
Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

author:Drifting boat

Today, when cars are gradually becoming popular, whether it is on various highways, or the streets and alleys of the city, or remote rural corners, all kinds of cars can be seen everywhere.

The trolley has become our mainstream means of transportation today.

It is as ubiquitous in every household as a motorcycle more than a decade ago, and like a house, the car has become one of the most important needs of young people today when they get married.

I have to say that this is the vicissitudes of the times and the great progress of economic development!

Because if it was forty years ago, the bicycle was the mainstream means of transportation, and it was naturally one of the three major pieces needed for marriage.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

At that time, on the highway, the streets and alleys of the city were the world of bicycles; at that time, bicycles were as common as today's cars, the same important, going out naturally could not be separated from bicycles, even if they did not have to borrow from neighbors, so learning to ride a bicycle was a very important basic skill at that time.

Speaking of learning to ride a bicycle, do you remember when you first learned to ride a bicycle when you were a child?

At that time, due to the relatively backward level of economic development, the poor material living conditions, the three meals and food of the whole society had not yet been solved, and the production level was backward, so naturally there would be no shorter bicycles specially produced for children.

In other words, the bicycle at that time was specially designed and produced for adults, which was relatively bulky and tall for children, but many children would secretly pull out when adults were not locked and not at home, and then find two small partners to help support and stumble like a baby toddler, shaking and learning to ride a bicycle.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

Sometimes the little friends will fall down with the car if they are not careful, and they will be embarrassed!

After becoming skilled, because he was too short, he could only step on that triangle, because at least one lever was on the bicycle at that time, and if he wanted to sit and step on it and could not reach the pedal, he could only ride on the lever at most, and if he wanted to ride on the lever, his ass and pussy would probably hurt uncontrollably.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

It was really awkward to think of learning to ride a bicycle at that time, quite clumsy, and very difficult.

And the experience of learning to cycle should also be an unforgettable memory of many post-70s and post-80s generations!

Speaking of memories, many people may not forget the scene when their parents used a bicycle to carry themselves and their siblings to a market or to relatives when they were young.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

At that time, we were so happy and comfortable sitting on the bicycle, and the parents who carried the weight forward, although sweating and panting! But their faces were always full of kind smiles, and although they were a little poor at that time, the family lived happily and happily!

And when it comes to bicycles, we have to mention the Phoenix brand produced in Shanghai, the permanent brand bicycle!

This kind of bicycle was probably equivalent to the existence of the BMW class in the 60s and 70s of the last century.

And the Phoenix brand bicycle is more known for its good quality and durability, especially the quality of the Phoenix brand bicycle with two or eight bars, and it should be no problem to use it for twenty or thirty years.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

Due to the good quality and domestic brand-name products at that time, its products are often in short supply, so its price is naturally more expensive.

At that time, the price of a bicycle was more than one hundred and fifty or six yuan, and in that era, when the monthly salary was generally only thirty or forty yuan, this price was enough for the wages of ordinary workers for several months.

Moreover, the Phoenix brand bicycle was said to be difficult to buy with money in that era of low productivity levels.

Coupled with the word "phoenix" in the eyes of the Chinese people it is a symbol of nobility and auspiciousness, so at that time many people were proud of owning a bicycle, riding out for a ride is a very face-saving thing.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

Some people prefer to put it in the most conspicuous position in order to show off.

In the eyes of today's young people, the era of taking a bicycle so seriously is indeed unimaginable and incomprehensible.

Because even if you leave it on the street without locking it now, I'm afraid no one will want it.

In that era, this kind of "expensive" bicycle was naturally also a "very face-saving" dowry when the girl's family got married.

Because many ordinary citizen families do not have the ability to use this bicycle as a dowry to accompany the dowry. Not to mention the countryside!

I believe that many fathers after the 70s and 80s used this bicycle to marry their mothers home when they got married.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

Speaking of this, I remembered that my mother once said that when I married my father, my father rode a bicycle to marry her into the door, and on the way back, he carried her all the way to "gallop" all the way to home, because it was relatively steep, and my father stepped harder in order not to let my mother get off the car!

He tried his best to rush up the slope, and his mother saw that his father was pedaling so hard, and in order to reduce his burden, she quietly got out of the car along the slope.

And the father naturally traveled lightly after his mother got out of the car, and easily stepped on that slope.

The mother thought that when she got out of the car, she suddenly became so much lighter, and the father must have felt that he got out of the car, and when he waited for the slope, he would naturally wait for her.

However, when his father was young, he was a big old man, and his mother was relatively thin when he was young, he did not feel that his mother had gotten out of the car, but on the contrary, he thought proudly that it was his infinite strength that would make it easier and easier to step on.

As a result, as soon as he went uphill, he also ran home without turning back, and soon arrived at the door of the house, where the people who were waiting saw their father riding his bicycle alone, and everyone was shocked!

They all thought that something had happened or that the mother had repented and did not want to marry her father!

Everyone asked the father solemnly: What about your bride?

As soon as the father heard the questions of others, he immediately turned his head to look at the back seat, only to find that his mother was gone, so he immediately turned around and ran to his mother without stopping.

After a while, I saw my mother sitting under the big tree after going uphill, waiting for my father to come back and pick her up. The two of them couldn't cry and laugh when they saw each other in this situation!

Later, my mother often used this incident to ridicule my father, and people in the village often used this incident to ridicule and laugh at my father.

I believe that there were also many young men who relied on a bicycle to chase their beloved girl.

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

In that era of poor material life and poverty, people's spirit was very rich, and the young people's concept of love and marriage was also very simple and simple.

Maybe just sit on the bike and simply go around twice to make your lover happy and sweet smile.

At that time, love was so simple and beautiful!

Phoenix brand, permanent brand bicycle, how many people's youth memories

Unlike the love that many people would rather sit on a BMW and cry now than enjoy the love of sitting on a BMW and laughing.

It can only be said that the times have changed, and people's hearts will naturally change and keep pace with the times, which is the trend of human social development, unstoppable!

Today,the bicycle has long since withdrawn from the main ranks of transportation, and more only elementary school students and older people will ride bicycles, and young people are naturally dismissive of it.

In particular, the Phoenix brand, the permanent brand bicycle is even more rare, so it has naturally become a memory of those who were born in the era of bicycles as the main means of transportation!