really has nothing to do with men.

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

However, as Sun Niangniang said in "The Biography of Zhen Huan": the youth and love of those years were still wrongly paid after all.

I don't know if Ke Yirou regretted missing out on true love and becoming a runaway bride?

"Running Bride" Ke Yirou: Those years of youth and love, after all, are still wrongly paid

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