
Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better

author:Dr. Xin talks about health

"Light fasting", is a very popular way of weight loss recently, once launched by many Internet celebrities and celebrities unanimously recognized, many high attention of Internet celebrities have opened the light fasting fat loss challenge, it is said that through this way can easily lose weight and maintain a good figure.

#爱乐养生指南 #

Light fasting refers to the fact that from 7 p.m. to 11 a.m. on the second day, no food is allowed for 16 hours, and in the remaining 18 hours, it can be eaten casually, they believe that this way of eating can not only achieve the effect of weight loss, but also help to open the "immune system" of the human body for two consecutive days!

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better


Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better

"Fasting Therapy" is one of the most popular health methods in the United States, everyone is through the short period of daily life, the effect of fasting, but also to make the body is full of blood circulation more smooth, blood vessels will become cleaner.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better

In order to prove this conclusion, a study in the United States also investigated this, and the results showed that after another 2 days of fasting, the body will enter survival mode, and the immune system will replace the damaged cells that drag its legs in order to save energy and rebuild the entire immune system. Simply put, fasting for two days can restart a person's immune system, but is this really correct?

To this end, the Italian research team has also made relevant research, through a number of experimental investigations found that fasting for cancer patients, has great benefits, can quickly activate the activity of human immune cells, improve their own immunity and resistance, resist the invasion of cancer cells, delay the spread of cancer cells, and retain the integrity of normal cells in the body.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better

Chen Wensheng, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Southwest Hospital, explained that fasting for two days will have a serious impact on the human immune system, but the different effects of each human body are good or bad, there is no unified scientific explanation, and there is no such thing as restarting the human immune system.

People take food as the day, three meals a day is the basis for maintaining good health, the lack of which meal will feel hungry, uncomfortable, diet is the foundation of life, diet or long-term overeating will affect health.

If you want to be healthy, prevent cancer, activate the activity of immune cells, in addition to light fasting, you must reasonably adjust your diet, change the bad habit of overeating, do not over-diet, and everything has a degree.


The right way to fast lightly

Light fasting, also known as "intermittent fasting", is the case of a normal diet, interval eating less or no food. Now, the correct methods of light fasting that are prevalent around the world are:

(1) Alternate day fasting method: eat normally, and the amount of food eaten every other day is reduced to 25% to 50%.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better

(2) 5:2 Fasting method: 5 days of the week are normal eating, other two consecutive days are fasting days, and the amount of food is reduced to 25% to 30%.

(3) Fruit and vegetable juice fasting method: choose discontinuous fasting for 2 to 5 days within 1 month, drink only water or lemonade, fruit and vegetable juice, and control the daily calorie intake at 300 to 500 kcal.

(4) One-day fasting method: do not eat for 16 hours of 1 day, and eat normally for the remaining 8 hours.

Warm tips: Light fasting is suitable for obese patients with strong muscles, overweight, excessive waist circumference, high blood lipids, decreased insulin sensitivity, and poor control of eating ability and busy work without time for fitness and exercise.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better


What are the benefits and disadvantages of light fasting?


1. Weight loss and weight loss: Due to fasting, the body's calorie intake is reduced but the calorie consumption is unchanged, which is conducive to weight loss and weight loss.

2. Regulate blood sugar and blood lipids: it can reduce fasting blood glucose and blood sugar 2h after meals, and the sensitivity of islet β cells to insulin can be effectively improved. In addition, it can effectively improve lipid profile and oxidation-antioxidant balance, which is conducive to regulating blood sugar and blood lipids.

3. Eliminate bad emotions: Foreign studies have found that 52 patients with chronic depression can be effectively alleviated by about 80% of people who have depression and anxiety problems after a half-month fasting.

4, the prevention of Alzheimer's disease: the United States Johns Hopkins Medical School research found that adhere to two days a week light fasting, control calorie intake, promote the healthy operation of the brain, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better


1. Adverse psychological effects: a small number of people will have bad emotions due to hunger during fasting, such as inattention, shortness of temper, etc., but with prolongation of time, symptoms may improve significantly;

2, malnutrition: if the weaker people or the original partial eating people for light fasting, may cause malnutrition, the body can not decompose the body fat to provide energy, can only decompose protein, but will make the physique become weaker, there may be fatigue, dizziness, panic, yellowishness and other manifestations.

Although light fasting may bring certain benefits to human health, it should also be noted that it may bring adverse effects, so it is recommended to carry out light fasting under the guidance of a doctor.

Minors, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, and postoperative patients should not be lightly fasted.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better


How can I lose weight quickly without rebounding?

If you want to quickly reduce the excess flesh on your body without rebounding, it is nothing more than 6 words: control your mouth + open your legs.

1. Diet

Eat less spicy and greasy and irritating foods, diet as light as possible, and actively supplement the vitamins, proteins, and dietary fiber needed by the body, these three substances can improve the body's metabolic capacity and accelerate the burning and consumption of fat.

After dietary fiber enters the body, it can accelerate the function of gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, effectively prevent constipation problems, enhance satiety, reduce calorie intake, and help lose weight and slim down.

People who lose weight can drink more sugar-free soy milk or eat cucumbers and eggs. Lotus leaves, cassia seeds, and licorice can be boiled into a soup.

You can eat more bitter melon, you can drink boiled water or light honey water or added cellulose water for breakfast, eat less, balance your diet, and get rid of the bad habit of overeating as soon as possible.

Fasting for 3 days can restart the body's immune system? The U.S. study publishes conclusions, and the sooner you understand, the better

2. Sports

Life lies in exercise, adhere to exercise exercise, the effect of weight loss will also be twice as effective, people of any age before weight loss exercise, should be based on their own age and physical fitness for their own reasonable exercise plan, exercise pay attention to step by step, take it slowly, do not oversubtenance themselves, so as not to damage joint health.

Take 30 to 40 minutes of time every day to adhere to physical exercise, pay attention to rest, do not stay up too late, whether it is choosing aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise, as long as you stick to it, you can live successfully.

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